Priročnik za učitelje

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Priročnik z učitelje

Meredith Levy nd Din Goodey Messges Priročnik z učitelje Učeniško grdivo Messges, ki je izšlo pri zloži Cmridge University Press, smo prilgodili in uskldili s slovenskim učnim nčrtom. Vse knjige in grdiv Zlože Rokus doite tudi n nslovu Messges ws originlly pulished y Cmridge University Press Cmridge University Press 006 Messges (Slovenin version) Cmridge University Press nd Rokus Pulishing 006 Vse prvice pridržne. Brez pisneg dovoljenj zložnik je prepovedno reproducirnje, distriuirnje, jvn priočitev, predelv in drug upor vtorskeg del li njegovih delov v kkršnem koli osegu in postopku, kot tudi fotokopirnje, tisknje in shrnitev v elektronski oliki. Tko rvnnje pomeni, rzen v primerih od 46. do 57. člen Zkon o vtorskih in sorodnih prvich, kršitev vtorske prvice. Zlož Rokus d.o.o. Stegne 9 000 Ljuljn Telefon: (0) 5 46 00 Telefks: (0) 5 46 99 E-pošt: CIP - Ktložni zpis o pulikciji Nrodn in univerzitetn knjižnic, Ljuljn 8.:7.(05) LEVY, Meredith Messges. Priročnik z učitelje / Meredith Levy, Din Goodey. -. izd.,. ntis. - Ljuljn : Rokus, 006 ISBN-0 96-09-568-X ISBN- 978-96-09-568-0. Goodey, Din 875500

Drgi učitelji in učiteljice ngleščine! Pred vmi je že tretji učeniški komplet iz serije Messges, nmenjen pouku ngleščine v 8. rzredu devetletke. Tko kot njegov predhodnik Messges in Messges smo tudi pričujoči učeniški komplet prilgodili in uskldili s slovenskim učnim nčrtom ter g s pomočjo slovenskih vtorjev in strokovnjkov iz zlože Cmridge University Press dopolnili z vjmi in ktivnostmi z rzlične nivoje znnj. Učeniški komplet Messges je po strukturi enk kot prejšnj dv. Sestvljjo g učenik, dv vdio CDj, delovni zvezek z vdio CD-jem z učence, priročnik z učitelje ter dodtn grdiv z učitelje (Techer s Resource Pck). Učeniški komplet dopolnjujejo še spletne strni Infoquest, s pomočjo kterih lhko učenci n zven nčin širijo svoje jezikovno znnje, rzvijjo jezikovne spretnosti in spoznvjo kulture ngleško govorečih dežel. Messges po strukturi sledi svojim predhodnikom, s to rzliko, d posveč poseno pozornost rzvijnju pisneg sporočnj. Temu je nmenjen Step v vski enoti. Tko kot v prvih dveh učeniških kompletih iz serije smo tudi v kompletu Messges s prevodom učnih ciljev in vsein ter z dvojezičnim slovrčkom učencem želeli oljšti rzumevnje in usvjnje jezikovnih struktur in esedišč. Delovni zvezek, ki je nmenjen predvsem smostojnemu delu, p smo v celoti opremili z dvojezičnimi nvodili in rzlgo slovnice, d i učenci grdivo olje rzumeli in i se lžje smostojno učili. Posenost slovenskeg šolskeg sistem je nivojski pouk in zvedmo se, d je pomoč učiteljem pri priprvi nlog in ktivnosti z delo pri urh delne zunnje diferencicije v 8. rzredu še kko dorodošl. D i učiteljem in učencem oljšli proces poučevnj in učenj, smo v sodelovnju z dr. Melito Kukovec z oddelk z nglistiko in meriknistiko Pedgoške fkultete v Mrioru priprvili nvodil z uporo učeniškeg komplet Messges n rzličnih nivojih znnj jezik, ki jih njdete v priročniku n strneh 5. Z učitelji prktiki ter s pomočjo ritnskih vtorjev p smo sestvili dodtne vje in ktivnosti z nivojski pouk, ki so sestvni del delovneg zvezk in temeljijo n grdivu iz učenik. Nmenjene so utrjevnju noveg esedišč in slovničnih struktur ter urjenju spretnosti rnj, govorjenj in pisnj. Nloge so rzdeljene po nivojih, ki se ločijo po rvi in simolih o številkh nlog. Prepričn sem, d oste tko učitelji kot tudi vši učenci učeniške komplete iz serije Messges vzljuili in jih z veseljem uporljli. Želim vm oilo uspeh in zve pri urh ngleškeg jezik, predvsem p zdovoljstvo o npredku in uspehih vših učencev. Petr Bizjk urednic z učenike Zlož Rokus

Mp of the Student s Book 6 Introduction 8 Techer s notes nd keys Module Present nd pst Connections 6 Pst events 4 Module Review Module Descriptions People 4 4 Plces 4 Module Review 48 Module The future 5 Gols 5 6 Choices 58 Module Review 64 Module 4 Your world 7 Achievements 66 8 Experiences 74 Module 4 Review 8 Module 5 The wy it s done 9 Getting it right 84 0 Where is it mde? 9 Module 5 Review 98 Gmes 0 Workook key nd tpescripts 0 Acknowledgements 5 Contents 5

Grmmr nd Expressions Voculry nd Pronuncition Listening nd Reding skills Communictive tsks Module Present nd pst REVISION Unit Connections Questions nd nswers Present nswerscontinuous nd present Present simple continuous nd present simple Expressions: greetings nd Expressions: introductions greetings nd introductions Countries nd ntionlities Lnguge Using numers Pronuncition: wek forms /ə/ Listen to song Red mgzine rticle out the English lnguge Understnd the min ide of n rticle Life nd culture: Wht mixture! Ask questions when you meet new people Tlk out yourself nd your friends Descrie someone you know Write report out your clss Unit Pst simple ctions Vers descriing Listen to story out Write nd ct converstion Pst events Pst continuous Adventure ctions lucky discovery out events in the pst nd pst simple Link Adventure words Listen nd complete form Interview friend out Link words Red short dventure story -discovery Expressions: giving Pronuncition: Guess mening from context Write short story nd ccepting n intontion Pronuncition: in pology questions intontion in Life nd culture: Journeys Vers descriing questions nd explorers Review Grmmr check Study skills: Your courseook Progress check Coursework: Home life Module The future Module Descriptions Unit People Unit 4 Plces Review Unit 5 Gols Unit 6 Choices Comprtives nd Adjectives descriing superltives personlity (not) s... s The Internet Opposites: Expressions: sking for un- + djective description Pronuncition: stress in words Suggestions Plces Expressions of quntity: School too much/mny, (not) Uses of get enough, lot of Pronuncition: Expressions: responding /k/ /p/ /t/ to suggestions Listen to personlity test Write description using Red We pge comprtives nd superltives Use pronouns nd possessive Descrie people's personlity djectives Write We pge out yourself Life nd culture: The British Listen to someone tlking Pln dy out with friends out plce Descrie plce you know, Red n rticle out nd things you like nd don't Jpnese student's dy dy like there Scn text for informtion Write out typicl dy Life nd culture: Austrli Grmmr check Study skills: Thinking out lerning Progress check Coursework: Getting round Present continuous Sports clothes Listen to tlk out cycling Tlk out future plns used for the future Competitive sport trip Tlk out the future nd The future with Adjective/ver + Red n interview with young mke offers going to preposition: good thlete Mke converstion in shop The future with will t/worry out Skim text for the generl ide Interview friend nd then nd going to write out him/her Pronuncition: Life nd culture: The history of Expressions: shopping /i/ /υ/ // the Olympics First conditionl At the tle Listen to song Mke converstion in The future with will Artificil Red n rticle out rtificil resturnt nd might intelligence intelligence Descrie things tht ren't will/won't + proly Compound nouns: Identify the topic certin nd things tht re coffee mker prole in the future Expressions: polite Life nd culture: Journey into Write out future plns requests Pronuncition: spce Mke predictions out life /e/ /ei/ / / // in the future Review Grmmr check Study skills: Mking voculry noteook Progress check Coursework: Shopping in London 6 Mp of the Student s Book

Grmmr nd Expressions Voculry nd Pronuncition Listening nd Reding skills Communictive tsks Module 5 The wy it s done Module 4 Your world Unit 7 Present perfect Achievements Present perfect nd pst simple The infinitive of purpose Expressions: I think so. / I don't think so. Unit 8 Present perfect Experiences + ever nd never + just + for nd since Review Grmmr check Study skills: Lerning to listen Progress check Coursework: Useful informtion Unit 9 hve to, don't hve Illnesses nd Listen to two friends following Descrie rules t your school Getting it to, mustn't injuries instructions nd your idel school right should, shouldn't Customs Do quiz out customs round Tlk out prolems nd give should, shouldn't Advers the world dvice Expressions: Identify the topic Write out customs in your Expressions: thnking people thnking Pronuncition: country people nd responding to /s/ /ʃ/ Life nd culture: Mrdi Grs nd thnks responding to thnks Unit 0 Where is it mde? Expressions: time expressions with for nd since Present simple pssive Pst simple pssive Expressions: expressing rection Using mchine The environment Pronuncition: /i/ /ɒ/ / /əυ/ Outdoor ctivities Music Prepositions of time Pronuncition: Stress in words Mterils Animted films Prts of speech Pronuncition: wek forms /wəz/ /wə/ Listen to rdio dvert Tlk out things you've done Red newsletter out this week cmpign Write nd ct n dvert Understnd the min ide of Mke converstion out text using mchine Write letter out cmpign Life nd culture: Sving Gwrych Cstle Listen to student descriing Descrie your experiences importnt people in his life Tlk out present situtions Red iogrphy of rock nd nd how long they hve Guess mening from context continued Write description of person Life nd culture: A poem: Wht you know hs hppened to Lulu? Write iogrphy Listen nd identify mistkes Descrie where things re Listen to song mde or produced Red out nimted films Write generl knowledge quiz Use pronouns nd possessive to do with the clss djectives Descrie film you know well Life nd culture: Living in n interntionl world Review Grmmr check Study skills: Speking Progress check Coursework: Mini phrse ook Module 6 The wy we live Grmmr index Communictive functions index Wordlist Irregulr vers Ver forms nd phonetic symols Songs Unit Tlking Unit New eginnings Reported speech Sy nd tell Question tgs Expressions: sking for clrifiction used to Second conditionl Expressions: sying goodye Reltionships On the phone Vers tht descrie speking Punctution mrks Pronuncition: intontion in question tgs Words from Americn English Synonyms Pronuncition: /θ/ /ð/ Listen to n rgument Red story from the Internet out telephone converstion Skim text for the generl ide Life nd culture: Centrl Prk Listen to song Red some extrcts from n encyclopedi Scn text for informtion Life nd culture: Living in the pst Interview people out teenge life nd report wht they sid Check informtion out friend Write converstion using the correct punctution Descrie your pst nd chnges in your life Tlk out imginry situtions Write n essy out your country Review Grmmr check Study skills: Checking Mp of the Student s Book 7

Course components Student s Book Five modules of two units ech Module opening pges Extr exercises pge with KET-style ctivities Extr redings on Life nd Culture Review sections t the end of every module, contining grmmr work it out tsks nd consolidtion exercises, voculry summries, study skills nd progress check Coursework Reference section tht contins: Grmmr index Communictive functions index Wordlist Phonetic symols Ver forms nd irregulr vers Song lyrics Workook Full rnge of exercises, including more KET-style ctivities Extension ctivities for stronger lerners Lerning diry Comprehensive grmmr notes CD with Workook udio Techer s Book Step-y-step, esy-to-follow instructions Student s Book nswers Bckground informtion on texts Guidelines for how nd when to include supplementry mteril Ides for lnguge gmes in the clssroom Tpescript for the Student s Book udio Workook nswer key Techer's Resource Pck Photocopile ctivities: Entry test Communictive ctivities Grmmr worksheets Module tests Finl test Pttern drills Teching notes nd nswers Audio CDs Student s Book udio Pttern drills Tests udio We mteril Infoquests t Downlodle worksheets nd Techer s guides for Infoquests t Downlodle grmmr worksheets for weker lerners t Aout Messges A sense of purpose nd chievement In Messges, there re three levels t which students focus on wht they cn do in English: The units re divided into three steps. The step egins with description of the trget lnguge nd the communictive tsk(s) (Use wht you know) which students will e le to do, using tht lnguge. Ech step tkes students through series of relted ctivities, which led them quickly from input to meningful, communictive output. Short, crefully prepred nd guided tsks ensure tht even weker students cn enjoy sense of success. At the end of ech module, students complete one prt of portfolio of informtion entitled My guideook. This is continuous Coursework project, sed on different spects of the overll theme of the ook (see elow) nd on the lnguge of the preceding units. Lnguge is recycled nd revised in the modules themselves nd in the reviews, tests nd dditionl mteril. There is n overll purpose to ech yer s work. Ech ook hs its own theme, exemplified in the five Coursework tsks. In Book, the theme is visiting n English-speking country. By the end of the yer, students should e le to descrie their own socil environment, interct successfully with English-speking visitors, nd feel prepred to interct with English spekers if they re trvelling rod. Authentic nd meningful lnguge lerning As in Messges nd, the lnguge is controlled ut is s nturl nd relistic s possile, presented nd prctised in uthentic contexts. Students will continue to lern out their English-speking counterprts, nd out the world round them. Active, responsile lerners In the units, students engge ctively with the mteril nd use rnge of cognitive skills such s guessing, deducing, compring, mtching nd sequencing. Students re sked to discover sentence ptterns nd grmmr rules for themselves, to mke their own exercises nd to test friend. There re frequent opportunities for students to tlk out themselves nd their interests. In the reviews, series of exercises nd tsks help lerners to monitor wht they cn do. In How s it going? they mke their own ssessment of their grsp of the lnguge points covered. This is reinforced when they complete the Lerning diry in the Workook. 8 Introduction

Using Messges Module openers These two pges llow techers to set the scene for their students nd help to motivte them y creting interest nd y showing them wht they will e le to do y the end of the module. The pges contin selection of visuls from the coming units, list of wht students will study in the module nd wht they will e le to do t the end of it, nd rief mtching exercise. Encourge ll clsses to sy s much s they cn out the pictures efore they do the mtching exercise. With stronger clsses, you my wnt to sk students to identify which lnguge point ech of the sentences reltes to, or to supply similr sentences. Presenttion In Steps nd of ech unit, there is wide vriety of presenttion texts nd dilogues. They ech present the new grmmr point in context which illustrtes its concept nd mening, s well s providing plenty of nturl exmples of it. In some cses, students listen first with their ooks closed (or the text covered). This will enle them to focus on the sounds of the lnguge without eing distrcted nd sometimes confused y its written equivlent. Ask plenty of comprehension questions, nd get students to repet the key sentences. They should listen to/red the converstion/text t lest twice during this phse of the lesson. Shre your ides The presenttion is often preceded y this preprtory discussion, which rectivtes nd revises known lnguge nd sets the scene for the students, so tht they cn nticipte wht they re out to her or red. Key grmmr Key grmmr ctivities follow on from the presenttions nd focus on the lnguge within them. Give students few moments to look t the grmmr ox nd reflect efore they discuss nd complete the exmples nd explntions orlly. They cn then copy the completed sentences into their noteooks. In some cses, students trnslte the exmples nd compre them with the mother tongue equivlent. Prctice The controlled prctice exercises which lwys follow Key grmmr sections cn e done orlly with the whole clss, nd then individully in writing. Students re then often sked to mke their own exercise nd Test friend. Look t the exmple in the ook with the whole clss first, dding further exmples on the ord if necessry. This is n excellent opportunity for students to focus ctively on the new grmmr nd test their understnding. It lso gives you chnce to monitor nd del with ny difficulties they my hve efore you move on. For dditionl orl prctice, there is set of pttern drills in the Techer s Resource Pck, with the corresponding udio on the Clss CDs. Recommendtions for when to use the pttern drills re mde in the unit notes of the Techer s Books, nd the udio components contin the recordings in the corresponding position. We suggest you ply the complete drill through t lest once, efore pusing for the students to respond ech time. You my prefer to do the drills yourself, without the recorded version. Key voculry These re often mtching ctivities, ut with more emphsis now on using words in context. Some of the lexicl groups recycle items which students should know, s well s introducing new words. Students cn work lone or in pirs, nd use their dictionries for words they don t know. The core voculry of ech unit is prctised further in the Workook. Encourge students to strt their own voculry noteooks nd to record new voculry in them. Key expressions In ech unit, students lern set of prcticl, functionl expressions tht they cn use in everydy situtions (for exmple, for pologising, mking polite requests, expressing thnks). These expressions re first encountered in the presenttion dilogues, nd students prctise them through pirwork. There is further prctice of the expressions in the Workook. Key pronuncition Messges further develops sic res, such s stress in multisyllle words nd wek forms. It lso focuses on fetures such s vowel sounds nd intontion in sentences. The pronuncition ctivities re lwys linked to the lnguge of the unit. Use wht you know The Use wht you know tsks t the end of ech step enle students to use wht they hve lernt for n uthentic, communictive purpose. Mny of these tsks cn e prepred in writing nd then done orlly, or vice vers. Students re lwys given exmples to follow, nd you will find model nswer where pplicle in the notes tht follow in this Techer s Book. Speking Students re encourged to repet key voculry/expressions nd the key sentences of ech presenttion. In ddition, new lnguge is prctised in meningful contexts tht involve n element of cretivity on the prt of the lerner, with n emphsis on moving from ccurcy to fluency. Students sk questions, shre opinions, tlk out themselves, their country nd the environment round them. Speking cn lso e encourged y giving students the chnce to ct out rough or reduced versions of some of the presenttion dilogues, nd lso to engge in role plys. The im here should e to reproduce the sitution rther thn the originl converstion word for word. Stronger students cn work in groups nd write slightly different converstion. Introduction 9

Writing Writing is involved in mny of the Use wht you know ctivities, where students write sentences, prgrphs or short dilogues. In Messges, more extended writing tsk comes t the end of Step in ech unit. Here students re sked to write vriety of text types (for exmple, report, short story, letter, iogrphy). To help them to orgnise their work nd choose pproprite lnguge, step-y-step Writing guide is provided, with prcticl dvice nd exmples tht they cn use or dpt. These writing tsks cn e prepred in clss nd done for homework. For longer writing tsks, encourge students to first write rough drft, then red through nd check their work efore writing finl version. They could lso check ech other s work. Listening Messges provides plenty of prctice of this skill. Students listen to presenttion nd reding texts, nd in ech unit there is specific listening tsk, covering vriety of text types, for exmple, converstion, n interview, rdio dvertisement. Three uthentic songs re included for listening comprehension. The words re given on pge 4 of the Student s Book. The listening texts my include lnguge which is slightly eyond the students productive level. However, they re not expected to understnd or reproduce everything they hve herd. You should focus on the key sentences only. Rememer tht lerners my need to listen more thn twice during these ctivities. Reding Step of ech unit of Messges opens with reding text connected with the unit theme, with wrm-up Shre your ides exercise. Most of the texts re recorded, ut students re sked to red the text themselves efore listening nd reding s second step. Tsks provide prctice in specific reding skills (for exmple, identifying the topic, skimming, scnning, guessing mening from context), nd there re lso questions to check comprehension. A Word work section highlights certin word ptterns or grmmticl forms, sed on lnguge used in the text. Additionl reding prctice is provided through n extr reding text with ech unit, deling with Life nd culture in the Englishspeking world. Consolidtion nd testing At the end of ech unit, there is pge of extr exercises on the lnguge of the unit, providing prctice of KET-style tsks. At the end of every module, preceding work is pulled together in the Review. For ech lnguge point, students work through simple nlysis of the grmmr nd complete one or two tsks showing how they cn use the lnguge. In the Coursework there is model ech time, sed on the chrcter An, for you to study with the whole clss. Individul coursework cn then e done t home over period of couple of weeks or so. At the end of the yer, the student s coursework comprises mini guideook for English-speking visitors to their country, sed on cler model. In ddition, the Review section includes work on study skills to help students ecome more independent nd effective lerners, nd chnce for students to ssess their own progress. Further consolidtion of the lnguge in the modules cn e chieved through the communictive ctivities nd grmmr worksheets from the Techer s Resource Pck, which should e done t the end of ech unit when ll the work hs een covered, nd through the ccompnying Infoquests on the we (see elow). Students progress cn e more formlly tested through the use of the photocopile module tests in the Techer s Resource Pck, which exmine grmmr, voculry, reding, writing, listening nd speking, often through KET-style ctivities. The udio for the listening element of the tests cn e found on the clss CDs. Workook Workook ctivities should, in the min, e done for homework, though they cn e prepred in clss with weker students if necessry, nd you cn lso give stronger students the Extension exercises if they finish erlier thn their clssmtes. Mke sure you hve covered the relevnt prt of the step efore students egin the corresponding Workook exercises. Sentences for trnsltion re introduced for the first time in Step. Activities for stremed clsses re n integrl prt of the Workook nd re lrgely sed on the mteril from the Student's Book. A set of ctivities for stremed clsses cn e found t the end of ech Workook unit. Activities help students to consolidte grmmr nd voculry from the unit to develop reding, speking nd writing skills. Activities for stremed clsses re divided into three levels, distinguished y shding (rnging from light grey for level to drk grey for level ), nd symols next to ctivity numers (one symol for level, two for level nd three for level ). Activities differ ccording to the level of guidnce needed, the mount of help provided nd the mount of work required to complete them. Some exercises for written nd spoken communiction re intended for more thn one level nd should e delt with ccording to the students' ilities. The nswer key to these ctivities cn e found in the Workook key nd tpescripts section t the end of the Techer's Book. At the end of the unit, students complete their Lerning diry. Infoquests Ech module of the course is ccompnied y n Infoquest, in which students re encourged to find informtion on specilly designed wesites nd to work co-opertively. The wesites re housed t http://www/ nd re designed to reinforce the lnguge of ech module, nd should therefore e done t the end of the module. Free ccompnying worksheets nd cler Techer s guides cn e found t http://www/ techerquest. You will need to complete simple form to register nd then get ccess to these items, nd will need to log in with your user nme nd pssword ech time you wnt to use them. 0 Introduction

Clssroom mngement Creting n 'English' tmosphere Use every opportunity to ring the rel world into the clssroom: mps, posters, mgzines etc. Encourge students to look for exmples of English text outside the clssroom: words from pop songs, instructions for mchine, English food pckging in supermrket etc. Use clssroom instructions in English from the eginning, nd get students to ddress you in English s much s possile. Mking good progress A wide vriety of tsk types ensures regulr chnges of pce nd ctivity, with frequent opportunities for students to work t their own level. Work t lively pce nd hve the courge to move on even though students my not hve lernt everything in lesson perfectly. Some of the ctivities include time limit, to encourge students to work quickly nd to introduce gme element. Deling with clsses of mixed ility There re lrge numer of personlised nd open-ended ctivities which llow students to respond in different wys, depending on their ility. The ruric do t lest lso enles students to work t their own level. Other ctivities (If you hve time, Try this! nd the Extension exercises in the Workook) cn lso e used y pupils who finish erly. Try to mke sure you involve ll the students. For exmple, sk weker students to suggest single words to descrie photo, while stronger students might think of question to sk out it. When you sk question, give everyone the chnce to think of the nswer efore clling on individuls to do so. When doing individul repetition, sk stronger students first, ut e creful not to mke this too ovious y lwys vrying the order, nd who you cll on. Use the different skills of the students in s mny wys s you cn. The student who htes speking my enjoy writing voculry on the ord, while nother student my e good t drwing, or mking posters. Try to uild n tmosphere in which students communicte with you nd with ech other in respectful, courteous nd goodhumoured mnner. Never underestimte the importnce of prise nd encourgement: Tht s gret! Well done! Good! Explining new words New voculry which rises other thn in the Key voculry section cn e explined using visul ids such s your own set of flsh crds, pictures on the lckord, mime, contextulised exmples or, if necessry, trnsltion. Encourge students to guess the mening of new words s well s using their dictionries. Controlled orl repetition Key voculry nd expressions nd key sentences in presenttions cn e reinforced through chorl nd individul repetition. This helps students get their tongues round the sounds of the new lnguge. When sking question, give everyone time to think of the nswer efore sking n individul student y nme. When two or three individuls hve responded, finish y getting the whole clss to repet. Get students to sk s well s nswer questions. Questions nd nswers cn e drilled y dividing the clss in two nd getting the groups to tke it in turns to sk nd nswer, efore moving on to drilling with two individul students. When drilling words or sentences, you cn et the stress of words nd sentences with your hnd to show where the min stress is exggerte slightly if necessry. You cn lso use your hnd to show whether the sentence goes up or down t the end. With long sentences, use ck-chining : hlf pst ten. to ed t hlf pst ten. I usully go to ed t hlf pst ten. Pirwork Getting students to work in pirs will gretly increse the mount of English spoken in the clssroom, even if some students my use the mother tongue. Wlk round nd listen whilst students re speking. Vry the pirings so tht students do not lwys work with the sme prtner. Alwys give exmples of wht you wnt students to do nd check tht they understnd the ctivity clerly. Group work Some of the ctivities in Messges cn e done in groups if you wish. Ensure first tht everyone is cler out wht they re doing, then monitor their work nd don t let the ctivity drg on for too long. Use mixed-ility groups nd ppoint group leder. Correcting orl mistkes When correcting students, e sensitive nd relistic out wht you cn expect t their level. Give them n opportunity to correct their own or ech others mistkes whenever possile. Focus on fluency rther thn on ccurcy when students re engging in communictive ctivities such s pirwork nd tlking out themselves. You cn note down ny importnt nd recurring errors nd go over them with the whole clss t the end of the lesson. Try to focus on content s well s on ccurcy, nd respond ccordingly if something is interesting. Correcting written work Mke your corrections cler y indicting the type of error, for exmple, voculry, grmmr, spelling etc. Comment positively on content where pplicle, e.g. This is very interesting, Mrko. Agin, er in mind the student s level nd the focus of the ctivity, s you my not wnt to correct every mistke. Enjoy it We hope tht the mteril in Messges will motivte the students nd fcilitte their lerning, nd tht the wy the mteril hs een structured will mke your jo s strightforwrd nd effective s possile. Most of ll, we hope it proves rewrding experience for you nd your students. Introduction

Nvodil z uporo nlog iz učenik in delovneg zvezk pri rvenskem pouku v 8. rzredu Nekj osnovnih znčilnosti diferencicije Diferencicij pouk je dnes en od pomemnejših sistemskih in didktičnih pridoitev prenovljene osnovne šole. Z učitelje tujeg jezik pomeni izvjnje rvenskeg li nivojskeg pouk oljše prilgjnje potrem in zmožnostim učencev; te niso pri noenem drugem predmetu tko rznolike kot prv pri tujem jeziku. Učencem p omogoč olj kkovostno dosegnje učnih ciljev, ki jih predpisuje učni nčrt, in predvsem olj znimiv in olj ktiven proces pridoivnj znnj. Z učitelj pomeni diferencicij pouk veliko dodtneg del in tvorneg uskljevnj s sodelvci predvsem n področju priprve n pouk pri nčrtovnju dejvnosti in pri olikovnju dodtnih učnih grdiv. Prv tukj so jim v veliko pomoč učenišk grdiv, ki ponujjo vsj osnovne smernice z uporo n rzličnih rvneh zhtevnosti li celo predloge z dodtne vje n vseh treh rvneh. V primerih, ko osnovni učenik ne ponuj rzdelitve učne snovi n rvni li nivoje, se lhko zložniki odločijo, d smernice z diferencirno uporo vključijo v priročnik z učitelje in s tem ponudijo učiteljem vsj izhodišč z ustrezno nčrtovnje pridoivnj in poglljnj znnj v olj homogenih učnih skupinh. Predvsem mljši učitelji nimjo veliko izkušenj pri sestvljnju jezikovnih nlog in ktivnosti, tko d so jim tovrstni predlogi v veliko pomoč. Zgotovo odo učitelji n osnovi predlgnih vj smi dodli še celo vrsto nlog, ki odo prilgojene specifičnim potrem njihovih učencev, sj se tudi interesi in sposonosti učencev znotrj iste rvni zhtevnosti lhko zelo rzlikujejo. Kko in kj diferencirmo? Pri diferenciciji upoštevmo vzgojno-izorževlne cilje, z njimi povezne učne vseine, učne metode in olike del, hitrost npredovnj (tempo), učne odnose in orgnizcijo pouk. Pri sodonem pouku, ki je osredinjen n učenc, so učenci njpomemnejš sestvin pouk in s svojimi rzlikmi morjo nujno vplivti n celoten učni proces, sj ni več mogoče pričkovti, d se odo morli smo učenci prilgjti pouku, mpk velj to tudi z učitelje in učn grdiv. S tem p učence seved veliko olje priprvimo n smostojno učenje in jim oljšmo prehjnje med posmeznimi stopnjmi šolnj. N neki nčin tko tudi šol prevzem odgovornost z šolsko uspešnost učencev in zmnjšuje njihovo neuspešnost. Z to je seved tre združiti moči in tko zhtev diferencicij tvorno timsko delo ozirom sodelovnje vseh učiteljev v ktivu. Menim, d je diferencicij pouk eno od njzhtevnejših učiteljevih strokovnih oprvil, z ktero p smo žl vse premlo usposoljeni. Z zčetek nm lhko pomgjo vsj ustrezno priprvljen grdiv, v ndljevnju p je tre zrti primere dore prkse, z njimi seznniti čim širši krog učiteljev in nto vse to znnje prenesti v rzred ter g udejnjiti pri pouku. Kko določmo rven zhtevnosti nlog? Osnovno izhodišče pri odločnju o primernosti dejvnosti z določeno rven zgotovo ne more iti smo količin podtkov, nlog li vrst oz. tip nloge, mpk je tre vje diferencirti n osnovi zhtevnosti in po nčelu postopnosti. Pri vseh treh rvneh rzvijmo vse jezikovne zmožnosti: slušno in rlno rzumevnje ter govorno in pisno sporočnje, p tudi ro jezik s pomočjo rzvijnj esedišč in jezikovnih struktur. Rzlikujejo p se jezikovn zhtevnost, tudi dolžin esedil in količin nlog, vendr je pomemno predvsem to, d se stopnjuje zhtevnost, d so nloge rzvrščene od olj vodenih do mnj vodenih, od lžjih do težjih, od tistih, kjer im učenec z reševnje več podpore, do tistih, kjer del olj smostojno, od olj receptivnih do olj produktivnih nlog. Prv tko mormo upoštevti, d učenci n prvi rvni zhtevnosti npredujejo počsneje, zto so nloge tudi krjše, olj vizulno podprte in dosegjo kognitivno nižje cilje (prepoznvnje, rzumevnje), n višji rvni p so nloge osežnejše in zhtevjo nlizirnje, sintetizirnje, p tudi vrednotenje podtkov. Pri oznčevnju rzličnih rvni si tko lhko pomgmo s številkmi od en do tri z nloge n prvi rvni, n drugi in n tretji in jih nizmo v tkšnem zporedju, d se tudi učenci smi lhko odločjo, po kterem vrstnem redu se odo reševnj lotili. Uspešno rešene nloge n nižji rvni odo močno motivcijsko sredstvo, d se o učenec lotil tudi zhtevnejših nlog. Učenci n tretji rvni zhtevnosti p nloge rešujejo hitreje in odo zto lhko reševli tudi količinsko več nlog. Predlog diferencicije grdiv učeniškeg komplet Messges Učeniško grdivo Messges ponuj ogt izor upornih esedil, dejvnosti in možnosti rznolikeg učenj že v smem učeniku, dodtne možnosti z diferencicijo p dje delovni zvezek. V priročniku z učitelje so nektere možnosti z dodtno delo z zhtevnejšimi učenci nvedene v rzdelku Options, nekj predlogov p oste nšli tudi v tem dodtku. N splošno o delo v vseh treh rvneh poteklo podono njprej ogrevlne dejvnosti, nto uvjnje nove snovi, ki mu sledi utrjevnje, ter n koncu povzetek in preverjnje nučeneg v učeniku so rzdelki, ki zjemjo slovnico in posene izrze, esedišče in izgovrjvo, nto njprej receptivne spretnosti, kot st poslušnje in rnje, ter ztem komuniktivne dejvnosti v oliki govornih in pisnih dejvnosti. N koncu vskeg modul (po dveh enoth) sledit še ponovitveni del in preverjnje znnj. V ruriki Test friend lhko učenci n višjih rvneh dodtno smi sestvljjo svoje verzije vj n osnovi predlgneg vzorc, pri igrh vlog (Role ply) n nižji rvni p učenci smo reproducirjo oz. ponovijo vzorce, učenci n višjih rvneh p modele priredijo oz. ustrezno spreminjjo. N koncu enote st ruriki Extr exercises t ponuj dopolnilno delo oz. dodtne vje z učence n nižji rvni, ki potreujejo več utrjevnj, in jo z tretjo rven lhko izpustimo ter Extr reding, ki je nmenjen predvsem učencem n višjih rvneh, sj prinš esedil z rnje, povezn z Introduction

življenjem in kulturo ngleško govorečih nrodov, in je ni tre odelti n nižji rvni. Z njolj zhtevne učence je n koncu vskeg modul še Infoquest, niz posenih spletnih strni, kjer učenci njdejo dodtne podtke in vje z utrjevnje določenih tem. Vse vje so opremljene z modeli oz. vzorčnimi primeri in so primerno stopnjevne. V delovnem zvezku je n koncu vske enote Lerning diry, kjer učenci smoovrednotijo, kj so se nučili v tej enoti. Ker želimo učence n vseh rvneh nvjti n olj smostojno učenje in smovrednotenje pridoljeneg znnj, je tre v prvem delu (Step ) vske enote n vseh rvneh oprviti skorj vse predlgne dejvnosti, d lhko učenci v dnevniku učenj (Lerning diry) odgovrjjo n vpršnj, kko doro so se čes nučili, vendr učitelj produktivne dejvnosti po lstni presoji krči li širi glede n sposonosti učencev v skupini. Pisn nlog npiši poročilo o denimo z učence n prvi rvni olj skromn, z mnj vpršnji, ki morjo iti voden, učencem n tretji rvni p omogočimo, d si smi prosto olikujejo vpršnj, ki jih želijo zstviti, in jim ne omejujemo količine. Pri zčetnih nlogh z rzvijnje slušnih spretnosti n nižji rvni učencem predlgmo, d poleg poslušnj spremljjo esedilo v knjigi, in jih šele ksneje poskušmo nvjti n prvo poslušnje, ko so odvisni smo od teg, kr slišijo. N višji rvni p učenci te podpore ne potreujejo in imjo lhko med poslušnjem še kkšno dodtno nlogo. Pri dopolnilnih nlogh z utrjevnje učne snovi (Extr exercises), ki so nmenjene učencem n nižjih rvneh, lhko n primer pri nlogh povezovnj podtkov v dveh stolpcih (str., vj 5) n prvi rvni smo povežejo zčetke in konce izrzov, n drugi rvni p npišejo še krtke dvogovore. Pri nlogh, kjer iz zmešnih črk iščejo smiselne esede (str., vj 6), n prvi rvni smo rzvrstijo črke v prvilne esede, d doijo preivlce rzličnih držv, n drugi rvni p dodjo še ime držve, v kteri živijo posmezni preivlci. Module Present nd pst Unit Connections Učenik Step : vje 7 z vse rvni Step : vje,,, 4, 5, 6 z prvo rven, vje,, 6 z drugo rven, vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje,,,,, 4 z prvo rven, vje,,,, 4 z drugo rven, vje 4 z tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje,,, 5 z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven, vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vji, z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven, vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje,, z vse rvni Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov iz prve enote, zto i to priporočl vsem, sj je tudi z šikejše učence pomemno, d se vpršjo, kj so se nučili in kko, ter tko smoovrednotijo svoje znnje. Seznmi nučenih esed, frz in struktur p odo rvni primerno dljši li krjši. Unit Pst events Učenik Step : vje 7 z vse rvni Step : vje 5 z prvo rven, vje 6 z drugo in tretjo rven Step : vje,, c z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : Vje lhko n prvi rvni izpustimo, priporočm z drugo in tretjo rven. Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov druge enote. Module Review: Učenci n vseh rvneh preverijo, li ovldjo učno snov modul. Coursework Vodnik po Sloveniji: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh opišejo življenje v svoji držvi, učitelji pri prvi rvni z učence priprvijo dodtn vodil z ntnčnimi okvirji, z drugo rven nvedejo nekj opornih točk, z učence tretje rvni p zdošč predlgni zgled v učeniku. Introduction

Module Description Unit People Učenik Step : vje 4, 4d z prvo rven, vje 4, 4d, 5 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje,, 4 in 5 z prvo rven, vje 7 z drugo rven in vje 8 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo, drugo in tretjo rven Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov tretje enote. Unit 4 Plces Učenik Step : vje 7 z vse rvni Step : vje 4 z prvo rven, vje 5, 5, 6 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje,, in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje z drugo rven in vje 4 z tretjo rven Step : vje z vse rvni Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov četrte enote. Module Review: Učenci n vseh rvneh preverijo, li ovldjo učno snov modul. Coursework Vodnik po Sloveniji: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh opišejo znimiv(e) krj(e) v svoji držvi, učitelji pri prvi rvni z učence priprvijo dodtn vodil z ntnčnimi okvirji, z drugo rven nvedejo nekj opornih točk, z učence tretje rvni p zdošč predlgni zgled v učeniku. Module The future Unit 5 Gols Učenik Step : vje 6 z vse rvni Step : vje,,,, 4 in 6 z prvo rven, vje 7 z drugo in tretjo rven Step : vje,,, z prvo rven, vje, in 4 z drugo rven in vje 4 z tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje z (prvo) drugo in tretjo rven Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov pete enote. Unit 6 Choices Učenik Step : vje 7 z vse tri rvni Step : vje 4 z prvo rven, vje 4c, 5 in 6 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje,, in z prvo rven, vje, 4 z drugo rven in vje 4 z tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 6 z drugo in tretjo rven Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje z vse tri rvni Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov šeste enote. Module Review: Učenci n vseh rvneh preverijo, li ovldjo učno snov modul. Coursework Vodnik po Sloveniji: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh sestvijo seznm znimivih trgovin (vodnik z nkupovnje) v svojem krju; učitelji pri prvi rvni z učence priprvijo dodtn vodil z ntnčnimi okvirji, z drugo rven nvedejo nekj opornih točk, z učence tretje rvni p zdošč predlgni zgled v učeniku. 4 Introduction

Module 4 Your world Unit 7 Achievements Učenik Step : vje 5 in 5c z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje 5 z prvo rven, vje 5 in 6 z drugo rven in vje 7 z tretjo rven Step : vje, in 4 z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje z prvo, drugo in tretjo rven (n prvi rvni jih lhko izpustimo) Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov sedme enote. Unit 8 Experiences Učenik Step : vje 7 z vse rvni Step : vje 4, 5, 6, 7 in 8 z prvo rven, vje 5 in 6 8 z drugo rven ter vje 8 z tretjo rven Step : vje 4 z vse tri rvni Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vj z prvo rven, vje z drugo in tretjo rven Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov osme enote. Module 4 Review: Učenci n vseh rvneh preverijo, li ovldjo učno snov modul 4. Coursework 4 Vodnik po Sloveniji: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh sestvijo seznm upornih informcij z tuje goste, ki oiščejo nšo deželo (vodnik z oiskovlce); učitelji pri prvi rvni z učence priprvijo dodtn vodil z ntnčnimi okvirji, z drugo rven nvedejo nekj opornih točk, z učence tretje rvni p zdošč predlgni zgled v učeniku. Module 5 The wy it's done Unit 9 Getting it right Učenik Step : vje 6 z vse rvni Step : vje 4, 5 in 6 z prvo rven, vje 6 z drugo rven in vje 7 z tretjo rven Step : vje,,, in 4 z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven, vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje,, 4 in 5 z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vj z prvo rven, vje z drugo in tretjo rven Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov devete enote. Unit 0 Where is it mde? Učenik Step : vje 6 z vse rvni Step : vje 4 in 5 z prvo rven, vje 7 z drugo in tretjo rven Step : vji in z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo in tretjo rven Extr exercises: z prvo in drugo rven Extr reding: dodtno rnje z učence tretje rvni Delovni zvezek Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 5 z drugo rven in vje 6 z tretjo rven Step : vje z prvo rven, vje 4 z drugo rven in vje 5 z tretjo rven Step : vje z vse rvni (vji in lhko n prvi rvni tudi izpustimo) Lerning diry: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh smoovrednotijo, kko doro so se nučili snov desete enote. Module 5 Review: Učenci n vseh rvneh preverijo, li ovldjo učno snov modul 5. Coursework 5 Vodnik po Sloveniji: Učenci n vseh treh rvneh sestvijo seznm z tujc upornih frz v slovenskem jeziku; učitelji pri prvi rvni z učence priprvijo dodtn vodil z ntnčnimi okvirji (li seznm frz v mešnem vrstnem redu, ki jih učenci rzvrstijo po področjih), z drugo rven nvedejo nekj opornih točk, z učence tretje rvni p zdošč predlgni zgled v učeniku. dr. Melit Kukovec Oddelek z nglistiko in meriknistiko Pedgošk fkultet Univerz v Mrioru Introduction 5

Are you ll right? No, I m not. Wht s the mtter? I m homesick. c Where do you come from? I come from Mexico. d Do you live in Mexico City? No, I don t. I live in Vercruz. e Wht re you doing in Englnd? I m studying English. I m stying with fmily here. f Wht do you think of London? I like it, ut I sometimes feel it homesick. g Hve you got ny friends here? No, I hven t. h Wht s your nme? An. Plesed to meet you, An. I m Jy, Jy Syer. Er do you fncy n ice crem? 6 Unit

Grmmr revision Questions nd nswers Look t the two exmples with the clss. Emphsise the connection etween the question nd the short nswer: Is An? Yes, she is. Does she? No she doesn t. Students complete the questions. Remind students of the formtion of present simple questions with e. Contrst this with the use of do/does for other vers. Revise the use of the present continuous to tlk out ctions tht re hppening t the present time. (Note tht the difference etween the present simple nd the present continuous is revised in Step.) Is Are Do Does Hs Hve does is 4 Prctice OPTION Some pirs my prefer simply to red the converstion loud from their ooks. However, students will get more useful prctice if you cn persude them to put the ook side nd produce their own version of the converstion, working prtly from memory nd prtly y improvistion. To help them, you could write some cues on the ord, for exmple: All right? Homesick. Where? Mexico. Vercruz. Englnd? Studying English. Stying with English fmily. Friends? No. Nme? An. Jy. Look t the exmple. Mke it cler tht old friends mens people whose friendship strted long time go. Students write the questions. Where re they? Is Jy Mexicn? 4 Hs An got ny English friends? 5 Is she homesick? 6 Where does she come from? 7 Wht s An studying? 8 Does Jy live in Vercruz? 5 In pirs, students sk nd nswer the questions. Choose students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. When they give the nswers, you could sk them for further informtion, for exmple: Is the prk in London? (Yes, it is.) Is it rining? (No, it isn t.) Where s he from? (Englnd.) They re in prk/in London. No, he isn t. 4 No, she hsn t. 5 Yes, she is. 6 Mexico/Vercruz. 7 English. 8 No, he doesn t. Key expressions Greetings nd introductions BACKGROUND In Britin it is norml, ut not necessry, for dults to shke hnds when they re introduced or when they meet in forml situtions. However, young people don t usully shke hnds when they meet. Adults commonly ddress nd introduce one nother using first nmes. The titles Mr, Mrs, Ms nd Miss re very forml, used especilly in usiness or professionl reltionships. Young people my e expected to use these titles for older people (especilly for techers), ut it s incresingly common for them to use first nmes when ddressing neighours, fmily friends or their own friends prents. The more forml greeting How do you do? is now used less nd less. Focus on the pictures nd sk out the reltionships etween the people: Does (he) know (her)? Are they friends? Estlish tht the first picture shows forml converstion etween two school techers nd prent. Students red the converstions nd complete them with one word for ech gp. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers, then prctise the converstions in pirs. Tpescript/ A: This is Mrs Jones, the hed techer. B: How do you do, Mrs Jones? C: How do you do? A: Hi, Jenny. How re you tody? B: I m fine, thnks. A: This is my friend Tom. B: Nice to meet you, Tom. Connections 7

6 7 Red through the informtion in the Rememer! ox. Point out tht we use the expression How do you do? following forml introduction, nd tht we reply to this y repeting the question. Mke sure tht students recognise the difference etween How do you do? nd How re you? Point out tht we use This is (not He is or She is) to introduce someone. Students mtch the expressions with the explntions. Discuss the trnsltions with the clss. 8 UUnit c Key pronuncition Wek forms /ə/ Ply the recording while students red nd listen. Ply the recording gin nd sk the clss to repet. Strt with chorl repetition nd then sk individuls to repet. Give specil ttention to the unstressed /ə/. Check the flling intontion tht is usul t the end of Wh- questions. You could continue this exercise y sking students to prctise the converstions from 5 in pirs. Writing nd speking Meeting people Choose two students to red out the exmple converstion. Elicit the nswer to Dvid s lst question (I m from/i come from ). Invite students to suggest how the converstion could continue, for exmple: B: I m from Englnd. A: Do you live in London? B: No, I don t. I live in Mnchester. In pirs, students write their own version of the converstion. They cn choose other nmes nd they should continue the converstion s in the exmple ove. Ask pirs to prctise their converstion. OPTION You could give students some other situtions: Kren Johnson is 5. She s introducing her fther to her friend Suznne Brry. Tony Brown nd Din Thoms work together in nk. They re greeting ech other in the morning. Mr Hrris is introducing his son Roert to Mrs Crol Plmer who works t his office. Discuss with the clss wht lnguge the people should use nd how they should ddress ech other. Ask pirs to mke converstions for these situtions nd to prctise them together. c Grmmr: Present continuous nd present simple Voculry: Countries nd ntionlities Communictive tsks: Descriing ntionlity nd where person comes from Tlking out yourself nd your friends Key voculry Countries nd ntionlities Explin tht the list contins oth countries nd ntionlities. Look t the exmple. Elicit sentences to demonstrte the difference etween Polnd nd Polish. For exmple, I come from Polnd. I m Polish. Students find the mtching pirs of words in the list nd write them under the two hedings. Some words will e new, ut students should e le to guess the nswers y oserving ptterns in the formtion of ntionlities tht they know. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. Point out the common endings for ntionlities: -(i)n, -ish nd -ese. Drw ttention to the exceptions in the list: French nd Greek. Note tht lthough the USA (the United Sttes of Americ) is the officil nme of the country, it is very commonly known s Americ. Ply the recording gin. Students listen nd repet. Give specil ttention to the chnge of stress in Itly Itlin, Cnd Cndin nd Jpn Jpnese. Tpescript/ Country Polnd Austrli Itly Frnce Argentin Britin Greece the USA Cnd Mexico Spin Jpn Ntionlity Polish Austrlin Itlin French Argentinin British Greek Americn Cndin Mexicn Spnish Jpnese Set the time limit nd sk students to dd to their lists. They cn work individully, in pirs or in smll groups. Ask different students for their nswers nd write them on the ord. could include: Brzil Brzilin, Chin Chinese, Germny Germn, Indi Indin, Irelnd Irish, Russi Russin. Add ny others tht hve specil relevnce for the students. Prctise the pronuncition of the words on the ord. Red out the exmple. Remind students of the third person -s ending for vers in the present simple (I come he comes). STEP

Give students few moments to consider wht they wnt to sy out themselves or their fvourite str. Then invite different students to sy their sentences to the clss. Red through the informtion out the use of cpitl letters in the Rememer! ox. Contrst the two present tenses in questions nd nd in questions nd 4. Ask students to explin the difference, in their own lnguge if necessry. Mke sure they recognise tht in nd 4 the questions re sking out things tht hppen normlly or ll the time, while in nd they re sking out this prticulr morning. Presenttion Wht re they doing? BACKGROUND Chilquiles re mde from left-over tortills (Mexicn pnckes mde from corn flour). The tortills re cut up nd cooked with lyers of cheese, spicy suce nd rnge of other ingredients. Chilquiles my e eten t ny time, not only for rekfst. She usully hs chilquiles nd hot chocolte. She s hving cup of coffee nd piece of tost. No, she isn t. 4 Yes, she does. 5 They re tlking out the wether. 6 She s looking t the rin nd she s thinking out her sister. Focus on the photo nd mke sure students identify An from Step. Ask them who the other people in the photo might e. (The fmily tht An is stying with in London.) Ask them to suggest one or two questions tht they could sk out the photo, for exmple, Who s the person on the right? Encourge students to use the present continuous in some of their questions: Wht s An doing? Elicit nswers. If the informtion is not known t this stge, remind students of the expressions I think, I m not sure nd I don t know. In pirs, students sk nd nswer questions out the photo. Red the introduction. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer to the question. Ask them to identify the two dults on the right of the photo. (Mr nd Mrs Grnt.) Ask students who the oy in the ckground might e. (He s their son, Chrlie.) Key grmmr Present continuous nd present simple Red out the two exmples nd elicit the full form of An s (An is). Students complete the explntions. You could sustitute other sujects nd elicit the correct ver forms, for exmple, with sitting in the kitchen: Mr nd Mrs Grnt re sitting in the kitchen. I m sitting in the kitchen. Elicit negtive sentences with different sujects, for exmple: I m not hving rekfst. An isn t eting chilquiles. The Grnts ren t thinking out Vercruz. An doesn t usully hve tost for rekfst. The Grnts don t et Mexicn food. Remind students tht dvers of frequency (usully, lwys etc.) often go with the present simple. These dvers go fter the ver e, ut efore ll other vers. Answer She s thinking out her sister in Vercruz. continuous, simple c Red out the six questions. Then ply the recording gin while students listen nd red. Help with ny new voculry, for exmple, piece of tost nd the Spnish word chilquiles. In reference to the sentence The Grnts re tlking out the wether gin, you my wnt to explin tht the wether is common topic of converstion in Englnd, proly ecuse the English wether is so unpredictle. Give students few moments to look for the nswers to the questions in the text. Then choose different students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. Encourge them to nswer in full sentences. As students give their nswers, you could follow up with further questions, for exmple: Wht do you usully hve for rekfst? Do you sometimes hve hot chocolte? Wht s An s sister s nme? (Clr.) How s An feeling? (Sd, homesick.) Students look for other exmples in the text. Present continuous She s hving cup of coffee It s rining outside the Grnts re tlking But An isn t listening She s looking t the rin she s thinking out her sister Present simple An usully strts the dy She lwys hs rekfst they tlk out their plns for the dy. Connections 9

4 5 6 0 Unit

4 Connections

Ask the clss to decide which questions they wnt to use for clss survey. Ru the others off the ord. Invite two students to come to the front to conduct the survey. One student sks the questions nd the other helps to count up the nswers s clss memers rise their hnds. Write the nswers next to the questions on the ord yourself, mking sure to record the numer of students clerly for ech reply. Ask students especilly those who re good t mths to express the results s percentges nd frctions. Write these on the ord next to the numer of students. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. Use the exmples to show tht report presents fctul informtion in very cler form, nd tht the style is forml. Students follow the Writing guide to write their own report, using the informtion on the ord. Exmple nswer Use of English in Clss 4B 8th Septemer We sked four questions out using English. These re our results. Eighty-five per cent of the students in the clss think English is useful. Two thirds of the clss enjoy lerning English. Ninety-five per cent of the students know songs in English. Fourteen people sometimes look t wesites in English. The Extr exercises cn e used s consolidtion t the end of the unit. The teching notes explin how they cn e exploited in clss, ut they cn lso e given s homework, depending on time ville. Students look t the three lterntives nd choose the right nswer. c 4 5 c Remind students to look t the time expressions to help them choose the right tense. As you check the nswers, you could elicit sentences with the lterntive ver forms. gets isn t writing spek 4 Are you stying 5 s rining 6 feel 4 5 6 Explin to students tht they hve to think of questions for the nswers, nd tht there could e severl different questions. Mke sure they relise tht ech nswer is independent. Do the question for with the clss s n exmple. Point out tht the reply doesn t strt with Yes or No, so the question needs question word t the eginning. You my wnt to go through the whole exercise nd sk students to sy which question words re needed to produce the replies. Exmple nswers Where do you live? / Where is the cinem? Do you spek English? 4 Does your rother/your friend/jy live in house? 5 How mny people in the world spek English? 6 Why do you like [Friends]? 7 Wht s the mtter? 8 Is An hppy? Point out to students tht they mke questions gin here, ut tht the questions nd nswers form complete converstion, so they cn use the nswers efore nd fter the questions to help them. Are you studying? Who re you plying with? 4 Where does he live? 5 Do you ply this gme every dy? / Do you often ply this gme? 6 Who s winning? Students mtch the sentence prts. They then put the sentences together to form three more two-line converstions. h Hi, Steve. How re you? 5 f I m fine, thnks. g This is my est friend, Ben. 8 d Nice to meet you, Ben. 4 Are you ll right? 7 c No, I ve got cold. Students write the ntionlities nd the countries. Remind them to strt oth words with cpitl letter. Unit

7 Itlin Itly Cndin Cnd 4 Argentinin Argentin 5 Spnish Spin 6 British Britin 7 Greek Greece 8 Americn the USA 9 French Frnce 0 Jpnese Jpn Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture Wht mixture! BACKGROUND The Celts /kelts/, who my hve come originlly from Estern Europe, were once widespred throughout Europe. After losing ttles ginst the Romn Empire nd Germnic tries, they survived minly in Britin, Irelnd nd northern Frnce. The first Romn expedition into Celtic Britin ws led y Julius Cesr in 55BC nd full-scle invsion followed in AD4. Britin ws prt of the Romn Empire until the erly 5th century. When the Romns left, Britin ws grdully occupied y the Anglo-Sxons, collection of Germnic tries who invded nd settled over the next two centuries. The Celts were driven to the edges of Britin, where Celtic lnguges still survive s Gelic (spoken in Irelnd nd Scotlnd), Welsh (Wles) nd Cornish (Cornwll). In the 9th to th centuries, the Vikings from Scndinvi set up colonies in much of Europe nd the North Atlntic. They rided nd mde settlements in the north nd est of Britin nd in Irelnd, nd in 0 they conquered the whole of Englnd. (See lso the Extr reding text in Unit.) In the erly 0th century the Vikings were lredy settled in Normndy, dopting the French lnguge nd culture. It ws their descendnts, the Normns (the word comes from Norsemen ), who invded Britin in 066. French ecme the min lnguge until the 4th century. Tsk You could sk students for their opinions out the spred of English. Do English words mke their lnguge richer? Or re there too mny English words in their lnguge? Before students red, write on the ord some of the nmes of countries, popultion groups, ntionlities nd lnguges in the text: Ltin, Anglo-Sxon, Scndinvin, British Isles, Celts, Romns, Vikings, Normndy. Ask students to trnslte nd sy little out the ones they recognise. Give rief explntion of ny tht re unfmilir. Give students time to red the text themselves. Red the text loud nd help with new voculry (for exmple, gods, lw, prliment, inhitnts, settlers, invded, defeted, ttle, ruled, officil). There is quite lod of historicl informtion here move long firly riskly, without mking the students feel tht they hve to lern or rememer ll the detils. The min thing is for them to ecome wre of the mixture of influences tht hve creted the English lnguge. Look t the mp with the clss. Ask students to identify the invders who re represented y the rrows. Red out the sentences or choose students to do so. Point out tht for some sentences the nswer is? (= we don t know if the sentence is true or flse ecuse the text doesn t tell us). Students look ck t the text to find the nswers. They could do this individully or in pirs. T F It s very difficult. T 4 F She writes French expression to show her greement to new lw. 5 T 6 T 7? 8 T Led in Brinstorm to gther s mny English words s possile which hve ecome prt of the students lnguge. Write them up on the ord s students suggest them. You cn group them under hedings, for exmple, Food, Technology, Sport, Music, Other things. Connections

Shre your ides Ask students to look t the photo. Ask them who is in it nd where they might e. Explin tht the pictures in Exercise tell story out Jy nd An. Look t the pictures with the clss. Ask them to descrie the ctions in ech picture, using the pst simple. Mke sure they rememer the key words flt, tue nd cinem nd, if necessry, remind them of the irregulr pst forms went, left nd got (on/off). You my wnt to tell the clss tht the cinems re in Leicester Squre. Help with the pronuncition /lestə skweə/ nd explin tht this is ig cinem nd entertinment re in centrl London. 4 Unit

4 5 Pst events 5

6 7 0 Unit 6 Unit Ply the recording gin nd sk students to complete the explntion. (Note tht intontion vries, depending on the mening or emphsis intended, so there re mny exceptions to the sttements given here. It is normlly true tht in Whquestions the intontion flls. However, yes/no questions my fll lso. If we re expecting certin nswer either yes or no when we sk the question, we tend to use flling, not rising, intontion. For exmple: Did you go to the cinem? (= I don t know if you went there or not.) Did you go to the cinem? (= I think you proly did.) However, this explntion is not necessry for students t this stge. It s enough if they cn her nd produce the intontion in the given exmples.) Pttern drill: TRP pge (Unit, Step, drill ) Try this! : looked, went, wited, cme, rrived, cught, disppered, ought Key expressions Apologies Look t the pictures with the clss. For ech one, sk Wht s the prolem? nd mke sure tht the sitution is cler. Students put the sentences in order. Don t confirm or correct their nswers yet. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. Ply the recording gin. Puse t the end of the pologies nd the responses. Check comprehension y sking students to trnslte the expressions into their own lnguge. You could tell them tht the expression Don t worry out it my e shortened to Don t worry. Ask students to repet the expressions, giving specil ttention to the intontion. In pirs, students prctise the two converstions. Tpescript/ Am I in your set? Yes, you re. Oh! I m sorry. Tht s ll right. Don t worry out it. At lst! It s qurter pst eight. Why re you so lte? I m sorry. It isn t my fult. The us ws lte. Oh, I see. Well, it doesn t mtter. We ve got five minutes. Come on, then. Let s get our tickets. Writing nd speking The wrong plce Explin the tsk nd sk students to look t the questions. Elicit some suggestions for meeting plce nd for resons why the meeting doesn t tke plce s plnned. In pirs, students discuss the questions nd write their converstion together. Ask them to include n pology nd suitle response. Pirs prctise their converstion. Encourge them to put their written script side if they cn. Invite some pirs to perform their converstion. Grmmr: Pst continuous nd pst simple Voculry: Vers descriing ctions Communictive tsks: Descriing events in the pst Key voculry Vers descriing ctions Red out the vers nd then set the time limit for the mtching tsk. Some of the vers should e fmilir. For new vers, sk students to guess the mening nd to use dictionry to check if they hve time. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. Tech or revise the pst simple form of the irregulr vers (fell, hit, flew, snk). Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Tpescript/ jump sil fly 4 fll BACKGROUND 5 lnd 6 crsh 7 sink 8 hit Presenttion Wht were they doing? The Titnic ws the most luxurious pssenger ship of its dy nd ws considered to e unsinkle. However, on its miden (first) voyge from Southmpton to New York in 9, it hit n iceerg in the Atlntic on 4th April nd snk, cusing the deths of over,500 pssengers nd crew. There were 705 survivors. Sir Isc Newton (64 77) ws n importnt English scientist nd mthemticin. Among mny other scientific chievements, he ws the first to discover the lw of grvity. The story is tht his theory took shpe when he oserved n pple flling from tree. (This hs developed into the populr story tht the pple fell on his hed, ut there seems to e no truth in this.) Ameli Erhrt (898 97) ws n Americn pilot in the dys of erly eroplnes. She ecme the first womn to fly cross the Atlntic in 98. She ws ttempting round-the-world flight when her plne went down over the Pcific in 97. Christopher Columus (45 506) ws n explorer from Geno in Itly. On voyge sponsored y Ferdinnd nd Isell of Cstile, he set out in 49 to rech Indi y siling westwrd. Insted, he discovered the Bhms nd so opened up the wy to the Europen settlement of Americ. STEP

Archimedes (c. 87 BC), Greek mthemticin from Syrcuse, ws one of the most fmous scientists of the ncient world. There is story tht he lept from his th nd rn nked through the streets crying Eurek! ( I hve found it! ) when he worked out the principle of fluid displcement. Look t the exmple with the clss nd point out tht the two jigsw pieces re joined y when. Use the picture to tech the word iceerg. Students join the other jigsw pirs then mtch the sentences with the pictures. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. Ask them for ny other informtion they cn give out the events shown in the pictures. Tpescript/ d The Titnic ws fmous ship. It ws siling to New York when it hit n iceerg nd snk. Isc Newton ws scientist. He ws sitting under tree when n pple fell on his hed. Ameli Erhrt ws one of the first women pilots. She ws flying to Austrli when her plne crshed nd she disppered. 4 e Columus ws n explorer. He ws trying to find Indi when he lnded in the Bhms. 5 c Archimedes ws Greek inventor. He ws hving th when he jumped up nd shouted Eurek! Picture C Picture A Picture B 4 Picture D 5 Picture E Focus on the second sentence in ech jigsw pir. Drw ttention to the difference in form etween the pst simple nd the pst continuous. Drill the pst continuous vers. Red out the questions. Check tht students rememer the mening of hurt nd tell them tht the pst simple form is lso hurt. Give students few moments to consider their nswers to the questions. Then choose different students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. Encourge them to nswer in full sentences. It ws going to New York. Becuse it hit n iceerg. No, he wsn t. 4 No, he didn t. 5 She disppered when she ws flying to Austrli. 6 No, he didn t. 7 He ws hving th. OPTION Include sustitution drill to give prctice with different forms nd sujects. For exmple, using sentence : It ws siling to New York. they (They were siling to New York.) I (I ws siling to New York.) not (I wsn t siling to New York.) trvel (I wsn t trvelling to New York.) you (You weren t trvelling to New York.) question? (Were you trvelling to New York?) he (Ws he trvelling to New York?) Key grmmr Pst continuous nd pst simple Red through the exmples nd sk students to complete the explntions. Emphsise tht pst simple ction hppened nd finished t certin time. A pst continuous ction provides ckground for this ction. It strted some time eforehnd nd ws continuing to hppen when the pst simple ction took plce. Note tht in some cses, the pst continuous ction stopped when the pst simple ction interrupted it (for exmple, She ws flying to Austrli when her plne crshed). In other cses, the pst continuous ction continued fter the pst simple ction hppened (s in the third exmple). This is shown in the time line. simple continuous pst continuous, pst simple 4 Prctice Students supply the correct ver forms. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. Check the spelling of sitting. Remind students tht when ver ends in one vowel + one consonnt, we doule the finl consonnt efore dding -ing. ws hving, rng, ws ws witing, sw, ws wering 4 met, were sitting, ws crying, strted Pttern drill: TRP pge (Unit, Step ) Choose two students to red out the exmple question nd nswer. In pirs, students tke it in turns to sk the question nd to nswer with their own informtion. Pst events 7

5 Ask some students to report ck to the clss on wht their prtner told them. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the pst simple nd pst continuous in the Module Review t the end of Unit. 8 Unit Listening A lucky discovery Look t the exercise title nd mke sure tht students understnd the mening of (mke ) discovery. Look t the picture nd tell students tht the oy s nme is Mrk Tylor. Ask: Who s he tlking to? (A reporter.) Wht s he tlking out? Introduce some of the key words from the listening (for exmple, coins, dig, gold). Red out the two questions nd then ply the recording. Students listen for nswers to the questions. He ws in the prk. He ws wlking with his dog. Tpescript REPORTER: Here I m in the prk in the quiet town of Swffm, nd with me is Mrk Tylor, locl teenger. So, Mrk, you recently mde fscinting discovery. MARK: Yes, I did. REPORTER: Tell the listeners wht hppened. MARK: Yes, well, er I ws wlking with my dog, here in the prk, when he strted digging in the ground. I looked nd sw something smll on the ground where he ws digging. REPORTER: Oh yes MARK: When I picked it up, I could see tht it ws gold. REPORTER: Gold! How exciting! MARK: Yes. It ws coin. A gold coin! REPORTER: Wow! Then wht did you do? MARK: Well, I looked gin, relly crefully, nd I found lots more! There were eight. I took them home nd showed my prents. We took them to the police sttion nd they telephoned the locl museum. Then someone from the museum cme nd looked t the coins. And, well, they re Romn coins two thousnd yers old. REPORTER: Romn coins! Tht s incredile! MARK: Yes. The museum gve me eight hundred pounds for them. So I ought new computer this morning. REPORTER: Tht s gret. A lucky discovery. Well, from Mrk Tylor nd me, Trish Johnson, it s goodye from Swffm nd ck to the studio. Ply the recording gin. Puse fter Mrk s three min speeches to check comprehension. Ask, for exmple: How did Mrk find the coins? (His dog ws digging in the ground.) How mny coins did he find? (Eight.) How old were they? (,000 yers old.) c 6 Students complete the sentences. They could work in pirs, or they could write nswers individully nd then discuss them with prtner. Ply the recording gin so tht students cn check their nswers. Then check with the whole clss. the prk his prents the police sttion 4 the museum 5 800 6 computer Look t the form with the clss. Mke sure tht students understnd tht this is record kept y Swffm Museum. Explin the mening of item nd loction. Students copy out the form nd complete it with the correct informtion. Nme: Mrk Tylor Item(s) found: Eight Romn coins Loction: The prk in Swffm Price: 800 Writing nd speking Discoveries Ask students to suggest few other exciting discoveries. Try to get rnge of different ides, for exmple: n ncient sttue n importnt pinting letter tht fmous person wrote Choose one of the students suggestions, red out the questions nd elicit some possile nswers. Ask students to think of their own discovery nd write nswers to the questions. In pirs, students sk ech other the questions. Encourge them to reply without reding from their written nswers. If possile, they cn roden the dilogue to mke it more like rel interview. Exmple nswers I ws in my edroom. I ws looking t music ook from the mrket. I found n old letter inside the ook. It ws letter from Elvis Presley! I sold it on the Internet. I got,00. I used the money to uy new TV nd DVD plyer. Reding skills: Guessing mening from context Word work: Link words Communictive tsk: Writing short story Shre your ides Stories Red out the six story types nd elicit or explin the menings. STEP

Ask the question, inviting rnge of replies. Ask students to give exmples of stories tht they know for ech ctegory. These could e novels, short stories (for exmple, in mgzines), plys, comics or film stories. Reding BACKGROUND Brin Roeson is fictionl chrcter who ppers in severl novels for young teengers y the Americn writer Gry Pulsen. Look t the picture nd sk students to predict wht type of story this will e (dventure story). Ask them to sy wht they cn see in the picture nd use it to revise known words (for exmple, plne, lke, forest, trees, survive). However, don t introduce ny of the new voculry t this stge. Red out the question nd sk students to red the text through quickly to find the nswer. Tell them not to stop nd worry over new words when they come to them. They should just try to get generl ide of wht hppened. Explin tht it will e esier to understnd the detils when they know wht the story is out. Answer Yes, it hs. Reding skills Guessing mening from context Tell students they re going to look t some new voculry efore they red the story gin. Direct them to the end of prgrph where the expression hert ttck ppers. Drw ttention to the words suddenly nd died. Ask students to guess wht hd hert ttck mens nd to give trnsltion in their lnguge. Do the sme with the other four words, emphsising these connections: shking terrified exhusted swm to the ech, fell sleep rnches from the trees surfce cme, of the lke Point out tht it s often possile to work out the mening of new words y looking t the words round them. Ask students to study the context nd look t the picture to guess the mening of the words. They could discuss this in pirs. As you check the nswers, sk students to identify clues in the text tht helped them to work out the menings. Sy ll the new words in nd sk students to repet them. Note the pronuncition of htchet /htʃit/, sper /spiə/ nd ow /əυ/. c 4 Comprehension check Ply the recording of the story, pusing fter ech prgrph to sk the relevnt questions from the list. For question 7, explin tht repper mens pper gin. You could dd other questions to help with comprehension, for exmple: Prgrph Wht ws the pilot doing when he died? (He ws flying the plne.) Prgrph Who ecme the pilot? (Brin.) Did it crsh? (No.) Did it sink? (Yes.) Prgrph Did nyone help Brin? (No.) Prgrph 5 Wht ws the noise? (Another plne.) Wht ws this plne doing there? (Looking for Brin.) Drw ttention to the irregulr pst simple vers nd mke sure tht students recognise them. Refer to the Rememer! ox for revision of could. To Cnd to see his fther. On the lke. Yes, he could. 4 He rememered TV progrmme out how to survive in the wild. 5 In shelter of grss nd rnches. 6 Fruit, fish, rits nd irds. 7 Becuse the storm moved it to the surfce of the lke. 8 Some food, knife nd rdio. 9 No, he didn t. 0 He ws fishing. Word work Link words Explin tht the words in the ox re importnt for mking links etween one event nd nother in story. They help the reder to understnd when things took plce, nd whether the events re similr or different. Students red the sentences themselves nd choose the est word to complete them. 4 5 6 c 7 c 8 Writing A short story Red out the instruction for the writing tsk. Explin tht the story cn e out something tht relly hppened or out n imginry event. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. Using the exmples for prgrph, invite students to suggest sitution, nd write up rief notes on the ord. Pst events 9

Then rinstorm to gther s mny ides s possile for the prolem in prgrph. Write up ll the ides in note form on the ord s students suggest them. It doesn t mtter if some of these ren t very suitle for story the im is to get the students thinking. Select one of the prolems nd sk students to develop the ide. Wht hppened, exctly? Finlly, sk for some suggestions out the ending. Wht hppened to solve the prolem? Now direct students to the questions nd sk them to pln their own story. They should think of their nswers to the questions nd mke notes. Students follow the Writing guide to write their story, using the notes they hve mde. In pirs, students red their stories loud. Exmple nswer Lst summer I went to Sieri with my friend Boris. We were trvelling on the trin from Moscow when, suddenly, the trin stopped. We were in the middle of forest nd ll the pssengers got off the trin. There ws huge er on the line! Everyone wited nd I took some photos of the er. After out hlf n hour it stood up nd wlked into the forest, nd then we ll got on the trin gin. 6 Students complete the sentences with the correct form of the vers. ws rining, got up phoned, were hving, clled hd, ws flying 4 ws witing, sw 5 ws wlking, hit 6 met, ws running Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture Journeys nd explorers Led in Introduce the word explorer. Ask the questions out explorers tht students know nd elicit some very sic informtion out ech one. If students hven t lredy mentioned them, write the nmes of the explorers from the text on the ord: Mrco Polo, Vikings, Mgelln, Amundsen, Scott, Vespucci. Ask: Where did they come from? Wht did they do? Mke notes on the ord of ny fcts (or even just vgue ides) tht students my hve out these people. 4 5 Students complete the sentences. You could choose pirs of students to red out the completed converstions. sorry right mtter 4 fult 5 worry Ask students to red the prgrph. You cn sk them to cover the lterntives elow nd to predict wht the missing words will e s they red. They then look t the lterntives nd choose the correct nswers. 4 5 c 6 Students choose the correct replies. c 4 5 Student choose the correct vers. c 4 5 Do the first sentence with the clss s n exmple. Point out tht the rin strted some time eforehnd nd ws continuing when (nd proly fter) the speker got up. Tsk Look t the mp nd pictures with the clss. Ask students to check the informtion on the ord nd to sy it more out the explorers sed on the mp. Give students time to red the texts themselves. Red the texts loud nd help with new voculry (for exmple, silk, spices, return, expedition, voyge, leder). You could dd further questions to test comprehension. Red out the questions in the Student s Book. Tell students to look crefully t the question words to mke sure they select the right informtion. Students nswer the questions. They could work on this individully or in pirs. It strted in Chin nd ended in Europe. [Note tht the two plces could e in the reverse order.] They used cmels. In 95. 4 The Vikings. 5 Scndinvi. 6 It comes from Vespucci s first nme, Amerigo. 7 It went round the world. 8 On 4th Decemer, 9. 9 dys lter. 0 Ferdinnd Mgelln nd Roert Scott. 0 Unit

Grmmr check Present simple nd present continuous Work it out for yourself A Students choose the correct sentence for picture A. Ask them to sy why the lterntive isn t correct. (Becuse Mrio isn t speking t the moment.) B Answer Students choose the correct sentences for picture B. Mke it cler tht there is more thn one correct sentence. Ask students why question is wrong. (We know Mrio is Itlin from his pssport, so we cn ssume he speks Itlin.) Pst simple nd pst continuous Work it out for yourself A Students mtch the sentences with explntions nd. Mke sure they see tht the cooking strted erlier nd ws still continuing t 7.5. Students choose the correct sentence for the picture ( or ). B Sentence descries the picture. Students choose the correct sentence for this picture. Mke it cler tht the cooking ws the ckground ctivity tht strted efore the fce ppered. C Answer Ask students to mtch the explntions with the pst simple nd pst continuous sentences. C Answer, nd 4 Students mtch the exmples with the explntions. c. Look t the exmple nd question. Mke sure students recognise tht this question is sking out something hppening now. Contrst this with question, which is sking out wht lwys or normlly hppens. Students mtch the other questions nd nswers. 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. Ask students to red through the text first. They then complete it with the correct form of the vers. When checking the nswers, mke sure tht students hve used the -s ending for the third person singulr form of present simple vers.. Students complete the sentences with the vers in the pst continuous. were siling weren t listening 4 wsn t working 5 ws tlking 6 wsn t wering. Students mke questions using the pst continuous. Then they think of n nswer to ech question, nd sk nd nswer in pirs cross the clss. Wht were they doing? Who ws she phoning? 4 Why were you using my computer?. First sk students to mtch the sentence prts. They then write the complete sentences, using the correct ver forms. They could work on this individully or in pirs. lives speks 4 doesn t spek 5 s stying 6 s rining 7 re spending 8 m wtching 9 isn t wtching 0 doesn t like prefer Module Review

I ws doing the shopping this morning when I met Gemm in the street. I didn t go into the living room ecuse my prents were rguing. 4 d I shouted t my rother ecuse he ws wering my new T-shirt. 5 c The pssengers were getting redy for ed when the Titnic hit the iceerg. Study skills Your courseook This exercise is to mke students wre of the content of the Student s Book nd the wy it is structured, so tht they cn use it efficiently on their own. Hving worked through two units, students should e fmilir enough with the ook to do this exercise esily. Drw students ttention to the mp of the ook (pges ), which gives n overview of the content of the course. Also point out the summry t the eginning of ech step in unit, which explins wht students will e lerning in the step tht follows. Emphsise the importnce of going over the Student s Book mteril when they hve finished working on it. Remind students of the wordlist nd the list of irregulr vers t the ck of the ook. Red through the questions nd set the time limit. Students could work in pirs or smll groups to find the informtion. Discuss the nswers with the clss. As you tlk out question, drw ttention to the reding text nd the guidnce given for reding nd writing in Step of ech unit. For question 4, point out tht ech unit includes new lnguge work under the sme Key hedings. For question 7, sk students to find out when the Coursework ctivities pper nd invite them to look through them. [Student s own nswer.] Three. No, it isn t. 4 Key grmmr, Key voculry, Key expressions, Key pronuncition. 5 Prctice, Wht out you?, Test friend, Use wht you know. 6 In London. 7 My guideook ( guide for visitors to my country). 8 Use dictionry, look t the Wordlist nd find where the word first comes in the ook, look t the Voculry list to find other words from the sme topic, sk your techer. How s it going? Your rting Students look ck t the exercises in the Grmmr check nd mke their own ssessment of how well they understnd nd rememer the different lnguge points. Voculry Ask students to choose two of the voculry sets from the Voculry list nd give them few moments to look t them. Invite different students to come to the ord nd write the words they rememer. Ask the rest of the clss to check the ccurcy of these words in the Voculry list nd to supply others tht elong to the topic. Test friend Look t the exmple questions nd elicit the correct nswers. Students refer ck to the texts in Units nd nd write severl questions to test their prtner. They then sk nd nswer in pirs. An is Mexicn. Mrk Tylor found some Romn coins. Correcting mistkes The sentences listed here contin some common errors. Ask students to rewrite them correctly. Some sentences contin more thn one error. Mke sure students re wre of this nd tht they identify oth errors in sentences 4 nd 5. Emphsise the importnce of going ck over their work to check for errors when they finish piece of writing. At the moment it s rining outside. Lst night I went to resturnt. 4 Wht time did Jy leve his flt? 5 I ws hving th when my friend rng me. Your Workook Students should complete the Lerning diry when they come to the end of ech unit. Module Review

Module Review

4 Unit

You my wnt to mention tht, s well s those ending in -y, some other two-syllle djectives tke -er/-est endings. For exmple, simple simpler/simplest, clever cleverer/cleverest. Point out the chnge of -y to -i in the spelling of esier/esiest. thn more the most 4 Prctice Look t the exmples. Remind students tht they need to use the with superltive forms. Tell students tht they need to decide whether to use comprtive or superltive djectives. more expensive thn 4 the chepest 5 the most populr 6 the fstest 7 etter thn 8 more exciting thn 9 more creful Try this! Answer: There re nine djectives: tll, kind, friendly, short, old, lck, optimistic, crzy, young. Look t the exmples nd elicit nother exmple sentence for ech djective, for exmple: Sr is more positive thn Becky. Jenny is the oldest. Ask students to suggest other djectives tht they cn use for the informtion in the tle (young, tll, short, negtive). Note tht while students cn mke sentences using the most (the most positive/negtive), they should e discourged from trying to sy the opposite (the lest positive/negtive) s they don t hve this lnguge yet. Set the time limit. Students cn work individully or in pirs. There re lot of possile nswers here. Exmple nswers Jenny is older thn Sr. Shereen is younger thn Jenny. Tess is the youngest. Sr is tller thn Becky. Shereen is the tllest. Becky is shorter thn Jenny. Tess is the shortest. Jenny is more negtive thn Sr. Becky is the most negtive. c d 5 Choose pir of students to red out the exmple question nd nswer. Students think of their own questions. In pirs they tke it in turns to sk question nd to reply y checking in the tle. Pttern drill: TRP pge (Unit, Step ) Look t the exmple with the clss. Elicit some other djectives tht cn e used, s well s those for ge nd ppernce, to descrie friend (for exmple, funny, interesting, intelligent, friendly, populr, kind, quiet, honest). You could write these on the ord for students to refer to. (Note tht djectives descriing personlity re covered in more depth in Step.) Students descrie one of their friends in two or three sentences. They could write down their nswer nd then red it out to the clss. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the comprtive nd superltive in the Module Review t the end of Unit 4. Writing nd speking Cn you guess? Red through the instruction nd the exmple. Point out tht the im is for students to help their prtner to guess the thing/niml without sying its nme. Show how the speker in the exmple compres the us with similr things ( ike, trin nd cr), so tht the other person cn get generl ide of wht it is. Give students some prctice. Choose something from different ctegory nd write it on the ord. Ask the clss to suggest suitle sentences using comprtives nd superltives. For exmple, you could choose Rome, nd sentences could include: It s igger thn Miln. It s hotter thn London. It s older thn New York. It s the lrgest city in Itly. It s one of the most fmous cities in the world. Give students n exmple using person, too. You could use person in the clss or fmous person, for exmple: She s one of the est runners in the world. She s the most fmous thlete from [country]. Students work on their own to think of topic nd write description. Wlk round the clss, giving help where necessry. In pirs, students tke it in turns to red nd guess. If they cn t guess the nswer, tell them to sk questions nd encourge their prtner to dd some more clues. You could sk some students to red their description for the whole clss to guess. Exmple nswer It s igger nd fiercer thn ct, ut it s smller thn lion. It s the fstest niml in the world. It egins with c. Answer: A cheeth. People 5

STEP OPTION You cn mke this ctivity into tem gme. In this cse, write the topics yourself on smll pieces of pper nd hnd them out. Topics could include: moile phone, wshing mchine, horse, n elephnt, lue whle, London, Antrctic, nd the nmes of some well-known celerities. Students write description s in Exercise 5, without showing nyone else. Then divide the clss into two tems. In turn, students red out their description nd the rest of their tem hs time limit of one minute to guess the nswer. Grmmr: (not) s s Voculry: Adjectives descriing personlity Expressions: Asking for description Communictive tsks: Descriing differences nd similrities Asking for nd giving descriptions Key voculry Adjectives descriing personlity Red out the list of djectives nd then the sentences. Some words should e fmilir (for exmple, dventurous, clever, lzy) ut most of them will proly e new. Ask students to guess wht they cn from English words they know or from similr words in their lnguge nd to use dictionry to check if they hve time. Set the time limit for the mtching tsk. Students could work on this in pirs. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. As you go through the nswers, you could sk students to explin how they worked out the menings. Tpescript/ independent 6 clever moody 7 generous dventurous 8 shy 4 hrd-working 9 esy-going 5 lzy 0 confident Look t the exmple nd drw ttention to the -ing form of the ver fter (don t) like. Students mke sentences out themselves. They could write these down nd then sy them to prtner. (If you like, you could sk students to write these on piece of pper nd hnd them in. You then red them out nd the clss hs to guess which student wrote ech one.) OPTION For further prctice, you could sk students to nme chrcters in films, TV shows or ooks who fit ech of the djectives. Key pronuncition Stress in words To prepre for this exercise, you my wnt to red out the djectives in Exercise nd sk students to sy how mny syllles re in ech one. Look t the exmple with the clss. Sy the djective slowly nd et time with your hnd to emphsise the stress. Go through the other six ptterns, using nonsense syllles to mke the sounds, for exmple, d DUM d d. Encourge students to sy the words quietly to themselves in order to mtch them with the stress ptterns. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Tpescript/ esy-going dventurous independent 4 hrd-working 5 confident, generous 6 clever, lzy, moody 7 shy Presenttion Wht re they like? Remind students of the question Wht s he like? Mke sure students understnd tht it sks for description of the person nd hs no connection with the ver like. Red out the introduction to the converstion. Ask students to sy nything they rememer out An s fmily, for exmple: They re Mexicn. They re from Vercruz. She s got sister clled Clr. Look t the photo with the clss nd sk students to guess who the people re. Ply the recording while students listen nd red. Crlos (Clr s oyfriend) Clr (An s sister) Emili (An s est friend) Ply the recording gin. Puse to elicit the mening of new voculry (for exmple, nnoy, goodlooking). Explin tht Anywy is often used in converstion when we wnt to move on from one suject to nother. Focus on the second hlf of the converstion. Point out the question Wht does he look like? Use An s nswers out Julio to emphsise the difference etween Wht s he like? nd Wht does he look like? Ask students to trnslte the sentences with s s nd the sme. 6 Unit

4 5 6 c Does Jy look like his fther? Yes, he does. They ve oth got the sme nose nd eyes. Wht does Jy look like? He s quite tll, with light rown hir. Wht s Jy like? He s n independent person nd he s very generous. People 7

7 Listening nd speking Personlity test Explin the mening of the word shpe. Focus on the five pictures nd red out the nmes of the shpes. Ask students to repet. Students decide individully which shpe is their fvourite. Don t let them tke this too seriously the personlity test is relly just for fun nd certinly shouldn t e tken s serious scientific reserch. Explin tht Jy is interviewing his friends for test which tells people wht kind of personlity they hve. Ply the first converstion, etween Jy nd Mrtin. Puse to mke sure tht everyone herd Mrtin s choice of the tringle. Ask students to write the other four nmes in list. Then ply the rest of the recording. Students listen nd write down the shpe tht ech person chooses. Helen spirl, Mike mtching tringles, Fion squre, Lizzie circle Tpescript JAY: Mrtin. I m doing personlity test for my psychology homework. Cn you look t these shpes nd tell me which one you prefer? MARTIN: Oh, er OK. Let me see. The tringle. I think I prefer the tringle. JAY: Ah. Tht mens you re shy. You don t like meeting new people. And you re very hrdworking. MARTIN: Tht s me! JAY: Helen, wht out you? Look t these shpes nd tell me which one you prefer. HELEN: Hmm. OK. Well, I don t like the circle. Mye the Wht s tht? The spirl. Yes, I like the spirl. JAY: Tht mens you re very confident. You never feel nervous or scred. And you re dventurous too. You like doing new nd exciting things. HELEN: I see. How interesting! JAY: Hey, Mike! Cn I sk you question? MIKE: OK. JAY: Which of these shpes do you like the most? MIKE: Um the mtching tringles. JAY: Tht mens you re very friendly. You like meeting new people. MIKE: Oh yeh? JAY: Yes. And it mens you re clever too. MIKE: Relly! Tht cn t e right. I never pss ny exms. c d 8 JAY: Fion, cn you help me with this personlity test? FIONA: OK. JAY: Look t these five shpes nd tell me which one you like the most. FIONA: Hmm tht one, I think. The squre. JAY: The squre. Tht mens you re very honest. You lwys tell the truth. And you re esy-going too. You don t often get ngry. FIONA: Hey, tht s good! LIZZIE: Hi Jy. JAY: Lizzie! Gret! You cn help me. Look t these shpes. Which one do you like the most? LIZZIE: Oh, er the circle, I think. Why? JAY: Well, tht mens you re very independent. Do you gree? LIZZIE: Yes, I suppose so. I like doing things on my own. JAY: And it mens you re generous, too. Is tht right? LIZZIE: Yes, of course it is! Ask students to copy out the tle. Ply the recording gin. Once gin, puse fter the first converstion nd elicit the second djective tht Jy uses to descrie the tringle personlity (hrdworking). Tell students to write it in the tle. Ply the rest of the recording, twice if necessry. Students complete the tle with the djectives. tringle spirl mtching tringles squre circle hrd-working confident clever esy-going independent Ask different students to sy which shpe they chose. Look t the exmple with the clss. Point out tht they cn gree, prtly gree or completely disgree with the description given in the test. Students write their response to the description of their personlity. Encourge them to give resons or exmples of things they do or like. Students exchnge opinions in pirs. Writing nd speking People I know Ask students to think of person they know quite well (this could e clssmte, techer, friend or fmily memer). They then look ck t their tle in 7c nd choose one of the five shpes for the person. 8 Unit

STEP Red out the exmple or choose student to do so. You could demonstrte further y nming person tht students ll know, for exmple, populr TV personlity. Ask students to suggest the est shpe for this person. Then uild up clss description on the ord, using the exmple s model. Students write description of the person they chose. In pirs, they descrie the person to ech other. Exmple nswer My grndmother mtches the circle. I think she s n independent person ecuse she enjoys living on her own. She s lso very generous. When she visits us, she lwys rings presents nd vegetles from her grden. Reding skills: Using pronouns nd possessive djectives Word work: Opposites: un- + djective Communictive tsk: Writing We pge out yourself Shre your ides The Internet Students who often use computer for surfing the Internet will e fmilir with words in English. Strt y sking if they visit wesites in English nd invite them to nme their fvourite sites. Look t the two exmples nd check tht students know wht they men. Brinstorm with the clss to collect others nd write them on the ord. These could include: wesite, home pge, menu, serch, serch engine, links, connect, contct, downlod, log in, log off, help. Reding BACKGROUND SeWorld, in Orlndo, Florid, is huge mrine theme prk. In different sections of the prk, visitors cn see whles, dolphins, shrks, se lions, turtles, penguins nd mny other se cretures. The Mtrix (999) ws the first in trilogy of science fiction dventure films. It ws followed y The Mtrix Reloded nd The Mtrix Revolutions (oth relesed in 00). Kenu Reeves /kiɑnu rivz/, the str of ll three films, ws orn in 964. He ecme interntionlly fmous with his strring role in the ig-udget Hollywood film Speed in 994. Beyoncé Knowles /eijɒnsei nəυlz/ ws orn in Houston, Texs in 98. She is the led singer nd songwriter for the populr girl group Destiny s Child, who hve sold more thn million records since their first lum in 994. Beyoncé hs lso mde successful recordings s solo rtist nd hs ppered in severl films. Ask students to red the text quickly to get generl ide of wht it is out. Ask: Who s the oy in the first photo? (Dniel Trent.) Wht s his We pge out? (It s out Dniel.) Find out wht students think of the pge Ask: Does it look good? Is it interesting? Is it esy to follow? Drw ttention to the wy the pge is orgnised under topic hedings. Go through the menu on the left. For ech item, sk: Wht do you think you ll find if you click here? nd invite students to offer suggestions. Comprehension check Red the min prt of the text loud. Puse t the end of ech section nd help with voculry (for exmple, nery, untidy, emrrssing). Students should e le to work out the menings from other words they know nd from the context. Prctise the pronuncition, giving specil ttention to the stress in emrrssing. Point out tht the sterisked words re Americn English nd refer students to the list under the text. Explin tht in the USA it s unusul for people to use hve got they use the ver hve insted. Choose students to red out the sentences. Emphsise tht for some sentences the nswer is? (= we don t know if it s true or flse ecuse the text doesn t tell us). Students look ck t the text nd write their nswers. Advise them to use the hedings in the text to help them locte the informtion they need. As you check the nswers, sk students to correct the flse sentences. OPTION T? F He s etter t iology thn history. 4 F It s untidy. 5? 6 F Simon is his friend. 7 T 8 F He thought he sw Beyoncé, ut it wsn t her. You my like to give students exmples of other Americn English words. Write the following columns on the ord for students to discuss nd complete in their noteooks. Americn British store truck fll cookie cndy sod (: shop, lorry, utumn, iscuit, sweets, soft drink) People 9

4 40 Unit

4 5 6 Life nd culture The British People 4

4 STEP Grmmr: Suggestions Voculry: Plces Expressions: Responding to suggestions Communictive tsks: Asking for, mking nd responding to suggestions Tlking out dy out Key voculry Plces BACKGROUND The Olympic Stdium in Athens ws uilt for the 004 Olympic Gmes. It ws designed y the Spnish rchitect Sntigo Cltrv, nd it hs remrkle steel nd glss roof. The Tte Modern, London s lrgest gllery of modern rt, ws opened in 000. It is y the Thmes, opposite St Pul s Cthedrl, nd occupies uilding tht ws once power sttion. The Ginkkuji (or Silver Pvilion) is Zen temple t the foot of the Higshiym (Estern Mountins) in Kyoto. Windsor Cstle is one of the residences of the Queen. The cstle ws egun y Willim the Conqueror fter his invsion of Englnd in 066. The Blue Mosque in Istnul ws completed in 66 in the dys of the Ottomn Empire. With its six minrets nd eutiful domes, it is one of the most fmous uildings in Turkey. Disneyworld ws uilt y Wlt Disney, the cretor of Mickey Mouse nd mny nimted film clssics. Now clled Wlt Disney World, the theme prk is in Orlndo, Florid. It opened in 97. Selfridges is lrge deprtment store in Oxford Street, the usiest shopping street in centrl London. It hs een open since the erly 0th century. Red out the words in the ox nd then set the time limit for the mtching tsk. Ensure students relise tht the numers of the descriptions relte to the numers of the photos. Some of the words should e fmilir. For new words, sk students to guess the mening nd to use dictionry to check if they hve time. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their nswers. Point out to students tht the plces hve cpitl initil if they re prt of proper nme, for exmple, cstle, ut Windsor Cstle. Ask them to nme the country for ech of the plces in the photos. c Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Tpescript/ The Olympic Stdium in Athens The Tte Modern, n rt gllery in London The Ginkkuji Temple in Kyoto 4 Windsor Cstle, ner London 5 The Blue Mosque in Istnul 6 Disneyworld in Florid, the world s first theme prk 7 Selfridges, deprtment store in Oxford Street, London Presenttion Shll we go out? BACKGROUND The London Eye is huge wheel eside the River Thmes with spectculr view over the city. It ws uilt to celerte the new millennium. The wheel moves very slowly nd the ride lsts 0 minutes. Ask students to sy wht they cn see in the min photo. Mke sure they recognise tht the city is London. Use the photo to revise or introduce key words in the converstion (for exmple, London Eye, Thmes, ot trip). In the second photo sk students to identify Jy nd An. Introduce the two new chrcters, Mrtin nd Lizzie. Red out the introduction to the converstion nd sk the question. Ply the recording. Students listen nd red. Ask them which plces in the converstion pper in the photos, nd to identify them. Answer Becuse everyone wnts to do something different. Ply the recording gin, pusing to help with new voculry (for exmple, somewhere, look round the shops, exhiition, suggestions). Students look t the converstion nd find the nswers to the questions. Point out tht there re severl different wys of mking suggestions. Drill some sentences contining the trget lnguge, for exmple: Shll we go out? Wht shll we do? Why don t we go on the London Eye? How out tking ot trip? Let s tke ot trip. 4 Unit 4

d visit Windsor Cstle, go shopping in Oxford Street, go on the London Eye, tke ot trip on the Thmes, go to the Tte Modern Shll we go out somewhere tomorrow? How out visiting Windsor Cstle? Shll we go to Oxford Street? Why don t we go on the London Eye? How out tking ot trip? Let s tke ot trip. Why don t we go to tht? (the new exhiition t the Tte Modern) Mke sure tht students re cler out the mening of suggest nd suggestion. Prctise the pronuncition: /sədʒest/, /sədʒestʃn/. Students red the sentences nd look ck t the text to decide if they re true or flse. OPTION True. Flse. She grees with his suggestion. Flse. She wnts to go shopping in Oxford Street. 4 True. 5 Flse. He doesn t wnt to go on the London Eye. 6 Flse. Mrtin suggests trip on the Thmes. 7 True. 8 True. 9 Flse. She suggests going to the Tte Modern. You cn sk students to prctise the converstion in groups of four. Invite one or two groups to perform their converstion for the clss. Key grmmr Suggestions Students complete the exmples. Emphsise the use of the -ing ver form with How out? Explin tht the full form of Let s is Let us. shll don t tke out 4 Prctice Students mtch the sentence prts nd sy/write the sentences. For questions, 4, 5, 7 nd 8, you could sk students to express the sme suggestion in different wy, for exmple, Let s go to the Tte Modern. Why don t we uy mp? How out sking policemn? 5 6 g Shll we go on the us or on the tue? h How out going to the Tte Modern? Wht time shll we meet? Is 7.0 ll right? 4 f Let s uy mp. 5 Why don t we sk policemn? 6 c Where shll we hve our lunch? 7 d Let s uy some postcrds. 8 e Shll we sit down? Students write their own sentence with the words in the wrong order. Pirs exchnge sentences nd put the words in the right order. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of mking suggestions in the Module Review t the end of Unit 4. Pttern drill: TRP pge (Unit 4, Step ) Try this! : museum, thetre, cthedrl, cinem, plce, qurium Key expressions Responding to suggestions Red through the responses nd sk students to repet. Students mtch the responses with the menings. Elicit the full form of I d (I would). Point out tht, lthough we sy I wnt/i d like to do something, I d rther is used without to. d c 4 5 6 7 Key pronuncition /k/ /p/ /t/ Students focus on the sound t the end of ech word. Ply the first prt of the recording while students listen nd red the words. Point out tht ll three sounds re unvoiced tht is, there is no movement of the vocl cords. Ask students to plce their fingers on ech side of their throt nd to sy the sounds. There should e no virtion in their throt. Contrst this with the voiced sounds /ɡ/, // nd /d/ where the vocl cords virte. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Ply the recording. Students repet the words nd identify the sounds. Tpescript/ t luck jump 4 drk 5 cup 6 chocolte Plces Plces 4 7

STEP 7 Speking A dy out Red through the instructions nd exmples with the clss. Divide the clss into groups of four or five. Students mke nd respond to suggestions. Ask different groups to report ck on the decision they mde, for exmple, We re going to the owling lley. Grmmr: Expressions of quntity Communictive tsks: Descriing nd expressing opinions out plce Shre your ides BACKGROUND Most of the popultion of Austrli is concentrted round the cost, especilly the est cost. The outck refers to the enormous inlnd re, fr from the se, where not mny people live. Lightning Ridge is in the north of the stte of New South Wles. It is n opl mining town, the source of the world s finest lck opls, which re the drkest nd most vlule form of the stone. It hs popultion of out,800, ut n estimted,000 tourists come every yer for the Ester got rces. Gots pull smll crts nd rce from one end of the min street to the other. Give students few moments to look t the rochure. Explin the mening of the outck in Austrli. Ask the questions nd rinstorm with the clss, collecting ides nd informtion on the ord. Generl informtion out Austrli could include: Popultion: out 0 million Originl inhitnts: Austrlin Aoriginls, now out.5% of the popultion Cpitl: Cnerr Biggest city: Sydney Climte: tropicl in the north, very hot nd dry inlnd Beutiful eches Lrge res of desert in the centre Animls: kngroos, wllies, kols, womts, emus, mny types of prrots, snkes nd lizrds Some well-known Austrlins: Kylie Minogue (singer), Mel Gison (ctor), In Thorpe (swimmer), Lleyton Hewitt (tennis plyer), Peter Weir (film director) Use the photos to introduce key voculry for the presenttion text nd the listening (for exmple, got, rce, crvn prk). Presenttion Too mny tourists Red the introduction nd ply the recording. Students listen nd red. Ask for the nswer to the question. Ask Does Brett gree with Cody nd Dee? (No, he doesn t.) OPTION Answer Things they don t like. Red the text loud or ply the recording gin. Puse fter Cody nd Dee s sttements to sk questions, for exmple: Wht hppens t Ester? Wht re some things tht Cody doesn t like? Cn you ply lot of sports in Lightning Ridge? Wht re some things tht Dee doesn t like? Where does she wnt to live? Why cn t she leve Lightning Ridge? Drill some sentences tht contin the trget lnguge, for exmple: There s too much trffic. There re too mny people. There re lot of sports fcilities. There ren t enough shops. I hven t got enough money. Students mtch the sentence prts. They could compre nswers with prtner efore you check with the whole clss. d f 4 h 5 c 6 g 7 i 8 9 e Key grmmr Expressions of quntity Students red the exmples nd complete the explntions. Remind the clss tht much goes with uncountle (singulr) nouns nd mny goes with plurl countle nouns. Remind students lso tht lot of cn go with uncountle nouns s well s plurl countle nouns, for exmple, lot of trffic. Ensure tht students understnd tht enough cn lso go with oth plurl countle nouns nd uncountle nouns. Emphsise the difference in mening etween too much/ mny nd lot of. (Note tht lot of simply mens lrge quntity. Too much/mny mens tht the quntity is more thn we wnt / more thn wht is cceptle.) Ask for trnsltions in the students lnguge. too mny enough You my wnt to refer riefly to the use of too + djective, s wy of reinforcing the mening of too. Students will lredy e wre of expressions like It s too hot, I m too usy, She s too young, This work is too difficult. 44 Unit 4

4 Prctice 5 Students complete the sentences. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. Ensure tht they use lot of in the first sentence, not too mny s there is no indiction s to the right numer of gots. lot of too mny enough 4 too much 5 enough Pttern drill: TRP pge (Unit 4, Step, drills nd ) Students write their own sentences with too much/mny, (not) enough or lot of. Encourge students to think of positive s well s negtive things to write. Invite different students to red their sentences to the clss. Ask if other students gree nd to give their own opinions if they disgree. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of expressions of quntity in the Module Review t the end of Unit 4. Listening It s fntstic plce! Remind students of who Brett is. Ply the recording. Students listen to get generl ide of wht Brett sys. Ask students to sy the nmes of ny plces or uildings tht they herd in the recording. Don t confirm or correct their nswers t this stge. Answer He loves it. He thinks it s fntstic plce. c 6 Ply the recording gin once or twice. Students listen nd choose the correct nswers. Ply the recording gin nd puse to elicit nswers. Remind the students of the mening of rre nd mixture. c 4 5 Students use the words to mke sentences. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. There isn t much rin. There ren t mny trees nd flowers. There s lot of wildlife. 4 There re lot of rt glleries/rtists/rre irds/different ntionlities/friendly people. Writing nd speking A plce I know Students choose to descrie either their town/villge or nother one, for exmple, the cpitl city of their country. They mke rief notes out things they like nd dislike. Ask different students to give their opinions. Invite others to gree/disgree or to dd further comments. Students write their description. Ask some students to red out their work to the clss. Exmple nswer [Nme of town] is in the south of the country. A lot of people live here nd it s got lot of nice shops nd cfés. There s lot of pollution ecuse there s too much trffic. There ren t enough sports fcilities nd there ren t enough good pop concerts. Tpescript My fmily sometimes complin out Lightning Ridge, ut I think it s fntstic plce. It s only smll town ut we ve got five-str Olympic-size swimming pool. I swim there two or three times week. There s golf course too, nd I ply lot of golf. In the summer the Wter Theme Prk is open, so I often go there fter school with my friends. I lso like ll the rt glleries there re lot of rt glleries nd we ve got some relly rillint rtists. We get quite lot of visitors here nd in my school holidys I work t the Crocodile Crvn Prk. We don t get much rin here, so if you like trees nd flowers, it s not the plce for you. But the wildlife is incredile, nd you cn see lot of rre irds in this re. We spend lot of time outside nd in the evening we often hve rie tht s recue in the grden nd invite our neighours. Everyody knows everyody in Lightning Ridge it s very friendly plce. And there re out 50 different ntionlities here, so it s relly interesting mixture of people. Red through the sentences with the clss. Explin the mening of five-str, golf course nd neighours. Shre your ides Student life Invite students to sy nything they know out Jpnese life nd Jpnese schools. Reding Reding skills: Scnning Word work: get Communictive tsk: Writing out typicl dy Reding skills Scnning Before looking t the text, red through the questions with the clss. Point out to the students tht the im here is to find prticulr informtion in the text. They ren t expected to understnd the whole of the text. Insted, they should look for the prt which contins ech piece of informtion nd then red to extrct it. Plces Plces STEP 45 9

Set the time limit. Students red nd mke very rief note in nswer to ech question. Ask students for their nswers to the second question in Exercise. At 8.40. 50 minutes. At pm. 4 Yes. Comprehension check Ply the recording of the text while students follow in their ooks. Help them with new voculry (for exmple, cfeteri, clssmtes, pcked lunch). Puse to sk questions, for exmple: Did Yumiko get up efore 6.5? (Yes.) Where did she hve lunch? (In her clssroom.) Wht do students do t three o clock? (They clen the school.) Do ll Jpnese students go to sell clu? (No ut they ll go to clu.) Why do students go to juku? (To study for their exms / To get into good university.) How much sleep does Yumiko get? (Six hours.) Choose students to red out the sentences. Students put the events in order. They could work on this in pirs. d g 4 5 6 e 7 j 8 c 9 h 0 k f c Word work get Go through the vers in the ox, indicting their mening with hnd gestures where possile. Students complete the sentences. Ask them to strt with the ones they re sure of nd then to complete the others. They could compre nswers with prtner efore you check with the whole clss. Point out tht we use get us/trin to men use it to go somewhere, ut we use get on nd get off to descrie ctully entering or leving the us/trin. Also compre the use of get on/off for pulic trnsport with get into/out of for cr. Drw ttention to the Rememer! ox. Mke it cler tht get home is n exception. Normlly we use go/get to + plce, for exmple, I m going to the post office. She got to the sttion t 8.0. get up get into get home 4 get off 5 get redy 6 get 7 get into 8 get to 9 get out of 0 get get dressed Get on Discuss the trnsltions with the clss. Ask students to write their own sentence nd to think out how to trnslte it into English. In pirs, they trnslte their prtner s sentence nd discuss the trnsltions together. Invite some students to sy their sentence for the clss to trnslte. c Discuss the question with the clss. Alterntively, you could sk students to discuss in groups nd report ck to the clss. OPTION Before the discussion in c, you could sk students to help you write Yumiko s ctivities in the form of timetle on the ord. It should look something like this: 6.00 get up 6.45 homework 7.0 leve home 7.5 8.5 trin 8.40.0 4 lessons.0.0 lunch in clssroom.0.00 lessons.00.0 tidy clssroom.45 5.45 sell clu 5.45 6.0 urger, wlk to sttion 6.5 6.45 trin 6.45 9.45 extr clsses 9.45 0.5 go home 0.0.0 homework.00 ed 4 OPTION You could mke this into group ctivity. Ask ech group to write three sentences nd to gree on n English trnsltion. They pss their sentences on to the next group to trnslte into English. Groups then join up to compre trnsltions. Go round the clss to check nd dvise. Writing A typicl dy This exercise cn e strted in clss nd completed for homework. Introduce the topic. Mke it cler tht students cn write out n imginry sitution if they wnt to. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. Drw ttention to the link words tht mke ridge etween one event nd the next. Ask students to mke notes in nswer to the questions in the exercise. Students orgnise their notes nd dd detils s suggested in the Writing guide. Ask them to check their story. Encourge them to red ech other s work in pirs nd to suggest corrections or improvements to their prtner. Collect the finished work to mrk, nd choose one or two stories to red out in the next lesson. 46 Unit 4

4 5 6 Life nd culture Austrli Plces 47

Grmmr check Comprtives nd superltives Work it out for yourself A Ask students to sy the djectives quietly to themselves to work out the numer of syllles. B long, short curly c modern d expensive Students look t the lines nd nswer the questions. Remind them of the spelling for djectives ending in -y: curly curlier/curliest. Students nswer the questions out the clocks. Point out the use of more nd most for these longer djectives. C Yes, it is. Yes, it is. No, it isn t. 4 No, it isn t. 5 XY 6 XY 7 Yes, it is. 8 No, it isn t. 9 A Ask students to mtch the sentence prts. c d 4. Look t the exmple with the clss. You my wnt to go through the whole exercise orlly efore sking students to write. DVDs re more expensive thn CDs. Elephnts re hevier thn rhinoceroses. 4 Girls re often more confident thn oys. 5 Kirsty is moodier thn Gemm. 6 I m more esy-going thn my rother.. Students complete the questions nd nswer those they cn. 4 (In 005 the oldest mn ws n Itlin ged ) the lrgest (the lue whle) the most populr (Americn footll) 4 the most useful [student s own nswer] 5 the hppiest [student s own nswer] 6 the most difficult [student s own nswer] Irregulr forms Work it out for yourself Students complete the tle. good, d Ask students to red through the text. They then complete it with the correct djectives. You could sk them to compre nswers in pirs efore you check with the whole clss. etter the est 4 the worst 5 worse Mking suggestions Work it out for yourself If students ren t sure wht to look for here, sk them to think out the form of the ver. Answer For How out? we use the -ing form of the ver. (The other expressions use the infinitive.) Students write the suggestions using the vers in the ox. As you check the nswers, you could sk for lterntive wys to mke the sme suggestions. Shll we ply crds? Let s get us into town. 4 How out going to the owling lley? 5 Let s look round the shops. 6 Why don t we wtch the tennis finl on TV? 7 How out hving recue in the grden? 8 Shll we mke pcked lunch nd go to the ech? Expressions of quntity Work it out for yourself Red out the explntions nd sk students for some other exmples of countle nd uncountle nouns. 48 Module Review

Remind them tht too much/mny mens more thn we wnt the mening is lwys negtive. Students nswer the questions. Tell them to look ck t the exmples if they ren t sure. too much too mny Yes, we cn. 4 Yes, we cn. 5 No, it doesn t. Students look t the pictures nd complete the sentences. lot of too mny too much 4 enough, enough Study skills Thinking out lerning Point out to the students tht it s very useful for them to identify their own strengths nd weknesses nd to think out things tht either help their lerning or mke it difficult. Set the time limit nd sk students to respond to the sttements. In pirs, students exchnge their ides nd offer some suggestions to ech other. Discuss difficulties nd elicit positive suggestions for ech question. How s it going? Your rting Students look ck t the exercises in the Grmmr check nd mke their own ssessment of how well they understnd nd rememer the different lnguge points. Voculry Students choose some of the words nd sk their prtner out them. They cn nswer y giving trnsltion in their lnguge. Test friend Look t the exmple questions nd elicit the correct nswers. Students refer ck to the texts in Units nd 4 nd write severl questions to test their prtner. They then sk nd nswer in pirs. [Student s own nswer.] It s very hrd. Correcting mistkes The sentences listed here contin some common errors. Ask students to rewrite them correctly. Some sentences contin more thn one error. Mke sure students re wre of this, nd tht they find oth errors in questions nd 4. Emphsise the importnce of going ck over their work to check for errors when they finish piece of writing. Alex is the nicest person in the clss. Megn is tller thn her friends. I think it is the most eutiful plce in our country. 4 How out visiting Brighton next weekend? 5 She cn t come. She hsn t got enough money. Your Workook Students should complete the Lerning diry when they come to the end of ech unit. My guideook Getting round BACKGROUND King Arthur is the legendry wrrior king who ssemled his Knights of the Round Tle t Cmelot nd defended his British kingdom ginst evil forces. He ws ssisted y the powerful mgicin Merlin. Historins elieve tht these stories re sed on the life of rel Celtic chieftin who led locl resistnce to the Sxon invders in the 5th century. According to legend, Arthur s irthplce ws t Tintgel (/tintdʒl/). Although the existing cstle ruins re more recent (dting from the th century), the remins of n erlier 5th century fortress hve een found on the site. The Serpentine is the nme of the lke in Hyde Prk. At Spekers Corner you cn listen to up to dozen individuls who ech stnd on ox to express their opinions to the pulic on vriety of sujects often to do with politics or religion, nd often controversil. Brighton Pier opened in 899. Alwys plce for enjoying populr entertinment, it now hs funfir, musement rcdes, rs nd food stlls. The Royl Pvilion t Brighton (completed in 8) ws uilt s seside residence y King George IV. It is n extrvgnt Orientl fntsy, with Indin domes nd Chinese-style furnishings. Module Review 49

Look t the photos nd mp with the clss. Referring to Tintgel Cstle, tell students tht people elieve this is where King Arthur ws orn. Ask them to sy wht they know out him. If they hve studied Messges, remind them of the story The Silent Powers. Use the photos nd mp to revise key words nd to introduce new ones (for exmple, Frisee, deckchir, cht, se front, pier). Tell the clss little out Spekers Corner nd the Brighton Pvilion. Give students time to red through the text on their own. You cn sk some questions to check comprehension, for exmple: Where s Cornwll? (In southwest Englnd.) How did An get there? (By coch.) Wht re some tem sports tht people ply in Hyde Prk? (Rugy, footll, Frisee.) Wht re some wter sports? (Swimming, oting.) Wht do you think trvel crd is? (A ticket for ll uses, trins nd tue trins in London.) Does the Queen live in the Royl Pvilion? (No.) Cn tourists go there? (Yes.) Is Victori Sttion in Brighton? (No, it s in London.) If you leve London on the 9.0 trin, when do you get to Brighton? (At 0.0.) Ask students to suggest some plces either in their own town or not too fr wy tht they would recommend to visitors of their ge. Write their suggestions on the ord. Then choose one or two of these plces nd sk for some informtion, for exmple: Where is it? Wht cn you see/do there? Wht s the est wy to get there? Ask students to pln their text. They should write out t lest two plces nd illustrte them s they wish. Advise them to gther or check informtion y looking t tourist rochures or Internet wesites. Set time limit, llowing one to two weeks for work on the project. If students wnt to spend longer on this work, you could negotite n extension of time. Some work my e done in clss nd some t home. Ask students to check their text efore they write finl version nd design their pge. Tell them to use An s pge s model. 50 Module Review

5 OK guys, let s egin. First, I m going to tell you out tomorrow. Then we re going to tlk out our lst gme. After tht, we re going to wtch video of the Zers. So here re the rrngements for tomorrow. As you know, we re plying ginst the Zers in Knss City. Kick-off is t.0. We re meeting in the 4 college cr prk nd we re leving t 5 8.0. We re getting the plne t 6 9.45. There s prctice session t.5, then we re hving 7 lunch t the stdium. Any questions? OK? Well, I ve got n importnt question for you guys: Wht s going to hppen on Sturdy? We re going to win! Gols 5

4 5 5 Unit 5

So let s give wrm welcome, everyone, to Penny Grnt. Thnk you, nd thnks very much for inviting me. Well, I m going to cycle cross Britin t lest, tht s my pln. I m going to cycle from Lnd s End to John O Grots. As you my know, Lnd s End is the frthest point south in Englnd nd John O Grots is the frthest point north in Scotlnd totl distnce of nerly,400 kilometres. I m doing it to rise money for the chrity Oxfm. So first, I d like to tell you out Oxfm So now you know ll out Oxfm. Well, hs nyone got ny questions? Is there nything else you d like to know? When re you leving? You men, leving on my trip? Yes. I m leving next month. How long is it going to tke? Aout two weeks, I think. I m going to do out 00 kilometres dy. Where re you going to sty? In youth hostels. There re lots of youth hostels on my route, so finding somewhere to sty won t e prolem, I hope. How much money re you going to rise? I wnt to rise out,000 tht s my gol, nywy. Wht s Oxfm going to use the money for? They re going to uild new school in villge in Afghnistn. 6 oots swimsuit wetsuit trcksuit swimming trunks socks shorts goggles Gols 5

c Try this! could include: triners, footll shirt, swetshirt, skis, sktes, rollerldes, skteord, sketll, tennis ll, sell, tennis rcket. Presenttion Of course I will Give students moment to look t the photos. Red the introduction. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer to the question. Answer Blue. Ply the recording gin while students listen nd red. Explin or elicit the mening of new voculry (for exmple, expert, try on, medium, fitting room). You could tell students tht the three sic clothes sizes re smll, medium nd lrge. Point out the use of the pronouns one nd ones. Ask students to sy wht these words refer to. (I like this one = this trcksuit. Hve they got ny green ones? = green trcksuits.) Mke sure tht students understnd the mening of offer (ver). Then red through the sentences with the clss. Ask students to find the flse sentence. Answer Sentence 6 is flse. For the true sentences, students find the prt of the converstion tht gives the nswer. Drill some of the sentences with will nd won t. OPTION Lizzie sys, I ll give you my expert opinion! An sys, I ll try it on. 4 Lizzie sys, I ll hold your g for you. 5 Lizzie sys, I ll sk the ssistnt. 7 An sys: I ll get this lue one. 8 Lizzie sys, I think I ll try them on. You cn sk students to prctise the converstion in groups of three. This is good opportunity to include shyer student in the role of the shop ssistnt, s this is only one line. Key grmmr The future with will nd going to Look t the exmples in the Grmmr ox. Focus prticulrly on the use of will for spontneous decisions. Discuss trnsltions of the exmples with the clss. Remind students tht will nd won t hve the sme form for ll sujects. They re followed y the infinitive of the min ver. Students complete the exmple nd red the explntion. Point out tht we usully use the short form I ll (or We ll) in offers. Answer ll 4 Prctice 5 Look t the exmple. Mke it cler tht the speker hs just seen the trousers. He hsn t plnned to try them on he s deciding to do it s he speks. You could go through the rest of the sentences nd sk: Is this pln or decision t the time of speking? Students complete the sentences. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. re you going to ll show 4 re going to 5 ll wlk 6 m going to Pttern drill: TRP pge 4 (Unit 5, Step ) Students mke offers to go with the pictures. They cn do this orlly. Choose pirs of students to sy the dilogues in the pictures. You could give the clss some other situtions nd sk them to respond with offers. For exmple: I m thirsty. (I ll get you some wter.) It s hot in this room. (I ll open the window.) I d like to her some music. (I ll ply / put on record.) I d love n ice crem. (I ll uy you one.) Note tht there re is work on further comprehension nd prctice of future forms in the Module Review t the end of Unit 6. (I ll) nswer it. (I ll) cook the dinner. (I ll) crry tht for you. 4 (I ll) do it. Key expressions Shopping Students mtch the sentences with the replies. Drill ech sentence with the clss. Students cn prctise the dilogues in pirs. d e 4 5 c 54 Unit 5

6 7 Key pronuncition /i/ /υ/ // Ply the recording while students listen nd red the words. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet the words. Students sy the words to themselves nd find the odd one out in ech group. Ask them to sy why it is the odd one out. OPTION give (The vowel sound is /i/, not /i/.) oot (The vowel sound is /u/, not /υ/.) ply (The vowel sound is /ei/, not //.) If you hve time, you could write up one or two sentences with mixture of the three vowel sounds, for exmple: Put tht lck sock on your right foot. Ask students to identify the three sounds nd to repet the sentences. Writing nd speking Buying clothes You could sk pirs (or groups of three see elow) to think out these questions to help pln their converstion: Wht do you wnt to uy? Wht do you see in the shop? Wht s it like? Size? Colour? Will you try it on? Will you uy it? Pirs write their converstion nd then prctise it together. Ask some pirs to ct out their converstions for the clss. Students could lso do this role ply in groups of three: the third person is the shop ssistnt, who cn either e helpful nd offer to get igger size etc., or unhelpful, like the one in the presenttion converstion. Exmple nswer A: I wnt to get some footll shorts. B: OK, let s hve look. Wht colour? A: White. These look OK, ut I m not sure if they re the right size. B: Why don t you try them on? I ll wit outside the fitting room. A: OK. I think I ll try on this swetshirt too. I won t e minute No, the shorts re too smll. Hve they got ny igger ones? B: I ll hve look No, they re ll smll. A: Oh. Well, I won t get ny shorts. But I think I ll get the swetshirt. It s cool. Reding skills: Skimming Word work: Adjective/ver + preposition Communictive tsk: Writing n interview Shre your ides Sport Discuss the questions with the clss. Write words for sports nd other useful voculry on the ord. If possile, use the discussion to revise or introduce key words from the reding text (for exmple, thletics/thlete, Olympic (Gmes), gold medl, chmpion). Reding BACKGROUND Steve Redgrve ws chmpion British rower. He won gold medls in five consecutive Olympic Gmes: in Los Angeles (984), Seoul (988), Brcelon (99), Atlnt (996) nd Sydney (000). He hs now retired from professionl sport. Reding skills Skimming Focus on the photo nd introduce the words high jump nd high jumper. Set the time limit (one minute only!) nd sk students to red the text very quickly. Mke it cler tht they re looking for quite generl informtion here they shouldn t stop to puzzle over detils. Red through the questions with the clss nd mke sure tht students understnd them. Help them to guess the mening of in prticulr, well-pid nd forgetful. Ask students to nswer the questions. Point out tht we cn pick up lot of informtion y reding through text quickly, without tking in every detil. 4 5 mitious, positive, forgetful Comprehension check Look t the list with the clss. Explin the mening of irritting. Point out to students tht this time they need to look more crefully t the text to find prticulr informtion. Drw ttention to the questions in the text tht will show them where to look. Ply the recording of the text while the students red it. They cn work individully or in pirs to complete the exercise. Drw ttention to useful expressions in the text: I guess, I ve got good/d/terrile memory, It drives me/them md, the gretest of ll time, incredily successful. STEP Gols 55

c Susge sndwiches, curry. The high jump, chess. Getting up erly, rememering nmes, irthdys etc. 4 People who tlk loudly, the rin. 5 Snkes. 6 He interrupts people. 7 Steve Redgrve. 8 Competitions. Look t the questions. Point out to students tht here they re eing sked for ccurte nmes nd figures. Agin, they should use the questions in the text to work out where to look. They could complete the exercise orlly or in writing. The English Schools Chmpionship. Two metres nd five centimetres. Becuse it s got High Performnce Centre for thletics. 4 The Europen Junior Chmpionship. 5 To e the World Chmpion high jumper. Word work Adjective/ver + preposition Students complete the sentences with the prepositions. Look t the Rememer! ox with the clss. Students choose three or more questions nd interview their prtner. Encourge them to follow up with further questions or explntions. Look t the Writing guide with the clss. Students expnd their notes into prgrph out their prtner. Ask them to check their work. Encourge pirs to red ech other s prgrphs nd to suggest corrections or improvements to their prtner. Collect the finished work to mrk, nd choose one or two prgrphs to red out in the next lesson. Exmple nswer I spoke to Ev. She s good t music nd she loves plying the keyord. She s lso good t writing stories nd drwing. Her rother often nnoys her ecuse he s lzy nd he mkes stupid jokes. She worries out her grndfther ecuse he s ill nd he s getting old. Explin tht the converstion is tking plce in shoe shop. Speker A is shop ssistnt. Students red the ssistnt s sentences nd choose the correct replies from the customer. c f e 4 5 d t in of 4 out 5 t 6 to Remind students of the use of will for either offers or spontneous decisions. Ask them to choose the correct words. 4 OPTION You could dd other ssocited djectives which tke the sme prepositions. For exmple: good/d t: rillint t, terrile t frid of: scred of, frightened of, terrified of worry out: worried out, nxious out, sd out, (un)hppy out, confident out, optimistic out, pessimistic out You could egin y inviting students to sk you some of the questions nd giving your own nswers. In pirs, students sk nd nswer. Speking nd writing An interview This exercise cn e strted in clss nd completed for homework. Red out the instructions nd look t the exmple. Point out tht the notes re very short, recording only importnt words. 4 5 I m going to I ll We re going to 4 Are you going to 5 I ll 6 re going to Students choose the correct words to complete the converstion. You could sk them to prctise the converstion in pirs. 4 c 5 Ask students to find the words for sports clothes. swimsuit trunks goggles 4 wetsuits 5 trcksuit Students choose the right words. c 4 5 56 Unit 5

6 Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture The history of the Olympics BACKGROUND Olympi is in the western Peloponnese in southern Greece. It ws once very importnt religious snctury, dominted y the enormous temple of the god Zeus. Extensive remins of the ncient site still exist t Olympi, including the stdium for foot rces nd the hippodrome for horse rces. Other events included wrestling, oxing, jvelin, discus, long jump nd pentthlon. Some events were held here in the 004 Olympics, hosted y Athens. Medl winners t these Gmes were crowned with wreths of green leves, following the prctice of the ncient Gmes. The modern Olympic Gmes hve een held every four yers since 896, except for reks during the two World Wrs. Led in Tsk Brinstorm with the clss to suggest s mny Olympic sports s possile, nd write them on the ord. Include the word wrestling in the list nd help with the pronuncition: /resliŋ/. Briefly discuss the lst Olympic Gmes. Ask students to sy when/where it took plce nd to mention ny notle events or chievements tht they rememer. Tech or revise the word ncient (/einʃnt/). Ask students wht they know out the ncient Olympic Gmes: When did they strt? Where did they tke plce? Who competed? Did women compete? Which of the events on the ord were in the ncient Olympics? If students ren t sure of the nswers, sk them to guess, ut don t confirm or correct their nswers yet. Give students time to red through the text themselves. Red the first hlf of the text loud nd help with new voculry (for exmple, historins, event, religious). Check the nswers to the pre-reding questions. Red the second hlf of the text. Ask students to use the context to work out the mening of restrt, design, flg nd represent. Ask some questions to test comprehension, for exmple: Who orgnised the first modern Olympics? (Pierre de Couertin.) Wht ws his ntionlity? (French.) Did the Gmes tke plce in Frnce? (No, in Greece.) Wht s on the Olympic flg? (Five rings.) Why re the colours importnt? (There s t lest one colour from every country s flg.) Wht colours re there from our flg? Red out the questions or choose students to do so. Ask students to sy which questions go with the first hlf of the text nd which with the second. Remind them to look crefully t the question words to mke sure they select the right informtion. Students nswer the questions. They could work on this individully or in pirs. Ask out the time nd plce of the next Olympic Gmes. If ids re eing prepred or considered for the city to host the Gmes fter the next ones, you could lso sk students to predict which city will win, nd to sy why. In 776BC. Only one (Greek). Coroeus of Elis. 4 Wrestling, horse rcing. 5 He ws Frenchmn. He orgnised the first modern Olympic Gmes. 6 In Athens. 7 Nerly 00. 8 They represent the five continents. 9 Over,000. Gols 57

6 STEP Grmmr: First conditionl Voculry: At the tle Expressions: Polite requests Communictive tsks: Tlking out results Mking converstion in resturnt c Key voculry At the tle Red out the words in the ox nd then set the time limit for the mtching tsk. Some of the words should e fmilir nd most should e firly esy to guess. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. You my wnt to mention the words for different types of spoon: soup spoon, dessert spoon, tespoon, tlespoon. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Mke sure they sy the long /u/ in spoon. Note tht slt cn e pronounced /sɔlt/ or /sɒlt/ nd note the pronuncition of serviette /svijet/. Tpescript/ slt nd pepper 5 fork menu 6 plte glss 7 knife 4 spoon 8 serviette Students mtch the words nd the definitions. glss slt nd pepper 4 spoon 5 plte 6 knife 7 menu 8 serviette Red out the exmple definition to the clss nd elicit the nswer. In pirs, students tke turns to choose definition from nd red it out. The other student provides the word without looking t his/her ook. Presenttion You ll e ill if you et ll tht BACKGROUND Bsmti rice is firm, long-grin white rice tht comes from Indi or Pkistn. It is usully eten with curries. Look t the photo with the clss nd sk students to identify the people nd where they re. Red through the menu. Elicit the mening of strter, min course nd dessert nd help with the new words for food on the menu. Give specil ttention to the pronuncition of dessert /dizt/, nd drw ttention to the /ə/ sound in melon /melən/ nd crrot /krət/. Ask the question nd then ply the recording. Students listen nd red. Ask: Who isn t hving strter? (An nd Chrlie.) Wht re the others hving? (Mr Grnt s hving pâté. Mrs Grnt s hving soup.) Answer Two people. Ply the recording gin. Puse to check comprehension. Elicit the mening of new words (for exmple, strving, pss, order, certinly). Point out the use of I ll hve s Mr nd Mrs Grnt decide wht they wnt to order. Compre this with the requests from An nd Chrlie: Could I hve? I d like. Drill some of the useful expressions in the converstion: Wht do you fncy? I think I ll hve pâté. I m strving. Students red the sentences nd look ck t the text to decide if they re true or flse. True. Flse. He s going to hve stek. Flse. He s going to hve pâté. 4 True. 5 Flse. She isn t going to hve strter. 6 True. 7 True. 8 True. 9 Flse. She isn t going to hve dessert. Key grmmr First conditionl Students complete the explntion. Emphsise the use of the present simple in the if cluse, even though it s referring to possile event in the future. Point out tht the if cluse cn come efore the result cluse or vice vers. The mening is the sme. Note tht when the if cluse comes first, it is followed y comm. When the result cluse comes first, we don t use comm. Focus on the Rememer! ox. Mke it cler tht we never sy will/won t cn. Cn nd cn t chnge completely to will/won t e le to in the future. Answer present 58 Unit 6

4 Prctice 5 Look t the exmple. You my wnt to go through the whole exercise orlly with the clss. Students write the full sentences. You could sk students to sy the sentences with the cluses in the opposite order. (For exmple: Jy will give you An s ddress if you sk him.) Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the first conditionl in the Module Review t the end of Unit 6. If you sk Jy, he ll give you An s ddress. You won t e helthy if you don t et enough fruit. 4 If we visit Lightning Ridge, we ll e le to wtch the fmous got rces. 5 If I don t do my homework now, I won t e le to go out lter. 6 Chrlie will et your chips if you don t finish them. Pttern drill: TRP pge 4 (Unit 6, Step, drill ) OPTION Strt some conditionl sentences for students to finish, for exmple: If it rins t lunchtime, If we get too much homework next week, If the school lirry isn t open tomorrow, [Techer s nme] will e plesed if [Footll tem] won t win next Sturdy if Key expressions Polite requests Students mtch the sentence prts. Ask students to trnslte the sentences into their lnguge. Point out tht Could I? is little more forml nd polite thn Cn I? Sy the requests nd sk students to repet. d f e 4 5 c 6 Elicit other endings for the sentence openings ( 6). Exmple nswers Could you help me with this exercise, plese? I d like cheese sndwich, plese. Could I hve glss of wter, plese? 4 Could I sk question, plese? 4 Could we hve tle y the window? 5 Cn I hve some red, plese? 6 7 Key pronuncition /e/ /ei/ // Ply the recording while students listen nd red the words. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet the words. Students sy the words to themselves nd find the odd one out in ech group. Ask them to sy why it is the odd one out. OPTION plice (The vowel sound is /ei/, not /e/.) sid (The vowel sound is /e/, not / ei/.) got (The vowel sound is /əυ/, not //.) If you hve time, you could write up one or two sentences with mixture of the three sounds, for exmple: Fred te plte of stek nd some onion curry for lunch. Ask students to identify the three sounds nd to repet the sentences. Speking At resturnt Ask students to work in groups. Remind them of the use of (I think) I ll hve for decisions out the mel, nd the expressions for polite requests (I d like, Could I/we hve? ) when they re tlking to the witer. Ask the person plying the witer to repet ck the orders to check them. You could sk one or two groups to ct out their converstion for the clss. Grmmr: will nd might Communictive tsks: Mking promises Tlking out uncertinty nd proility in the future Shre your ides Look t the mp nd the photo of Keny. Ask the question nd invite students to give their ides in sentences using will. You could prompt them with questions, for exmple: Wht nimls will you see? Wht will the wether e like? Wht will the houses e like? Will life e very different from life here? STEP Pttern drill: TRP pge 4 (Unit 6, Step, drill ) Choices 59

Presenttion You might not enjoy it! BACKGROUND British students often tke yer off, known s gp yer, etween finishing school nd strting university. Mny trvel during this period, nd some prticipte in community service projects specilly orgnised for young people in different prts of the world. They often work closely with locl people on projects which my include the construction nd repir of uildings, setting up electricity nd wter supplies nd teching or sports trining t primry school. Ask students out the photos of people. Mke sure they recognise Lizzie from Unit 4 nd explin tht she s going to Keny during her gp yer when she finishes school. Red out the questions nd the introduction. Ply the recording. Students listen nd red. Lizzie s fther nd mother re worried. Her fther is negtive out the trip. Lizzie is positive nd excited. Red the texts loud or ply the recording gin. Puse to elicit or explin the mening of new voculry (for exmple, go cluing, mlri, tlets, promise, miss). Focus on the difference etween will nd might. Ask: Is Lizzie s fther sure out the het nd the mosquitoes? (Yes.) Is her mother sure tht Lizzie will feel homesick? (No ut it s possiility.) Explin tht You never know mens You cn t e sure it might hppen. Focus on Lizzie s speech nd point out tht we use will when we re mking promises. Drill some sentences with the trget lnguge, for exmple: It ll e very hot. You proly won t like the food. You might feel homesick. You might not enjoy it. I ll tke my tlets. I won t forget. Red through the questions with the clss. Ask students to mtch them with the nswers. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. Choose pirs of students to sk nd nswer the questions cross the clss. Tpescript/ e Will it e very hot in Keny? Yes, it will. h Will there e mny mosquitoes? Yes, there will. d Will Lizzie e le to go cluing? No, she won t. 4 c Will she like the food? She might like it. She might not like it. 5 f Will she feel homesick? She might miss her fmily. She cn t e sure. 6 Is Lizzie s mum sure she ll e ill? No, she isn t, ut it s possile. 7 i Wht will Lizzie tke every dy? Some specil tlets. 8 g Wht other promises does she mke? She ll contct her prents regulrly. 9 Will Mrtin forget out Lizzie? No. He ll write to her every week. Key grmmr will nd might Discuss trnsltions with the clss. Point out tht here the exmples with will re predictions out the future. Remind students tht we use proly if we think the event is very likely (ut not certin) to hppen. Explin tht we use proly with will, not with might. Students complete the explntions. Remind students of the word order when we use proly with will nd won t : You ll proly like it ut You proly won t like it. Focus on the use of might/might not. Emphsise tht we use this ver to tlk out something we think is possile in the future ut we don t relly know. Students complete the explntion. You could mention tht it s possile to use the contrcted form (mightn t) for might not. will, won t will, won t might, might not 4 Prctice Mke sure it s cler tht ll these sentences re promises tht Lizzie mkes efore her trip to Afric. Ask students to complete the sentences. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. ll e won t go out with 4 ll wer 5 ll send 6 won t forget Try this! The missing letters re ll vowels:, e, i, o nd u. : swim in the Indin Ocen, study wild nimls, lern nother lnguge, go on sfri 60 Unit 6

6 5 Choices 6

c 4 No, he wsn t. No, they weren t. Coffee mkers, fridges, wshing mchines nd ovens. 4 They re getting smrter. They re strting to think. 5 He s lerning to spek. 6 Ant Treister-Goren. She tlks to Hl nd reds him children s stories. 7 His lnguge level is improving quickly. 8 Yes, he will. Reding skills Identifying the topic Ask students to think out the min ide of the text. Point out tht lthough the writer tlks lot out Hl, this is only one prt of more generl ide out the present nd future development of computer technology. Remind students tht prgrphs re steps in the orgnistion of text. The prgrphs re ll relted to the min ide of the text, ut ech one develops its own set of thoughts. Ask students to identify the topic of ech prgrph. Prgrph c Prgrph 4 e Prgrph Prgrph 5 Word work Compound nouns Look t the exmple. Point out tht in compound nouns two words re put together to give the mening. Students mtch the words to form compound nouns. Red out the list nd sk students to repet. Check tht they put the min stress on the first syllle of ech compound, except for moile phone, where the min stress is on phone. dining room trffic jm 4 cr prk 5 us stop 6 moile phone 7 lrm clock 8 wshing mchine 9 computer chip 0 pop str Students cn work individully or in pirs to think of more compound nouns. There re mny exmples, which could include: rt gllery, living room, fitting room, clothes shop, golf course, hert ttck, ot trip, disc jockey. They could lso include nouns where the two prts re joined together to form single word, for exmple, edroom, clssroom, wetsuit, eefurger, ookshop. Speking nd writing My future predictions Red out the questions. Check tht students know the mening of hope. Red through the Writing guide to give them ides for expressing different kinds of opinions. Look t the exmples with the clss. Ask students to sy if they gree with these sttements. Invite them to offer their own opinions out the future nd to discuss them together. Students write sentences. Encourge them to use vriety of lnguge to express their opinions, s suggested in the Writing guide. Tke in the finished work to mrk. OPTION Exmple nswer The Erth s climte will chnge nd we proly won t e le to stop it. I think we might discover life on nother plnet. Computers will ecome incredily fst nd powerful. I don t think I ll e fmous, ut I hope I ll hve hppy life. You could type out nd photocopy selection of the clss s predictions (choosing one from ech student if possile) nd hnd them out in the next lesson. Ask the clss to decide which prediction is the most optimistic the most pessimistic the funniest the most likely to come true. Students red the questions nd choose the correct replies. You could choose pirs of students to sk nd nswer the questions cross the clss. c 4 5 c Students choose the correct lterntives to complete the conditionl sentences. 4 5 Look t the exmple nd remind students of the word order: will proly ut proly won t. Students put the words in the correct order. I might study French next yer. We ll proly go shopping on Sturdy. 4 Will you e le to finish your homework? 5 I proly won t go out tonight. 6 They might not come to our prty. 6 Unit 6

4 5 6 Life nd culture Choices 6

Grmmr check The future with the present continuous, going to nd will Work it out for yourself A Students look t the sentences in nd decide which of the two menings is the right one. B, Students choose the ver form for ech explntion. Ask them to look ck t the sentences in A if they ren t sure. You could sk them to suggest some more exmple sentences for ech ver form. will present continuous going to 4 will. Ask students to choose the right words. Remind them to look crefully t the context to decide which ver form is correct. I m strting I m going to I ll 4 we ll 5 He isn t working 6 I ll try 7 I m going to phone. Students write the correct form of the ver in rckets. Ask them to compre nd discuss nswers with prtner efore you check with the whole clss. You could sk students to mtch the sentences with the explntions in B. won t like re plying ll phone 4 m going to do 5 ll write The first conditionl Work it out for yourself A Students look t the conditionl sentence nd mtch the two cluses with the explntions. B Students nswer the questions nd complete the explntion of the form of the first conditionl. Ask them to look ck t the exmple in A if they ren t sure. Emphsise the use of the present simple in the if cluse, even though we re referring to possiility in the future. present simple the future with will present simple, will, won t Look t the exmple with the clss. Mke sure it s cler tht the first sentence descries the possile future ction nd the second descries the result of tht ction. Remind students of the comm fter the if cluse. Students rewrite the sentences using the first conditionl. You my wnt to go through the exercise orlly efore sking them to write. Remind students tht we cn put the cluses in the opposite order. Ask them to do this with the sentences they hve written. If I m lte, will you wit for me? If you wer your oots, your feet won t get wet. 4 If I do my homework now, I ll e le to go out lter. 5 If my rother doesn t get ticket, he won t e le to go to the mtch. 6 If you don t put slt in the soup, it won t e nice. will, might nd proly Work it out for yourself You could sk students to red through the sentences nd sy which spekers re sure out the result of the rce nd which re not sure. Students put the sentences in order 6, from the most optimistic () to the most pessimistic (6). You could sk them to discuss this in pirs. Tom Jck Dve 4 Jmes 5 Pete 6 Mrk. Students rewrite the sentences using might nd might not. I might discover the secrets of the universe. I might not pss my exms. 4 My drems might not come true. 5 I might not e successful. 64 Module Review

Module Review 65

7 66 Unit 7

Red through the rest of the explntion. Explin the mening of chievement. Point out tht we often use the present perfect to refer to something tht hppened t some time in the pst nd is still importnt now. The ction(s) hppened in the pst ut we re seeing it/them in reltion to the present. For exmple: I ve chnged the world. (It s different plce now.) I ve uilt some fntstic cities. (I m proud of this now.) Your technology hsn t produced enough food. (It s prolem now.) Hve, hven t hs hs, hven t Students find the pst prticiples in the text nd list them with their infinitive forms. Ask students to sy which vers re regulr nd which re irregulr. You could sk them to sy the pst simple forms s well s the prticiples. OPTION Ver forget produce mke pollute destroy tke sve invent put improve lern do 4 Prctice Pst prticiple forgotten produced mde polluted destroyed tken sved invented put improved lernt done Help students to mke some sentences out chievements, using vers from the text in the present perfect. For exmple: Brzil hs produced some gret footllers. My mths results hve improved. They ve uilt new sports centre in our town. Students put the words in the correct order. Choose students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. In pirs, they sk nd nswer the questions. 5 Hve people wlked on Mrs? No, they hven t. Hs the climte chnged? Yes, it hs. 4 Hve we protected the environment? No, we hven t. 5 Hs pollution destroyed lot of trees? Yes, it hs. 6 Hs the world styed the sme? No, it hsn t. Look t the exmple with the clss. Note tht here the present perfect ver refers not to n chievement, ut to recent event. Here gin, the event is in the pst ut we re seeing it in terms of its effect on the present. (My wtch hs stopped it isn t working now.) You my wnt to go through the whole exercise with the clss nd then sk them to write the nswers. Tell them to use contrcted forms with pronouns. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the present perfect in the Module 4 Review t the end of Unit 8. ve lost s mde 4 hven t done 5 hsn t rrived 6 ve uilt 7 hs chnged 8 hven t put Pttern drill: TRP pges 4-5 (Unit 7, Step, drills nd ) OPTION Ask students to think of sentence giving present sitution nd the reson for it, for exmple: I m not very hppy ecuse I ve lost my jcket. Remind them not to use pst time expression ecuse the present perfect refers to n indefinite time in the pst. Students write their sentence, gpping the present perfect ver, for exmple, I ve lost, for their prtner to complete. Students work in pirs nd complete ech other s gpped sentences. Listening nd speking Wht difference! Keep the work on this listening text light-herted. The dvert is oviously not rel one nd it should generte some fun. Look t the picture nd explin to students tht they re going to her n dvert for the CD-ROM on the rdio. Explin the mening of tme nd tmer (s in lion-tmer). Ply the recording once nd check the nswer to question. Achievements 67

Ply the recording gin up to you ll e mzed t the difference nd sk for suggestions for djectives to descrie Eddie efore his prents ought Teentmer. Then ply the rest of the recording nd elicit djectives to descrie Eddie fter Teentmer. Introduce the new djective rude. Prents with difficult teenge children. Exmple nswers: Before: difficult, moody, rude, lzy, selfish After: polite, helpful, tidy, hrd-working, serious, kind, generous Tpescript PRESENTER: Prents, hve you got difficult teenger? Is your house like this? MOTHER: Eddie! Turn tht computer off nd do your homework. EDDIE: Oh, Mum! Leve me lone. I hven t finished this gme! MOTHER: Eddie! Do s I sy! EDDIE: Yeh, yeh. All right. In minute PRESENTER: Prents, re your kids prolem? Are they moody nd rude? Do they refuse to help t home? Well, uy our new TeenTmer CD-ROM! TeenTmer is full of ides on how you cn trin your teenger to e polite nd helpful. Follow our progrmme nd you ll e mzed t the difference. MOTHER: Eddie? Where re you? EDDIE: I m upstirs, Mum. I ve tidied my room nd now I m doing my homework. MOTHER: Tht s gret, Eddie. I cn t elieve it! The TeenTmer progrmme hs chnged him so much! Look! He s done the shopping, nd he s wshed the cr. We hven t rgued t ll, nd he s even ought me some flowers! He s completely different oy! EDDIE: I ve finished my homework, Mum. Shll I do the wshing up? MOTHER: Yes, plese! PRESENTER: A hppy mother! The TeenTmer CD- ROM hs improved the lives of thousnds of fmilies. Buy it! Try it! It ll chnge your world. c 6 4 nd 6 Mke sure students understnd the mening of perfect. Give them few moments to gther some ides. Ask different students to sy sentences with I ve nd I hven t. Writing nd speking An dvert Red out the instruction nd look t the exmple. Mke sure students understnd tht this time the CD-ROM is for teengers who wnt to chnge their prents. Elicit few more exmple sentences to descrie the mrvellous effects of the product. In groups of three, students write their own dvert nd prctise it together. They tke the roles of delighted teenger, perfect prent nd the presenter. Encourge them to use their imgintion nd their sense of humour. Wlk round the clss, giving help where necessry, especilly with the formtion of present perfect vers. Invite different groups to perform their dvert for the clss. Exmple nswer PRESENTER: Hello, teengers! Hve you got moody, difficult prents? Listen! GIRL: Mum, cn I hve chips with dinner tonight? MUM: No, they re d for you. Hve you tidied your room? PRESENTER: Is your house like this? Buy our new PrentTmer CD-ROM nd trin your prents! We ve got lots of useful ides. You ll e mzed t the difference. MUM: Your dinner s redy. It s eefurger nd chips. I ll tidy your room fter dinner you cn wtch TV. Or I cn help you with your homework if you wnt. GIRL: Thnks, Mum. This is mzing! I ve tried PrentTmer nd it s chnged my life. Look! My mum hs cooked eefurgers nd chips for me. She s going to tidy my room nd she hsn t sked me to help. PRESENTER: Buy PrentTmer! You ll e mzed t the difference! Red through the sentences with the clss. Drw ttention to the irregulr prticiples come nd ought. Tell students to focus on the second hlf of the dvert. Ply the recording gin. Students write down the sentence numers when they her the ctions descried. Pick out nd prctise some useful expressions for the writing nd speking tsk in Exercise 6. For exmple: You ll e mzed t the difference. I cn t elieve it. He s completely different oy. It ll chnge your world. Grmmr: Present perfect nd pst simple Voculry: Using mchine Expressions: I think so. / I don t think so. Communictive tsks: Tlking out wht people hve done nd when they did it Tlking out using mchine STEP 68 Unit 7

Key voculry Using mchine Focus on the pictures nd sk students to sy wht they re out (using CD plyer ). Red out the vers under the pictures. Set the time limit. Students put the pictures in order (- 6) of plying nd then removing CD nd mtch them with the vers. With the exmple plug in supplied, they should e le to guess the other vers. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. Point out tht the five phrsl vers must e used with oth prts to give the intended mening. Drw ttention to the ver unplug (not plug out). You could tell students tht we cn use switch on/off insted of turn on/off. Note tht these phrsl vers re seprle. We cn sy either turn the mchine on or turn on the mchine. However, when we re using pronoun, only one order is possile: we must sy turn it on (not turn on it). Tpescript/ c plug in turn on e put in 4 f tke out 5 turn off 6 d unplug OPTION You could give some sentences to prctise the use of turn on/off nd put in/out. You my lso like to dd turn up/down. Ask students to supply the right vers. For exmple: I wnt to cook chicken, so I m going to.. the oven... (turn on) The oven s too hot. You need to.. it... (turn down) I think the chicken s redy now. I m going to.. it... (tke out) It s edtime, so I m going to.. the TV... (turn off) You cn use the wshing mchine for those clothes. Open the door nd.. them... (put in) I cn t her the music very well. Would you.. the rdio..? (turn up) It s drk in here. Why don t you.. the light..? (turn on) Key pronuncition /i/ /ɒ/ /υ/ Ask students to red the sentences. Ply the recording nd sk students to repet. Mke sure they pronounce /i/ nd /ɒ/ s short vowels, nd tht they link up consonnt word endings with the following vowels. Give ttention to the /υ/ sound. Accentute the two seprte vowels nd then run them together. Ask students to do the sme. Prctise the sound with some other words, for exmple, how, shout, town, out. Presenttion Hve you plugged it in? Look t the photo nd sk: Where re they? Wht re they doing? Red out the introduction to the listening. Point out tht in this sentence the ver work mens function or operte. You could mention the common expressions How does it work? nd It doesn t work. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer to the question. Answer He s forgotten to turn the TV on. Ply the recording gin while students listen nd red. Elicit the mening of instructions nd connected. Point out tht some sentences re in the pst simple while others re in the present perfect. Drw ttention to the use of pst time expressions with the pst simple vers. Drill sentences with the trget lnguge, for exmple: I ve ought DVD plyer. I ought it yesterdy. Hve you looked t the instructions? Yes, I hve. I looked t them lst night. You could lso drill other useful expressions, for exmple: Tht s strnge. Wit minute! How stupid of me! Red through the questions nd sk students to nswer in full sentences. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. Tell them to look crefully t the vers in the question nd to nswer in the sme tense. OPTION He s ought DVD plyer. He ought it yesterdy. No, it wsn t. 4 Yes, he hs. 5 He looked t them lst night. 6 He s connected the DVD plyer to the TV, he s plugged it in nd he s put DVD in. 7 He hsn t turned the TV on. You cn sk students to prctise the converstion in groups of three, if possile y improvising their own version without reding from the ook. You my wnt to invite one or two groups to perform their converstion for the clss. Achievements 69

4 Key grmmr Present perfect nd pst simple Ask students to red the exmples nd complete the explntions. Mke it cler tht the pst simple refers to definite, finished time in the pst. However, the present perfect refers to n indefinite time in the pst (so there re no pst time expressions) nd it lso reltes tht time to the present. present perfect pst simple 5 Prctice Students mtch the sentences. Drw ttention to the irregulr pst prticiple of rek: roken. d e 4 5 c Ask students to choose the correct ver form. They could work on this in pirs nd then write down the sentences. Alterntively, you could do the exercise orlly with the clss. As you go through the nswers, sk students to pick out words tht helped them to decide which tense to use. Drw ttention to the references to the present on the one hnd nd the pst time expressions on the other. Check the spelling of stopped. We cn go out now. Look! The rin hs stopped. An Englishmn invented the World Wide We in 99. 4 They ren t redy. They hven t finished their rekfst. 5 Where s my ike? Someone hs tken it! 6 Wht s the mtter? Hve you lost something? 7 I ought trcksuit t the mrket lst Sturdy. 8 I ve done my homework. I did it efore dinner. 6 7 OPTION For more prctice with pst prticiples, you could ply Bingo. Ask students to write six irregulr prticiples from Unit 7 in grid. Cll out vers in their infinitive form. Students cross out the mtching prticiples when they her the vers. The winner is the first person to cross out ll their words nd to cll out Bingo! Irregulr prticiples: forgotten, uilt, mde, tken, put, done, lernt, lost, come, ought, roken Key expressions I think so. / I don t think so. Ask students to red the sentences nd put them in order. Mke it cler tht I think so nd I don t think so re usully responses to question. We use them to men: The nswer is proly yes/no, ut I m not quite sure. Sy the two expressions nd sk students to repet. Mke sure they put the min stress on the word think. Students prctise the converstion in pirs. You my wnt to mention tht we cn lso use these expressions for greeing or disgreeing. For exmple: A: This music is wful. B: I think so too. / I don t think so. I don t understnd how this works. Are there ny instructions with it? Yes, I think so. But I cn t find them. Did you leve them in the shop? No, I don t think so. They might e in the ox somewhere. Writing nd speking How does it work? Red through the exmple with the clss nd elicit some suggestions for the missing prts of the converstion. Pirs write their converstion nd then prctise it together. Wlk round the clss, helping where necessry. Ask some pirs to ct out their converstion. c Ask pir of students to red out the short converstion. Mke sure students understnd they hve to chnge the nme of the ook nd A s response. Students prctise the converstion in pirs. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the present perfect nd pst simple in the Module 4 Review t the end of Unit 8. Try this! : chnged, roken, tken, tidied, stopped, ought, plugged, forgotten Exmple nswer A: I ve got prolem. I ve ought new video recorder. B: Gret! When did you uy tht? A: I ought it on Thursdy t Electromrt. Anywy, I m not sure how it works. B: Well, hve you connected it to the TV? A: Yes, I hve. B: And hve you turned it on? A: Yes, ut nothing s hppening. B: Well, tht s strnge. Hve you plugged it in? A: Oh! No, I hven t done tht. How stupid of me! 70 Unit 7

STEP Reding skills: Understnding the min ide Word work: The infinitive of purpose Communictive tsk: Writing letter out cmpign Shre your ides Our endngered plnet BACKGROUND The Sierin tiger is the lrgest memer of the ct fmily. These mgnificent nimls re now only found in smll re in northest Russi nd it is estimted tht there re only out 400 surviving in the wild. Some other exmples of endngered nimls: ll types of tiger, mountin gorill, gint pnd, rhinoceros, Asin elephnt, cheeth, lue whle. Red the dictionry definition with the clss. Then sk students to give other exmples of endngered nimls. Help them with voculry where necessry. Ask for students ides out dngers to the environment. Mke sure tht the destruction of the world s rinforests is rised nd use the discussion to revise key words from the reding text (for exmple, rinforest, environment, protect, sve). Write rief notes on the ord s students suggest ides. Reding BACKGROUND Kids Sving the Rinforest ws strted in 998 when Jnine Licre nd school friend, Aislin Livingstone, egn selling their own rtwork to try to rise money. With contriutions from friends, clssmtes nd volunteers, the smll shop tht they set up in Jnine s mother s hotel grew into much lrger ide. Now the weekend ctivities nd summer cmps run y KSTR re especilly to educte nd invite support from young people. Children come to lern out the rinforest environment nd to help with projects like tree-plnting nd to cre for injured or ndoned nimls. They lso contriute rtwork to sell in the KSTR shop, which opertes online. Preservtion of the Mono Titi monkey popultion is one of KSTR s min ims. They uild monkey ridges high ove the rods to stop the nimls eing killed on electric wires or y trffic. They lso plnt trees tht provide food nd shelter for the monkeys. The ide of Adopt--tree is tht people mke dontion nd hve new young tree rised under their nme, efore trnsplnttion into the forest. c Ask students to look t the photos. Tell them tht the plce is Cost Ric nd, if possile, use mp to show the loction of the country. Introduce the word monkey. Ask some questions out the photos, for exmple: Wht kind of plce do these monkeys live in? (A rinforest.) How old do you think the girl is? Wht do you think the children re lerning out in the third photo? Explin the mening of cmpign. Ask students to red the text to find the nswers to the questions. She strted cmpign to protect the rinforest environment round her home. She decided to strt this cmpign ecuse the rinforest nd its wildlife were disppering. Comprehension check Ply the recording of the text, pusing to help with new voculry (for exmple, tke ction, chieve, injured, vriety, dopt). Ask questions to check comprehension, for exmple: Why were the nimls nd irds disppering? (Becuse people were destroying the rinforest.) Is the Mono Titi monkey the min niml they re interested in? (Yes.) Wht do you think the Adopt--tree project is? Students red the sentences nd complete the true/flse exercise. You could sk them to correct the flse sentences. Remind them tht some sentences should e nswered? ecuse the informtion isn t in the text. T F It ws disppering, ut it s still there now. F She strted it with friend. 4 T 5 F They were volunteers. 6? 7 T 8? Reding skills Understnding the min ide Red out the topics nd sk students to choose the right one. Ask them to sy why the other two re wrong. Wht sort of informtion would we get in text out Cost Ric or out fmous kids? Answer Red out the sentences nd sk students to sy which gives the min ide of the text. Achievements 7

OPTION Point out tht lthough protecting trees nd helping nimls re importnt in the text, they re prts of the explntion of the work tht Jnine hs done. Neither of them on its own is the min ide (nd in fct the lst prgrph doesn t mention either of them). Answer You my wnt to sk students to suggest the topic of ech prgrph in the text. Exmple nswers: How Jnine s cmpign strted Aims of the cmpign Jnine s chievements 4 Jnine s interntionl fme Word work The infinitive of purpose Red the explntion nd exmples with the clss. Ask students to mtch the sentence prts. Exmple nswer 4 Prkdle Rod Glstonury BA6 9TD nd Mrch Der Tke Action! I m writing to tell you out our cmpign to clen our neighourhood. My friends nd I strted this cmpign two months go nd it s clled TeenCleners. We ve chieved lot. For exmple, we ve clened the re round our school nd we ve collected ruish in the city centre. We ve found lot of volunteers to help us nd we ve orgnised ig clening dy for the whole town on 6th Mrch. I hope you will tell people out TeenCleners in your next newsletter. Yours sincerely [nme] 4 f 4 e 5 c 6 Writing A letter This exercise cn e strted in clss nd completed for homework. Introduce the topic. Explin to the students tht they re going to write their letter to Tke Action, the newsletter which produced the rticle out Jnine Licre. Red through the questions nd exmples. You could choose one of the cmpign topics nd sk students to suggest ides for the things tht the cmpign hs chieved. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. You could sketch the lyout of the letter on the ord. Point out tht if we know the nme of the person we re writing to, we use tht in the greeting. For people we don t know personlly, it s usully est to sy Der Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Emphsise tht Yours sincerely is forml ending. Note tht forml endings like Yours truly re ecoming incresingly rre, even in usiness correspondence. Tell students tht they should end their letter y signing their full nme. Ask students to decide on cmpign nd to think of nme for it. They then mke notes in nswer to the three questions. Students expnd their notes into letter, using the writing guide to orgnise it nd set it out correctly. Collect the finished letters to mrk nd choose two or three to red out in the next lesson. You my wnt to disply the letters in the clssroom. OPTION If students hve ecome interested in the work of Kids Sving the Rinforest, you might like to help them uild up clss letter to the orgnistion. It could explin how they herd out KSTR nd express generl support. Ask for volunteer to send the letter to the KSTR wesite nd, if it gets reply, to ring it in for the clss to red. Students complete ech reply with one-word nswer. so stopped did 4 think 5 works Ask students to red through the text. They then complete it with the words given. took out turned off put in 4 turned on 5 turned it off 6 unplugged 7 plugged it in 8 turned it on Students red the questions nd choose the correct replies. As you go though the nswers, you could sk students to suggest exmple questions for some of the lterntive replies. 4 5 c 7 Unit 7

4 5 6 Students red through the converstion nd the possile replies. They choose the est ones. You could discuss with the clss why the remining three options don t work in the converstion. d h 4 e 5 f Look t the exmple. Mke sure students understnd tht they need to use the present perfect for the questions nd replies. You my wnt to go through ll the questions with the clss. You could choose students to sk nd nswer the questions cross the clss. Hve they uilt new gym? No, they hven t uilt new gym. They ve uilt new swimming pool. Hs Sm ought cot? No, he hsn t ought cot. He s ought shirt. 4 Hs Julie rgued with her prents? No, she hsn t rgued with her prents. She s rgued with her est friend. 5 Hve they lernt Spnish? No, they hven t lernt Spnish. They ve lernt Itlin. 6 Hve you done Exercise 6? No, I hven t done Exercise 6. I ve done Exercise 5. Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture Sving Gwrych Cstle BACKGROUND Gwrych Cstle /ɡrix kɑsl/ is in the north of Wles, close to the cost of Colwyn By nd not fr from the town of Llndudno. It hs hd mny different uses since the originl fmily sold it in 946. It ws closed to the pulic in 985 nd hs een uninhited since 989. Wether nd vndlism hve rought the uilding to very poor condition. Cernrfon Cstle (widely known y its nglicised pronuncition /kənɑvn kɑsl/) domintes the town of Cernrfon in north Wles. This enormous cstle ws uilt y the English king Edwrd I in 8 s militry fortress nd the set of English government in Wles. It ws lso used s royl residence. The Prince of Wles is Prince Chrles, the Queen s eldest son nd the heir to the throne. Led in Tsk OPTION Discuss the questions with the clss. If there ren t ny notle uildings in the students own town, they could tlk out those they know in nery town or city. Ask some questions out the uilding, for exmple: How old is it? Who uilt/used/lived in it? Hs it chnged lot in the lst yers? Use the discussion to revise or introduce key words (for exmple, cstle, medievl, in good/poor condition, fll down). Look t the photos with the clss nd explin tht the cstle is in Wles. If possile, show the loction of Gwrych (ner Llndudno in north Wles) on mp. Explin tht the nme is in Welsh (the Celtic lnguge of Wles) nd help with the pronuncition. Give students time to red through the text themselves. Ask them to red quickly, to get the min ide. Red the text loud nd help with new voculry (for exmple, loction, preservtion, prince). Drw ttention to the use of the present perfect nd sk students to sy or guess the infinitives for irregulr prticiples (een, fllen, gone, done, held, given, written, met ). Explin tht gone in prgrph mens disppered. Red out the sentences. Students look ck t the text to find the nswers. They could do this individully or in pirs. Remind them to correct the flse sentences. Ask students if they know of ny old uildings tht re in poor condition. Are there ny resons to sve these uildings? Is it possile to sve them? F He ws seven when he first sw the cstle. F It s nerly 00 yers old.? 4 F It isn t hotel. 5 F Some of the wlls hve fllen down. 6? 7? 8 F Noody hs lived there for long time. 9 T 0 T If students ll hve ccess to computer t home, you could sk them to ccess the Gwrych Cstle wesite nd find out one more piece of informtion out the cstle. Ask them to report wht they hve lernt t the strt of the next lesson. Alterntively, you could choose one of the uildings tht they were interested in during the led-in discussion. Ask them to find n Englishspeking wesite with informtion out the uilding nd to collect one or two fcts in English to report in the next lesson. Achievements 7

STEP 8 Grmmr: Present perfect + ever nd never Present perfect + just Voculry: Outdoor ctivities Communictive tsks: Tlking out experiences Descriing things tht hppened short time go Key voculry Outdoor ctivities Red out the key words nd sk students to mtch them with the photos. Most of the ctivities should e fmilir or esy to guess from the relted vers. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. Use the photos to elicit some words for equipment used in these ctivities, for exmple: siling: ot/ycht cnoeing: cnoe (/kənu/) snowording: snoword skteording: skteord surfing: surford scu-diving: wetsuit, goggles You could tech the word rope for climing nd ungeejumping. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Give specil ttention to the pronuncition of cnoeing /kənuiŋ/ nd to the stress on the first syllle in the compounds snowording nd skteording. Tpescript/ skteording siling ungee-jumping 4 climing 5 snowording 6 surfing 7 cnoeing 8 scu-diving Mke sure tht students know wht outdoor mens. Set the time limit. Students write ll the words they cn think of. These could include: footll, tennis, sell, hockey, thletics, swimming, running/jogging, riding, cycling, rollerlding, skiing. Remind students tht we use go with the ctivities ending in -ing. BACKGROUND Try this! Indoor: owling, tle tennis, snooker Outdoor: golf, fishing, running Both: thletics, swimming Presenttion I ve never done tht! The wreck of the Titnic ws discovered in 985 t depth of,669 metres off the cost of Newfoundlnd, Cnd. A numer of compnies hve run tours over the wreck ut there hs een lot of concern out looting nd dmge. There is now n interntionl greement etween the USA, the UK, Cnd nd Frnce to protect the site. The Mig 5 is Russin militry jet tht cn fly t enormous speed nd lmost three times higher thn norml pssenger plne. At this ltitude, you see the curved surfce of the Erth elow nd the lckness of spce. It is possile to ook flight in one of these jets nd even to fly it! Zoring ws developed in New Zelnd, where ungee-jumping lso strted. A zor is plstic ll which ounces down steep slope. The person inside it (the zoronut ) is either strpped in y hrness or stnds up nd runs, like hmster in its wheel, with the im of keeping upright ll the wy to the ottom. Ask students to look t the photos nd sy wht they cn see. Look t the nme of the orgnistion in the wesite ddress nd introduce the word extrordinry (/ikstrɔdənri/). Ask students wht they think the dvert is out. Ply the recording while students listen nd red. Ask students to sy which ctivity they would like to try. Ply the recording gin. Puse fter ech section nd sk some questions, for exmple: Where is the Titnic? (At the ottom of the Atlntic.) How high does the Mig 5 fly? (5 kilometres ove the Erth.) How fst does zor go down the hill? (60 kilometres n hour.) Cn Emily swim? (Yes.) Cn she drive? (Yes.) Does she like zoring? (She s never tried it.) Focus on the present perfect vers nd sk students to sy them in the infinitive form. Drw ttention to the pronuncition of the pst prticiple red /red/ (s in the pst simple). Focus prticulrly on the use of hve/hs een. Explin tht een is the pst prticiple of e ut it s lso often used s the pst prticiple of go. 74 Unit 8

4 5 6 Experiences 75

STEP 7 OPTION For further prctice of the present perfect with just, you cn ply this gme. Ask students to close their eyes, nd then mke some chnge tht they will e le to notice (for exmple, turn off the lights, move your chir, put your ook on the tle, open your g, write something on the ord). Ask students to open their eyes nd sy wht you ve just done. Then invite individul students to tke your plce t the front nd keep the gme going. Writing nd speking My experiences Look t the exmples with the clss. You could give students some more ides y mking sttements out things you ve done nd hven t done. Students write their own sentences nd questions. Ask different students to tell the clss out their experiences nd to sk their questions. Encourge them to tlk rther thn to red loud, referring to their written work only when necessry. Exmple nswers I ve hd holidy in Greece. I ve red ll the Hrry Potter ooks. I ve lernt how to ride skteord. I ve never een skiing nd I ve never seen snow. Hve you ever ridden motorike? (No, I hven t.) Hve you ever een cmping? (Yes, I hve.) Grmmr: Present perfect + for nd since Expressions: How long...? + time expressions (with for nd since) Communictive tsks: Tlking out present situtions nd how long they hve continued Shre your ides Ask students to look t the photo nd sy wht they cn see. They should e le to identify the London Eye nd the River Thmes. They then discuss the other questions. Elicit tht An nd Chrlie re in the London Eye. Presenttion We ve een here for hours! Red out the introduction to the converstion. Use the photo to tech the word pod for the individul comprtments on the London Eye. They re lso clled cpsules. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer to the question. 76 Unit 8 Answer No, she isn t. Ply the recording gin while students listen nd red. Explin or elicit the mening of new voculry (for exmple, I et, shut up, for ges). Explin tht shut up is not very polite. Also explin tht the question Are you doing nything this evening?/tomorrow night?/on Sturdy? nerly lwys comes efore n invittion it implies Would you like to do something with me if you re free? Drw ttention to the use of the present perfect. Point out the irregulr pst prticiple known. Also mke it cler tht een (used t the eginning of the converstion) is the pst prticiple here of e, not go. Drill some sentences with the trget lnguge, for exmple: We ve een here for five minutes. We ve een here since qurter pst three. I hven t seen you for ges. How long hve you known Jy? Since I rrived in London. Students red the sentences nd look ck t the text to decide if they re true or flse. Remind them to correct the flse sentences. True. True. Flse. They ve een there for five minutes. 4 Flse. He hsn t seen her for ges. 5 True. 6 Flse. She s known him since she rrived in London. 7 Flse. He s just telephoned her. Key grmmr Present perfect + for nd since Focus on the use of for nd since in the converstion. Explin tht since mrks the time when something strted to hppen in the pst it s still hppening now. Look t the time line nd sk students to complete the exmples. Emphsise tht in oth sentences An nd Chrlie re still there (t the top of the wheel) now. The present perfect cn e used to tlk out n ction tht strted in the pst nd is still hppening in the present. Ask students to trnslte the sentences into their lnguge nd compre the tense used. Go through the explntions of for nd since. Point out tht since goes with prticulr point in time (since.5, since lst Wednesdy, since 00, since An rrived in London). For goes with period of time which cn e specific (for five minutes, for three weeks, for 0 yers) or vgue (for hours, for ges, for long time). for since

4 Prctice c Look t the exmple with the clss. Drw ttention to the two different tenses. Students mke sentences, one with the present simple nd the other with the present perfect. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. OPTION My sister is mrried to footll coch. They ve een mrried since Decemer. Jy hs known Mrtin for ges. He knows him very well. 4 An plys the pino. She s plyed it since she ws four. 5 Sue hs worked in lnguge school since 998. She works with students from ll over the world. 6 Lizzie relly likes listening to modern jzz. She s liked it for long time. As preprtion for 4, you could sk students to mke present perfect question with How long? for ech of the situtions in 4, for exmple: How long hve the Grnts lived in London? How long hs your sister een mrried? How long hs Jy known Mrtin? Look t the exmple. Ask students to mke the sme reply using since. (I ve known him since [yer].) Elicit some more exmple questions using the vers from 4. Students think of suitle questions for their prtner, nd then sk nd nswer in pirs. Remind them tht they cn nswer with for or since. Ask different students to report ck on some of the informtion they got from their prtner. Choose two students to red out the exmple converstion. Drw ttention to the use of the pst simple for the second question nd nswer. This is ecuse we re tlking out finished ction tht hppened t prticulr time in the pst. Ask students to suggest some replcements for the underlined words in the converstion. They cn sk out ny of their prtner s clothes or possessions. In pirs, students sk nd nswer. You could invite some pirs to sy one of their converstions for the clss. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the present perfect with for nd since in the Module 4 Review t the end of Unit 8. Pttern drill: TRP pge 5 (Unit 8, Step ) 5 6 Key expressions Time expressions with for nd since Go through the expressions in the list. Remind students of the difference etween couple of (out two) nd severl (out three or four). Ask them to work out wht is ment y the Fridy efore lst nd explin tht we cn lso sy the week/weekend/ month/yer efore lst. Contrst this with the dy efore yesterdy (not the dy efore lst). Ask students to list the expressions. Tell them to think crefully out whether the expression descries period of time or certin point in time. for long time few weeks severl yers hours five minutes couple of dys since Christms lst term the dy efore yesterdy qurter pst three the Fridy efore lst the nineteenth century Students write their own gpped sentence for their prtner to complete. Ask pirs to compre nswers. Key pronuncition Stress in words Ask students to red the words nd sy them loud quietly to themselves. Then ply the recording while they listen nd red. Ply the recording gin for students to repet. Remind them tht the -ed ver ending is seprte syllle only if the finl sound is /d/ or /t/. Ask students to copy the list of sound ptterns 4 in their noteooks, leving plenty of spce fter ech one. Ply the recording. After ech word, sk students to repet nd to identify the sound pttern ( 4). Ply the recording gin. Students write the words eside the correct sound ptterns in their list, nd identify the odd one out. Ask students to sy the words for ech sound pttern, without the recording. chnged, helped, stopped, wshed, looked tken, rgued, finished, shouted, roken rrived, ecome 4 invented, protected, connected The odd one out is visited. The stress pttern is. Tpescript invented chnged protected helped rrived stopped tken wshed rgued finished shouted looked connected roken ecome visited Experiences 77 7

7 Listening nd speking My fvourite people Ask students to look t the three people in the photos. Ask: Wht does he/she look like? How old do you think he/she is? Ply the recording. Students mtch the descriptions with the photos. Ask the question out Mike s reltionship to the three people. Tell students tht Mike doesn t ctully sy the nswers they hve to work them out from his descriptions. Ply the recording while they listen for the nswers. B A C Lily is Mike s girlfriend. George is Mike s grndfther (or possily his uncle). Vld is Mike s pen friend/e-friend. Tpescript He s my fvourite person in the whole world. He s lwys in good mood nd he s lwys interested in wht I ve done. Of course, he s known me since I ws orn. He s lived in the sme house for nerly 50 yers, nd I often go nd see him on my wy home from school. I hven t known her for very long. I met her t friend s house. We ve een out together four times now. She s gret. I hven t seen her since the Fridy efore lst, ut I hope I ll e le to see her next Sturdy. He comes from Prgue in the Czech Repulic. I ve known him since we were oth t primry school. I ve een to Prgue once nd he s een here couple of times. I hven t written to him for ges, so I must rememer to send him n emil soon. Ask students to red through the questions. Ply the recording gin. Puse t the end of ech description to give students time to write their nswers. In pirs, they sk nd nswer the questions. Ply the recording gin. Students listen nd check. Choose different students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. 78 Unit 8 Since Mike ws orn. For 50 yers. No, he hsn t. 4 At friend s house. 5 Four times. 6 The Fridy efore lst. 7 When they were oth t primry school. 8 A couple of times. 9 No, he hsn t. 8 Writing nd speking Who is it? Red the exmple description with the clss nd sk students to work out who the person is (the writer s gret-grndmother). Ask students to choose person to descrie. This person could e fmily memer, neighour, techer or friend. Tell them not to include the person s nme or descrie their reltionship with him/her, ut to give some clues tht will help their prtner to guess. Remind them to use the present perfect with for nd since. Students write their description. Wlk round the clss, giving help where necessry. In pirs, students red ech other s descriptions nd try to guess who their prtner hs descried. You could invite some students to red out their description nd sk the clss to guess. Exmple nswer He s yers old. I ve known him since I ws orn, ut I hven t seen him for out six months. He s een t university in Bologn for two yers, so he hsn t lived with my uncle nd unt since [yer]. He s just got rillint results in his university exms. Reding skills: Guessing mening from context Word work: Prepositions of time Communictive tsk: Writing iogrphy Shre your ides Music Ask the questions nd invite students to discuss the concerts they ve een to (or seen on TV/listened to on the rdio). Help with the use of tenses, for exmple: I ve een to lot of concerts/i ve seen [nd/singer] ut I sw them in 005/I went to two concerts lst yer. Reding BACKGROUND U is est known for hrd rock sound with thoughtful lyrics. As well s Bono, the memers of the nd re Dvid Evns, known s The Edge (guitr nd keyords), Adm Clyton (ss) nd Lrry Mullen (drums). After gthering ig following in Irelnd nd Britin, U ecme estlished s interntionl superstrs with the relese of The Joshu Tree in 987. The song I still hven t found wht I m looking for comes from this lum. Look t the photos nd sk students to identify the nd. Ask wht they know out U. If necessry, you cn prompt them with questions, for exmple: Who s in the nd? Where re they from? Who s the led singer? Wht records hve they mde? Write notes on the ord s students give informtion. STEP

c Students red the text. Ask them to find some new informtion to dd to the notes on the ord. Reding skills Guessing mening from context Students look through the text for the words in the list. Don t explin or discuss ny of the trget voculry, ut help with the menings of interntionl humn rights, fight nd AIDS in the lst prgrph, if necessry. Ask students to find the word relesed in prgrph. Ask the questions to help them guess the mening. Students study the context nd think out the prt of speech for ech of the other words. They could discuss this in pirs, or you my prefer to do the exercise orlly with the whole clss. You cn sk students to do the sme with other words in the text, for exmple, supergroups, live nd numerous. Note the pronuncition of the djective live /liv/, nd contrst it with the ver /liv/. You cn sk students to provide either prphrse of the word in English, or, if esier, trnsltion. Sy ll the new words in the ox in nd sk students to repet them. Comprehension check Red out the questions or choose students to do so. Ply the recording of the text while students listen nd red. Students look ck t the text nd nswer the questions. OPTION They won locl music competition. In Septemer 979. For [5] yers. / Since 979 or 980. 4 Irelnd. 5 More thn 00 million. 6 Yes, they re. 7 Yes, you cn. 8 Pul Hewson. 9 Cmpigns for interntionl humn rights nd to fight AIDS in Afric. With strong clss, you my wnt to do little more on prts of speech. Write some or ll of the following words on the ord: record hit live 4 led 5 right 6 cmpign. For ech one, sk students to identify the prt of speech in the text. : noun noun djective 4 djective 5 noun 6 ver Then sk them to give n exmple of its use s different prt of speech: record: ver (for exmple, They re going to record new song.) Note the stress on the second syllle of the ver /rikɔd/. hit: ver live: ver led: ver right: djective cmpign: noun 4 Word work Prepositions of time Explin or elicit the mening of Ester. Ask students to red the prgrph nd then to fill in the prepositions. You my wnt to go through ll the sentences orlly with the clss nd then sk them to write the nswers. in in t 4 in 5 on 6 On 7 t 8 t 9 in Students complete the explntions. Ask them to find n exmple in the text for ech use of the prepositions. t: t 0.45 / t one o clock; t Ester in: in the morning; in Decemer; in 99; in the spring on: on Sturdy; on 5th April Writing A iogrphy This exercise cn e strted in clss nd completed for homework. Introduce the topic. Ask students out the purpose of iogrphy. Ask: Wht do people wnt to find out when they red iogrphy? Wht informtion should it include? Red out the list of questions. Add ny other ides tht the students my hve out topics tht their iogrphy should cover. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. Explin the mening of chronologicl order. Use the exmples to point out to students tht some of their informtion out pst events should e given in the pst simple. However, when descriing events tht hve just hppened or things tht hve hppened over period of time up to now, they will need to use the present perfect. Ask students to write down everything they know out their chosen nd/singer. They my wnt to check informtion t home from mgzines or Internet fn sites. However, emphsise tht this is their iogrphy it mustn t e copied from other sources. Students use the Writing guide to orgnise their mteril nd write their iogrphy. Collect the finished work to mrk. You my wnt to mke clssroom disply of the iogrphies or sk some students to use their work for clss presenttion. Students choose the correct lterntives to complete the sentences. c 4 c 5 Experiences 79

4 5 6 Remind students tht ever nd never go etween hve/hs nd the pst prticiple. Students put the words in the correct order. Hve you ever een to rock concert? Gillin hs never plyed tle tennis. Thoms hs just ought new cr. 4 I ve never een riding. 5 How long hve you hd your wshing mchine? 6 We ve just come ck from our holidy in Switzerlnd. Students red the questions nd choose the correct replies. You could choose pirs of students to sk nd nswer the questions cross the clss. c 4 5 Students red the text nd choose the right words. As you check the nswers, sk students to explin why the lterntives ren t correct. 4 c 5 c Students use their own ides to complete the four replies. Explin tht there re lots of possile nswers here. Exmple nswers Hve you ever een to Berlin? Yes, I went there with my fther. Lst summer. It ws relly interesting holidy. Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Tsk Give students time to red through the poem. Were they right? Estlish tht the room in the picture elongs to girl clled Lulu nd tht she s no longer there. Red the whole poem loud while students follow in their ooks. Then red it verse y verse nd help with key voculry (for exmple, wide, money-ox, crumple, engine, ror, gust, wnder out). Discuss the first question with the clss. Mke sure students understnd tht the mother ddressed in the poem is lso Lulu s mother. Ask: Do you think the speker is older or younger thn Lulu? (Younger.) Divide the clss into smll groups nd give them time to discuss the other three questions. Mke it cler tht the poem doesn t directly stte n nswer to question, so they will hve to look for clues nd mke up their own minds. Ask the groups to report their conclusions nd discuss the questions with the clss. Ask them to refer to the poem to support their nswers. As the discussion develops, you cn sk other questions, for exmple: Wht do we lern from the wide-open window? (Lulu ws proly looking out of the window.) Wht did the child her in the night? (Voices nd the ror of n engine.) Whose voices were they? (Lulu s nd perhps her oyfriend s.) Wht ws the engine nd why did it ror? (It ws proly cr nd it rored ecuse it ws driving wy quickly.) Who do you think cried nd when? (The mother, perhps when she found Lulu s note.) How do you think the speker is feeling? (Confused, nxious, worried.) How is the mother feeling? (Shocked nd unhppy.) Exmple nswers Lulu s little sister or rother. Lulu hs left home perhps with her oyfriend or with some other friend. She s tken her money ox. 4 She wrote note to her mother. Life nd culture Poem Led in Look t the picture. Ask students to sy wht they cn see nd wht they think the poem is out. Encourge them to suggest vriety of nswers. Use the picture to introduce the words curtin, flpping (i.e. in the wind) nd rg-doll (= doll, often home-mde, which is mde from pieces of fric stitched together nd stuffed with soft mteril). OPTION Ask the groups to prctise reding the poem loud. They could do this in ny wy they like reding ll together, reding different prts individully, or comintion of oth. Encourge them to red s expressively s possile. Tell them to look crefully t the punctution to work out where to puse nd when to run on from one line to the next. Ask some groups to red out the poem to the clss. Alterntively, you could prctise with the whole clss. Ask them to sy the first two nd lst two lines ll together, nd divide the rest up etween different sections of the clss. 80 UUnit 8

Grmmr check Present perfect Work it out for yourself A Students mtch the sentence with the correct picture. Elicit nother sentence using chnge in the present perfect. B Picture B. He s chnged his nme. Students choose the correct explntion. Point out tht in the sentences in A the present results re tht he s now got short hir, new clothes nd new nme. B Ask students to mtch the sentences nd complete the explntions. present perfect, pst simple Students choose the correct form of the vers. Remind them to look crefully for pst time expressions, which go with the pst simple. hs rrived hs polluted invented 4 sw 5 hven t touched 6 Hve you finished Present perfect + ever/never Work it out for yourself A Remind the clss tht we cn use the present perfect to descrie someone s experiences in their life up to now. Ask students to complete the sentence. Answer s won Answer Students write the complete sentences for 6. They then mtch their sentences with the present results expressed in f. Someone hs tken my ook. I hven t finished my dinner. e 4 Hve you seen my keys? 5 My wtch hs stopped. d 6 Pete hs roken his leg. f Present perfect nd pst simple Work it out for yourself A Students mtch sentences nd with pictures A nd B. If they hve difficulties here, point out tht in the first picture the us hs just left the girl is tlking out recent ction nd its effect on her sitution now. However, in the second picture the oy is tlking out something tht hppened some time go it s finished ction in the pst. Students complete the sentences with the present perfect nd ever/never. ever won, s never won. Students mke sentences using the present perfect. They could work on this in pirs. Remind them to look t the irregulr vers list on pge 4 if they ren t sure of the pst prticiples. Emphsise tht there re no dtes or times given in these sentences they re out experiences tht hve hppened t some time in Den s life up to the present. He s met the Queen. He s trvelled to Chin nd Jpn. 4 He s mde video clled Trining with Den.. Elicit the questions with ever. Choose different students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. Hve you ever won competition? Hs your school ever een on TV? 4 Hve you ever written poem? picture B picture A Module 4 Review 8

4 5 Present perfect + just Work it out for yourself Ask students to look t the picture nd choose the correct lterntive. Answer Students identify the mening of just. You could sk them to sy wht else hs just hppened in the picture. (For exmple, The mn hs just put his hnd on the wet pint.) Answer You could elicit some exmples from the clss efore sking students to write their own sentences. Students own nswers. Present perfect + for/since Work it out for yourself A Students look t the exmple nd identify the tense. B Answer present perfect Students think of the replies to the question in 5A. I ve een here for 0 minutes. I ve een here since.5. Set the time limit. Students grde the importnce of the suggestions for listening. They then exchnge opinions in pirs, giving resons for their nswers. Discuss the nswers with the clss. Point out tht ll the suggestions in the list re worthwhile nd helpful. However, the students grding should mke them wre of some strtegies tht re especilly useful for them. How s it going? Your rting Students look ck t the exercises in the Grmmr check nd mke their own ssessment of how well they understnd nd rememer the different lnguge points. Voculry Students choose some of the new words nd red them out for their prtner to write nd use in sentence. They then check whether the word hs een spelt nd used correctly. Point out tht it cn e useful to write exmple sentences for difficult words in their voculry noteook. Test friend Look t the exmple questions nd elicit the correct nswers. Students refer ck to the texts in Units 7 nd 8 nd write severl questions to test their prtner. They then sk nd nswer in pirs. No, he didn t. They come from Irelnd. Look t the unfinished exmples for numer. Ask students to complete the question with hve. Then elicit rnge of suggestions for the nswers. Students write the other question nd give their own nswers. You could choose pirs of students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. Seth, how long hve you hd your computer? I ve hd it for two yers. I ve hd it since [yer]. Slly, how long hve you lived in London? I ve lived here for ten yers. I ve lived here since [yer] / since I ws six. Study skills 4 Lerning to listen Red through the sentences nd mke sure tht students understnd them. Help with the mening of relx nd concentrte. Correcting mistkes The sentences listed here contin some common errors. Ask students to rewrite them correctly. Some sentences contin more thn one error. Mke sure students re wre of this, nd tht they find oth errors in question 4. Emphsise the importnce of going ck over their work to check for errors when they finish piece of writing. I ought some fruit t the mrket yesterdy. We cn ply footll now. The rin hs stopped. Hs she ever een to the USA? 4 I hven t seen my uncle for three yers. 5 I ve known Crl for long time. 8 Module 4 Review

Your Workook Students should complete the Lerning diry when they come to the end of ech unit. My guideook Useful informtion Ask students to sy wht they cn see in the photos on An s guideook pge. For the different items nd plces, sk Wht do people use this for? or Wht do people do here? Use the pictures to introduce key words (for exmple, stmp, letter ox, pulic telephone, telephone ox, emergency, mulnce, ureu de chnge). Give students time to red through the text on their own. Focus on other new voculry in the text. Help students to work out or guess the menings. You cn sk questions to check comprehension nd ctivte informtion out the students country, for exmple: How much is norml stmp in our country? Wht colour re our letter oxes? Are there lots of pulic telephones in our town? Where s the nerest one? Where cn you uy telephone crds here? Wht s the emergency numer in the UK? Wht is it here? Are the opening hours for shops the sme here? Hve you ever styed in Youth Hostel? Wht ws it like? Is there tourist informtion centre here? Where is it? / Where s the nerest one? Ask students to pln their text. They should write t lest four prgrphs, using some of An s topics to orgnise their pge. Encourge them to illustrte their text s they wish. Set time limit, llowing one to two weeks for work on the project. Some work my e done in clss nd some t home. Ask students to check their text efore they write finl version nd design their pge. Module 4 Review 8

9 84 Unit 9

OPTION Discuss Jodie s school with the clss. You cn sk questions, for exmple: Does this seem like good school? Cn students lern things if they don t hve to go to clsses? Do you think students cn mke good decisions nd rules? Would you like to go to this school? You my find tht students wnt to sy more thn they cn express in English in response to these questions if so, discuss them in the students own lnguge. Key grmmr hve to, don t hve to, mustn t Look t the exmples, drwing ttention to the use of hs in the third person singulr nd the use of to efore the min ver. Explin the mening of oligtions nd sk students to complete the explntion. Note tht there is slight difference etween must nd hve to. We cn use either of them for requirements tht re imposed on us from outside, ut must is used more often thn hve to for requirements tht we feel inside ourselves (for exmple, I must rememer Julie s irthdy. I relly must clen my room. You must come to our prty.). There is no need to explin this to the clss t this stge, however. hve to, hs to Look t the exmples nd sk students to complete the explntion. Focus on the difference etween don t hve to nd mustn t. Elicit some other exmple sentences using these forms. Discuss trnsltions of the forms with the clss. don t hve to, doesn t hve to 4 Prctice Students complete the sentences with the correct form of hve to nd the vers in the list. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. hs to do hve to sty 4 hve to shout 5 hs to work 6 hve to wer Pttern drill: TRP pge 5 (Unit 9, Step, drill ) Remind students to think out whether the signs men Don t do it! (You mustn t) or It isn t necessry to do it. (You don t hve to). Students complete the sentences. c 5 mustn t don t hve to don t hve to 4 mustn t 5 mustn t 6 don t hve to Pttern drill: TRP pge 6 (Unit 9, Step, drill ) Red the exmples with the students nd find out if these rules pply to ny of them. Ask students to write t lest one sentence with hve to nd one with don t hve to out their duties t home. They cn write more if you wish. Students compre with prtner. Ask them to report ck on their prtners, using hs to nd doesn t hve to. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of hve to, don t hve to nd mustn t in the Module 5 Review t the end of Unit 0. Speking nd listening Mking pizz Red out the introduction to the listening nd use the photo to introduce the words redy-mde nd pizz se. Red through the words in the list. Elicit or explin the mening of olives. Ask students to predict the ingredients tht the spekers will use for their pizz. Don t confirm or correct their nswers yet. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check their predictions. 5, 4,, 6 Tpescript JODIE: I m hungry. Let s mke pizz. ROSS: OK. So first of ll we must mke se. JODIE: We don t hve to mke it. There re some redy-mde pizz ses in the cupord. Look! ROSS: Oh, OK then. So we need to mke some tomto suce. JODIE: No, we don t hve to do tht either. We cn use jr of redy-mde suce. It ll e much quicker. Look! There s one here. ROSS: Oh, ll right. I ll put the suce on the se. Wht else do we need? JODIE: Let s dd some onion. We don t hve to cook it first. And we need some pieces of hm nd some cheese. ROSS: I ve done the suce. JODIE: Right. Now the cheese? ROSS: Yes. You hve to put the cheese on efore the hm. JODIE: OK. Mmm, lots nd lots of cheese. And now the hm. There. Finished! ROSS: Gret. Let s put it in the oven. Hve you turned the oven on, Jodie? Getting it right 85

STEP c 6 JODIE: Yep. It hs to e 0 degrees. Gret! It ll tke out 5 minutes. ROSS: So it ll e redy out hlf pst one. We mustn t forget out it. JODIE: Don t worry. I won t forget. I m strving. Red through the recipe crd with the clss. Explin or elicit the mening of dd, jr nd degrees ( ). Ply the recording gin. Puse fter ech step in the recipe to sk out the things the spekers hve to nd don t hve to do. Students complete the recipe crd. They could work on this in pirs. OPTION tomto suce (pizz) se onion 4 don t hve to 5 cheese 6 hm 7 oven 8 5 You could sk students to rewrite the instructions on the crd to fit with their own fvourite pizz. Writing nd speking An idel school? Look t the instructions nd exmples. Check tht everyone understnds the mening of idel. Ask students to suggest one or two exmple sentences out their school nd out their idel school. Students write their own sentences. Invite different students to red out their sentences nd discuss the nswers with the clss. Exmple nswers We hve to get to school efore eight o clock. We hve to red lot of oring ooks. We hve to do homework every night. We hve to e polite to the techers. You don t hve to study mths if you don t wnt to. You don t hve to e quiet in clss. You don t hve to do much homework. Grmmr: should, shouldn t Voculry: Illness nd injuries Expressions: Thnking people nd responding to thnks Communictive tsks: Understnding nd giving dvice Mking suggestions Key voculry Illness nd injuries Red out the sentences. Ask students to guess wht they cn from English words they know or from similr words in their lnguge nd to use dictionry to check if they hve time. 86 Unit 9 c Set the time limit for the mtching tsk. Students could work on this in pirs. Ply the recording for students to listen nd check their nswers. As you check, you might wnt to sk students to trnslte the words fint nd first-id ox into their lnguge. Red out the sentences nd sk students to repet. You could sk them to think of other words to sustitute in some of these sentences, for exmple: He s roken his rm/finger/nose. I ve hurt my hnd/ck/knee. 4 I ve got sore foot/leg/finger. 5 He s got toothche/stomch che/ hedche. Tpescript/ e She feels sick. He s roken his leg. d Ow! I ve hurt my finger. 4 g I ve got sore throt. 5 She s hving n injection. 6 f She s just finted. 7 h He s got erche. 8 c Here s the first-id ox. Try this! : hnd, eyes, rm, hir, nose, teeth, mouth, fce Presenttion Wht should we do? Ask students to identify the three young people in the photo (Lizzie, An nd Mrtin) nd to sy wht s hppened to the womn. (She s finted.) Ask: Who do you think Mrtin s clling on the phone? (An mulnce.) Answer The womn s finted. Red out the introduction to the converstion. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer. Answer No, they don t. Ply the recording gin. Help with new voculry (for exmple, like tht, first-id course, You re welcome) nd remind students tht 999 is the phone numer for emergencies. Focus on the first hlf of the converstion. Ask students to look t the use of should/shouldn t nd sk some questions to check comprehension, for exmple: Wht does the mn wnt to do? (Move the womn.) Then wht does he wnt to do? (Put her hed etween her knees.)

Drill some sentences with should/shouldn t, for exmple: Wht should we do? You shouldn t leve her on the ground. We shouldn t move her. No, we shouldn t. Yes, we should. Red through the sentences nd check tht the mening of dvice is cler. Students look ck t the converstion to decide if the sentences re true or flse. Ask them to correct the flse ones. Flse. A womn hs just finted. Flse. He wnts to phone for n mulnce. True. 4 True. 5 True. 6 Flse. She doesn t follow his dvice. 7 Flse. She feels it sick. 8 True. Key grmmr should, shouldn t Students complete the exmples nd the explntion. Mke sure tht they understnd the difference in mening etween must/mustn t nd should/shouldn t. Point out tht the form of should nd shouldn t remins the sme for ll sujects. should shouldn t should, shouldn t 4 Prctice c In pirs, students complete the mtching tsk nd complete the dvice. You could sk pirs to prctise the six dilogues. d sit f ply go 4 tke 5 e et 6 c do Ask students to write piece of dvice, ut to leve gp for the min ver, s in the exmple. Encourge them to mke sure tht the prolem is included in the context, for exmple, the use of It s rining in the exmple. Pirs then complete ech other s sentences. Pttern drill: TRP pge 6 (Unit 9, Step ) Use the exmples to explin the mening of d hits. Ask the clss to give some other exmples. 5 6 Students write out their own d hits. Encourge them to use oth should nd shouldn t in their sentences. If you think it s possile, sk your students to do this without writing first. Invite different students to red out one or two of their sentences for the clss to compre with their own. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of should nd shouldn t in the Module 5 Review t the end of Unit 0. Key expressions Thnking people Direct students to the second hlf of the converstion in to find the expressions for thnking people. (Thnk you very much isn t in the converstion, ut students re fmilir with it.) Explin tht Thnks nd Thnk you cn oth e used in forml or informl converstions. However, when writing formlly we use the full form, Thnk you. Sy the expressions nd sk students to repet. Thnks. Thnks very much. Thnk you. Thnk you very much. Ask students to look t the converstion gin nd to find nother expression they cn use to thnk people (without the word thnk). Explin tht Tht s very kind of you is firly forml expression. You could mention tht nice is lso often used: Tht s (very) nice of you. Drw ttention to the replies to the womn s thnks in the converstion: You re welcome, No prolem. You cn dd the other common replies Tht s ll right nd Tht s OK. In pirs, students complete the converstion nd then prctise it together. Ask them to think of different sitution nd mke nother converstion. you, very, you welcome, prolem Key pronuncition /s/ /ʃ/ Ply the recording while students listen nd red the words. Ply the recording gin for students to repet. You cn ccentute the difference etween the two sounds y sying the words in pirs (Sue shoe, see she etc.) nd sking students to repet. Point out tht the most common spelling for the /ʃ/ sound is sh. (Words like sure nd sugr re exceptions.) Another common use of /ʃ/ is in the -tion noun ending (for exmple, sttion /steiʃn/, competition /kɒmpətiʃn/). Getting it right 87

Ply the recording. Students repet the words nd identify the sounds. Tpescript/ should (), sun (), shirt (), ship (), sock (), shorts (), set (), shop (), shrk () Ask students to choose the nswers they think re correct. They could discuss this in pirs. Students check their nswers with the key on pge 99. See key on pge 99 in the Student s Book. STEP 7 OPTION If you hve time, you could write up one or two sentences with mixture of the two consonnt sounds, for exmple: Slly should wsh her socks. Does this shop sell T-shirts? Ask students to identify the /s/ nd /ʃ/ sounds nd to repet the sentences. Writing nd speking Prolems! Work on n exmple converstion with the clss. Descrie prolem, for exmple: I ve lost my jcket. / Someone s tken my g. Elicit pproprite dvice nd expressions of thnks for the rest of the converstion. Exmple nswer A: I think I ve left my glsses t the lirry. B: You should go nd look for them. I ll come with you. A: Oh, thnks. B: No prolem. Reding skills: Identifying the topic Word work: Advers Communictive tsk: Writing out customs Shre your ides Different customs Introduce the word customs. Ask students to nswer the questions out expressions in their lnguge. You cn sk questions to help prepre for the quiz, introducing the word rude s prt of this discussion. For exmple: Wht s polite when we re eting with people? Wht s rude? Wht do we tke when we visit someone s home for mel? Reding Look t the pictures nd sk students to sy wht the people re doing. Use the pictures to introduce the key words wlk into (someone), owl, nod nd thum/ thums up. Ply the recording while students listen nd red. Elicit or explin the mening of upset, urp, lick, owl, wedding nd funerl. c Comprehension check Red through the quiz with the clss. Ask out the customs in the students country, for exmple: Wht do we sy? Is it polite to et noisily here? Do you ever lick your soup owl? 5 Wht do you men when you nod your hed? 6 Do colours of flowers hve ny specil menings in our country? For question 4, you could explin tht in English (especilly in Americn English) we sometimes sy Enjoy! nd witer my sy Enjoy your mel efore people strt to et, ut these re much less common thn the expressions used in some other lnguges. Red out the sentences or choose students to do so. Mke sure tht the menings of pologise nd occsions re cler. Students look ck t the quiz nd nswer T, F or?. You could sk them to correct the flse sentences. T F It isn t rude in Jpn. T 4? 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 F You shouldn t touch them on the hed. It s rude. 9 T 0? Reding skills Identifying the topic Look t the topics with the clss. Elicit or explin the mening of physicl. Students mtch the questions with the topics. Food:, 4* Prticulr occsions: 6 Lnguge:,, 4* Physicl ctions: 5, 7, 8 * 4 could e considered s either food or lnguge, so ccept either nswer. 88 Unit 9

4 Getting it right 89

Students complete ech reply with one-word nswer. Choose students to sy the dilogues cross the clss. kind welcome prolem 4 much 5 OK Students choose the correct replies. 4 5 Some prdes hve thousnds of prticipnts including nds, dnce groups, clowns nd motorcycle groups, s well s the people on the gigntic flots tht tour the streets. King Ckes re usully ring-shped, cinnmon-flvoured ckes, covered with coloured sugr. A smll plstic y is ked in the cke nd whoever gets the slice with the y is supposed to uy the next King Cke or host the next prty. The trdition originlly comes from the Christin festivl of Epiphny, celerting the rrivl of the three kings to worship the new-orn Christ. 4 5 6 Ask students to complete the sentences. Mke it cler tht some nswers re two words. Check the spelling of some of the more difficult words, for exmple, hedche, stomch, throt, injection. hedche sick hurt 4 first-id 5 toothche 6 stomch che 7 sore throt 8 injection Students mtch the questions with the nswers. d 4 e 5 c Explin the mening of spirin. Students red the sentences nd choose the correct replies. You could sk them to prctise the dilogue in pirs. f h 4 g 5 d Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture Mrdi Grs BACKGROUND In the Romn Ctholic clendr, Lent is the 40-dy period of fsting efore Ester, strting on Ash Wednesdy. The dy efore Ash Wednesdy used to e clled Mrdi Grs, or Ft Tuesdy, ecuse people used up ll the ft in the household efore the fsting egn. (It is clled Shrove Tuesdy in English.) Becuse Ester is not on fixed dte, Mrdi Grs (the dy) cn e ny time from erly Ferury to erly Mrch. Mrdi Grs in New Orlens strted in 87. The festivl seson opens on 6th Jnury, when privte msked lls egin. Most of the city s prdes, ech orgnised round certin theme y crnivl clu, strt tking plce fortnight efore Mrdi Grs Dy, with some of the iggest held on the Tuesdy itself. Led in Tsk Introduce the word festivl nd sk students to discuss their own fvourite festivls. Ask some questions out ech one, for exmple: When is it? Wht s the reson for it? Wht do people do? Write up rief notes s students give informtion. Look t the photos nd tell the clss tht this festivl is in New Orlens in the USA. If possile show the loction of the city on mp. Ask students wht they cn see in the photos nd use them to introduce key words (for exmple, crnivl, prde, jzz, costumes, msks, cke). You could write up the nme Mrdi Grs nd sk students to sy nything they know out this festivl. Give students time to red through the text themselves. Ask them for ny other informtion they hve picked up out the New Orlens Mrdi Grs. Red the text loud nd help with other new voculry (for exmple, ft, fill, sweets, fireworks). Either trnslte or riefly explin Lent nd Ash Wednesdy. Explin tht ll is ig forml prty where people dress up nd dnce. Ask students to red the questions nd look ck t the text to find the nswers. They could do this individully or in pirs. Ask the clss to sy wht festivl in their country is the most similr to Mrdi Grs in New Orlens. Wht things re similr? Wht things re different? Ft Tuesdy. Becuse it s the lst dy efore Ctholics hve to stop eting nd drinking certin things for Lent. In Jnury or Ferury. 4 On the Tuesdy efore Ash Wednesdy. 5 In New Orlens. 6 Purple, green nd gold costumes. 7 Jzz. 8 Coins, flowers, necklces nd sweets. 9 There s ig prty. 0 King Ckes. 90 Unit 9

0 STEP Grmmr: Present simple pssive Voculry: Mterils Expressions: Expressing rection Communictive tsks: Descriing wht things re mde of Tlking out where things re produced Key voculry Mterils Red out the words in the ox. Set the time limit nd sk students to mtch the words with the pictures. Most of the words should e fmilir or esy to guess. Ply the recording. Students listen nd check. Ply the recording gin nd sk students to repet. Explin tht the nmes of mterils re uncountle nouns. Point out tht glss, the oject we drink from, is countle, ut glss, the mteril, is uncountle. You my wnt to mention tht the sme words cn lso e used s djectives ( gold ring, plstic cups etc.). Tpescript/ cotton metl silver 4 lether 5 gold 6 wood 7 plstic 8 glss Presenttion Is it mde in Englnd? BACKGROUND Portoello Rod is in Notting Hill in north London. There is generl mrket here every dy of the week, ut the ntiques mrket is on Sturdys, with delers selling ntiques of every description. In the generl section of the mrket there re stlls selling lmost everything food, clothes, kitchenwre, souvenirs etc. Ask students wht they cn see in the photo. You cn prompt them with questions, for exmple: Where re they? (At mrket.) Who s looking t the tepot? (Jy.) Wht s An holding? (Little uses/london souvenirs.) Wht else is the mn selling? (Dishes, vses etc.) Use the photo to introduce some key words from the text (for exmple, ntiques, tepot, souvenir). Red out the introduction to the converstion. Ask the question, then ply the recording. With ooks closed, students listen for the nswer. Ask them to nme the three things tht An nd Jy look t. Answer Three things (wtches, tepot, London uses). c Ply the recording gin while students listen nd red. Puse to explin or elicit the mening of new voculry (for exmple, rgin, imported, these dys). Explin tht quid is n informl word for pound(s) (like ucks for dollrs in US English). Ask wht the mn mens y four ninety-nine (four pounds nd ninety-nine pence). Focus on the use of the present pssive. Tke the first exmple, They re mde in Tiwn, nd sk Wht s they? (The wtches.) Ask students to find other exmples of pssive vers in the converstion. Red them out nd sk students to repet. You could lso drill other expressions, for exmple: They re rel rgin. Tht s expensive! They re four ninety-nine ech. Students red the sentences nd look ck t the text to decide if they re true or flse. When checking the nswers, help students to use the pssive to correct the first two flse sentences. Flse. Lots of other things re sold there. True. Flse. They re mde in Tiwn. 4 True. 5 Flse. He thinks it is expensive. 6 True. 7 True. 8 True. 9 True. Key grmmr Present simple pssive Refer students ck to the exmple from the converstion: They re mde in Tiwn. Estlish tht the wtches don t do the mking they re mde y people in Tiwn. You could write the following pir of sentences on the ord to compre the ctive nd pssive: People in Tiwn mke the wtches. The wtches re mde in Tiwn. Ask students to complete the exmples of the pssive in the Grmmr ox. Point out tht the ver e is followed y the pst prticiple form of the min ver. Mke sure tht students recognise tht these pssive vers re in the present tense. We re tlking out ctions tht hppen in the present time, not in the pst. Red through the explntions nd sk students to complete them. re ren t isn t, re Where is it mde? 9

4 Prctice c Look t the exmple exchnge nd elicit the questions nd nswers for ll the pictures in Exercise. Choose students to sk nd nswer cross the clss. Alterntively, they could sk nd nswer in pirs. A: Wht s the shirt mde of? B: It s mde of cotton. A: Wht s the ox mde of? B: It s mde of metl. A: Wht s the necklce mde of? B: It s mde of silver. A: Wht s the elt mde of? B: It s mde of lether. A: Wht s the ring mde of? B: It s mde of gold. A: Wht s the owl mde of? B: It s mde of wood. A: Wht re the cups mde of? B: They re mde of plstic. A: Wht s the ottle mde of? B: It s mde of glss. Look t the exmple. Then hold up or point to two or three ojects in the clssroom to elicit similr sentences. Invite students to sy their own sentences out other ojects. Go through the list of prticiples nd sk students to work out wht the vers re. Sy them loud nd sk students to repet. Look t the exmple. Emphsise tht we ren t tlking out who does the steling, ut out the fct tht this hppens to the phones. Ask students to mke sentences using the present pssive. They cn do this orlly nd/or in writing. Note tht there is further work on comprehension nd prctice of the present simple pssive in the Module 5 Review t the end of Unit 0. The swimming pool in Centrl Prk isn t used in the winter. Aout 50,000 ies re orn every dy. 4 Penguins ren t found in the Arctic. 5 In Sri Lnk, two people re killed y poisonous snkes every dy. 6 English is spoken y out.5 illion people. 5 6 OPTION Help students to revise the irregulr ver forms they hve lernt in Units 7, 8 nd 0. Sy the infinitive of ech ver nd sk students to sy the pst simple nd the pst prticiple. Alterntively, you cn write up list of infinitives nd sk students to write the other forms, listed under these hedings: Pst prticiple ending -n or -en Pst simple nd pst prticiple the sme Others Key expressions Expressing rection Red through the sentences. Elicit or explin the mening of lottery nd wste. Sy the responses nd sk students to repet. Mke sure they sy them expressively, with the intontion rising on the stressed syllle of the djective. Point out tht mzing usully mens surprising in positive wy. (Note tht this djective is often used in converstion simply to men relly good.) In pirs, students tke it in turns to sy sentence nd mke response. If there s time, you could sk pirs to mke more dilogues using other djectives, for exmple, nice, wful, interesting, gret. c e 4 5 d Speking nd writing Around the world Look t the exmples nd mke sure tht students understnd the mening of grown nd imported. Point out tht we use import from + country of origin. Ask for exmple sentences using mde in nd uilt in. Divide the clss into groups nd set the time limit. Students write down s mny sentences s they cn. Encourge them to use rnd nmes to mke the sentences more nturl where possile. Point out tht we usully use mke for everydy nd smll mchines, for exmple, stereos, TVs, ut tht we usully use uild for structures nd igger mchines, for exmple, ridges, eroplnes, ships. We cn use mke or uild for rcing crs. Exmple nswers (Rolls Royce) crs re mde in Britin. Coffee is grown in Brzil. A lot of our stereos re mde in Asi. (BMW) motorikes re imported from Germny. Our te is imported from Indi. Ornges re grown in Spin. Grpes re grown in Austrli. Aeroplnes re uilt in Frnce. (Ferrri) rcing crs re mde/uilt in Itly. 9 Unit 0

Frnce Athens c Chicgo c John F. Kennedy in Frnce in 74 c Mickey Mouse c Vn Gogh George Lucs Where is it mde? 9

4 5 6 94 Unit 0

7 The song Over the rinow is perhps the most fmous movie song in history. It ws written more thn century go. It ws first sung y Judy Grlnd in the film The Wizrd of Oz in 949. A numer of different singers hve recorded the song nd, in 005, it ws chosen s the est movie song of ll time y the British Film Institute. Judy Grlnd s life ws hppy one. So the plce over the rinow remined drem, in her song nd in her rel life too. Where is it mde? 95

c Comprehension check Red out the questions or choose students to do so. Ply the recording while students listen nd red. Puse to help with new voculry (for exmple, dvnced, relistic, muscles, vriety, emotions, nimtors, softwre developers, engineers, script, ply prt, ctegory). Explin tht ig usiness mens something tht rings in lot of money. Students nswer the questions. As you check the nswers, you cn dd other questions, for exmple: Is Shrek chrcter or n ctor? (A chrcter.) Ws he drwn y hnd? (No.) Does he look more relistic thn the chrcters in Snow White? (Yes.) Does it sve lot of time to use computers for nimtion? (No.) Yes, they were. No, he didn t. They re mde on computers / with the most dvnced technology. 4 Yes, it ws. 5 Yes, they hve. They ve ecome much more powerful. 6 Becuse the ctions nd chrcters re more relistic. 7 Yers. (It took three yers to mke Shrek.) 8 Becuse hundreds of people re used, nd ecuse fmous strs re pid millions of dollrs to red the prts of the min chrcters. Word work Prts of speech Sy the three listed words nd sk students to repet. Then elicit n exmple sentence for ech one nd write them on the ord. For exmple: The concert ws gret success. It ws very successful concert. We wnted to rise lot of money nd we succeeded. Point out how ech prt of speech is used. Look t the exmple in the tle nd gin demonstrte with sentences (for exmple, The length of the tle is three metres. It s long tle). Ask students to complete the tle. Tell them to fill in ll the words they cn (mny of them re in the text) nd then to use dictionry if necessry. They cn work on this in pirs. As you go through the nswers, elicit exmple sentences for some of the words. nimted success 4 power 5 wide 7 creted 8 introduce, introduced 9 drw, drwn 0 pint, pinted 4 Writing nd speking Fmous films This exercise cn e strted in clss nd the writing cn e completed for homework. Introduce the topic nd red through the questions. Red through the Writing guide with the clss. Use the exmples to show tht we use the pst tense to sy when/where film ws mde nd who directed it. However, when we tell the story, we normlly use the present simple. Students my recognise tht the exmples refer to the 997 film Titnic. If they know the film, you could sk them for suggestions out how to complete the description of the story. Help them to select only the most importnt events to mke rief outline. Ask students to mke notes in nswer to the questions in the exercise. They my wnt to check informtion or spelling t home from film site on the Internet. Students expnd their notes into prgrph, using the Writing guide for help with lnguge nd orgnistion. Remind them not to mention the nme of the film nd to void nmes of chrcters tht might give it wy. In pirs, students red their description nd guess their prtner s film. Encourge them to exchnge opinions out the films. Collect the finished descriptions to mrk nd choose two or three to red out in the next lesson. Choose ones which descrie different films nd sk the clss to guess the titles. Exmple nswer It s computer-nimted film nd it ws mde in 00. The heroes re two fish: young oy fish nd his fther. At the eginning of the film they live in the se ner Austrli. But then diver ctches the young fish nd he s put in dentist s qurium in Sydney. His fther is very nervous, ut he decides to go nd find his son, with the help of nother fish clled Dory. They hve lots of dventures with other se nimls. Finlly, the young fish escpes from the qurium nd the story hs hppy ending. The nimtion is fntstic nd it s gret film for kids my little rother loves it. [Answer: Finding Nemo] Students red the sentences nd choose the correct replies. You could elicit exmple sentences for some of the other replies. c 4 5 96 Unit 0

4 5 6 Look t the exmple with the students. Elicit how we know the ver should e in the present pssive. (Every yer.) You might wnt to go through the whole exercise efore sking students to write. You could focus on the sentences with y nd sk students to chnge them to the ctive forms. (Pollution kills thousnds of trees every yer. Shkespere wrote the ply Hmlet etc.) ws written re mde 4 ws pinted 5 were discovered 6 re killed 7 is grown 8 re sold Students write the sentences using the vers in the pst simple pssive. My icycle ws stolen lst night. St Pul s Cthedrl ws designed y Christopher Wren. 4 Why were the pyrmids uilt? 5 Our old house ws destroyed y fire. 6 The new rules were introduced lst week. Look t the exmple. Point out tht in the second version, the suject of the sentence is the receiver of the ction, so the ver must e pssive. Remind students tht we use y if we wnt to identify the doer of the ction. You might wnt to go through the whole exercise efore sking students to write. is written y my rother. ws relesed yesterdy. 4 ws seen y severl people. 5 is grown in Thilnd. 6 were stolen from tht nk lst night. Remind students tht the words for mterils cn e either nouns (My g s mde of lether) or djectives (I ve got lether g). Ask students to red the text nd write the words for mterils. glss plstic cotton 4 metl 5 silver 6 gold Ask students to work on the trnsltions in pirs or smll groups, nd then discuss with the whole clss. Life nd culture Living in n interntionl world Led in Tsk Ask the question nd rinstorm with the clss to produce list of common ojects on the ord. Ask students wht they know out where these things were mde. Which of the ojects were mde in their country? Look t the pictures nd tell students tht the young womn s nme is Jonne. Ask them to sy wht she s doing in ech picture. Give students time to red through the text themselves. Red the text loud nd help with new voculry (for exmple, dvertises, silk ). Ask where sls dncing comes from (Cu). Note the pronuncition of the Irish nme Sen: /ʃɔn/. Ask questions to check comprehension, for exmple: How does Jonne get to work (By cr.) Wht s her jo? (She s clothes designer.) Is she successful? How do you know? (Yes, she is. Her cots re sold ll round the world.) Wht does she do efore dinner? (She tkes her dog for wlk.) Does she cook dinner on Sturdy? (No, she ets t resturnt.) Red out the questions or choose students to do so. Explin the mening of mnufctured. Students look t the text nd the illustrtions to find the nswers. They could do this individully or in pirs. When checking the nswers, sk students to sy them in full sentences. It comes from Colomi. It ws grown in Cnd. It ws produced in Frnce. 4 It ws mnufctured in Germny. 5 It ws mde in Kore. 6 It s imported from Itly. 7 It ws mde in Jpn. 8 Ntsh ws orn in Russi nd Sen ws orn in Irelnd. 9 They do sls/cun dncing. Where is it mde? 97

Grmmr check hve to/don t hve to, must/mustn t Work it out for yourself A Ask students to mtch the sentences with the pictures. Remind students tht must nd hve to hve the sme mening, ut mustn t nd don t hve to men two different things. B Picture A:,, 4 Picture B: Students mtch the sentences with the explntions. c (must) (don t hve to) c (hve to) 4 (mustn t). Students red the sentences nd choose the correct words. must mustn t hve to 4 hs to 5 mustn t 6 hs to. Look t the exmple. Mke it cler to the students tht they need to use the words in rckets in their sentences. Ask them to compre nswers with prtner efore you check with the whole clss. We don t hve to py. She doesn t hve to wer uniform. 4 They mustn t use moile phones in the clssroom. 5 They don t hve to work. 6 You mustn t red tht letter. should/shouldn t Work it out for yourself Look t the pictures nd sk: Wht s the prolem? (Tom s hurt his thum dly.) Students red the words spoken y Tom s mother nd his friend nd mtch them with sentences nd. Ask them to nswer questions nd to explin the difference etween must nd should. Picture (Hrry, Tom s friend) Picture (Tom s mother) Tom s friend Tom s mother Students complete the sentences to give good dvice. should shouldn t 4 shouldn t, should 5 shouldn t 6 should The pssive Work it out for yourself A Students look t sentences nd nd then mtch them with sttements c. Emphsise tht in sentence the suject is Kim nd she does the clening. In the suject is the cr, which is the receiver of the clening. We don t know who clens it. B, c Students mtch sentences nd with the explntions. You could remind them tht if we do wnt to mention who does the ction, we cn use y. (For exmple, The Prime Minister s cr is clened y his driver every week.). Look t the exmple. Point out tht here we use the present form of the pssive (not the pst) ecuse coffeegrowing in Keny hppens now, in the present time. Before students write, you could look t ll the vers in the exercise nd elicit the prticiple forms. Students write the sentences with the pssive form of the vers. They could work on this in pirs. The first helicopter ws uilt in 99. English is spoken ll over the world. 4 The eroplne wsn t invented in Britin. 5 When were the Pyrmids uilt? 6 When ws emil invented?. Look t the exmple. Ask students to identify the suject of the second sentence (it = Kelly s ike). Point out tht the ike didn t do the steling it ws stolen y n unknown person. Contrst this with sentence. Elicit the suject (he = Rick) nd mke it cler tht he did the ction he sold his guitr. Ask students to complete the other sentences with ctive or pssive vers. 98 Module 5 Review

4 Module 5 Review 99

When do you sy Good night? Wht s our word for Good evening? Wht do you sy in English if you wnt to find the post office? Wht do we sy? In shop, it isn t very polite to sy I wnt so wht do you sy? Wht do we sy? You could elicit some ides for other useful expressions, for exmple, words for How re you?, Thnks (very much), You re welcome, Tht s gret! Encourge them to think out whether there re different wys to sy the sme thing in their lnguge, nd whether the use is forml or informl. Ask students to write down expressions in their lnguge. Ask them to group together expressions tht re similr nd to think out wht order to put them in. Students mke short explntions in English for their expressions, following the situtions nd exmples in the Student s Book, sying when/where they re used. Encourge them to illustrte their text s they wish. Set time limit, llowing one to two weeks for work on the project. Some work my e done in clss nd some t home. Ask students to check their text efore they write finl version nd design their pge. 00 Module 5 Review

Gmes Twenty questions Choose prticulr ctegory (for exmple, countries, plces in town, outdoor ctivities, sports clothes, types of food). One student thinks of something in this ctegory nd the others hve to guess wht it is. They cn only sk yes/no questions nd they hve mximum of 0 questions tht they cn sk to guess the nswer. Tem quiz A tem quiz cn drw on students generl knowledge (with tems devising questions in the pst simple or the pssive, for exmple) ut it cn lso e used to prctise voculry (with tems providing definitions) or to test spelling or the recognition of numers. Divide the clss into tems of four or five students. Ech tem thinks of four questions using the trget lnguge to sk the other tems. In turn, ech tem reds out its questions, nnouncing the numer of ech one clerly. The other tems hve time limit of one minute to confer nd write down their nswer for ech question. When ll the questions hve een sked, ech tem psses their nswer sheet on to nother tem to mrk. In turn, they red out the nswers to the questions nd the sking tem confirms correct nswers or provides the correct nswer where necessry. Tems score point for ech correct nswer, nd the winning tem is the one with the highest totl t the end. If there is ny dispute out the correct nswers, you will need to djudicte. If tem gives n incorrect nswer for one of their own questions, they lose two points. Use the vers This tem gme is for revision of irregulr vers in the pst simple or irregulr pst prticiples. Divide the clss into two or three tems. Asking ech tem in turn, you sy n irregulr ver in the infinitive form. The tem scores one point if tem memer cn sy the ver in the trget form (pst simple or pst prticiple) nd two more points if they cn mke correct sentence using this form. One memer of the tem nswers ech time, ut cn consult riefly with neighour. Keep the scores on the ord. The tem with the most points t the end is the winner. Advers Divide the clss into two tems, A nd B. Memers of ech tem work together to think of six instructions using n ction nd n dver (for exmple, Dnce sdly. Ply tennis lzily. Write n emil slowly.). Ask them to write their instructions on seprte slips of pper nd fold them. A volunteer from Tem A tkes one of Tem B s instructions nd performs the ction in the mnner of the dver. The others in Tem A hve to try to guess wht he/she is doing (oth the ction nd the dver) in less thn one minute. Then it is Tem B s turn to pick one of Tem A s instructions, nd so the gme continues. You cn keep time. Record the times tht the tems tke to guess the nswers in two lists on the ord, nd cll Time s up! if they cn t guess within minute. The tem with the smllest time totl t the end is the winner. Informtion memory gme When students give informtion out themselves or report ck on their prtner fter speking ctivity, you cn use the informtion s the sis for memory gme. Ask numer of students to give their informtion nd tell everyone to listen crefully. Then divide the clss into tems. Tem A nd B students tke it in turns to sy true sentence reporting piece of informtion they herd. The student who gve the informtion cn sy whether the sentence is correct or not. If it is correct, the tem scores point. If it is incorrect or repets previous nswer, the tem gets nothing. Gmes 0

STEP Connections Wht s your nme? Do you live in Spin? 4 Where do you come from? 5 Wht re you doing in Spin? 6 Are you stying t the hostel? 7 Wht do you think of Brcelon? Hs / No, she hsn t. Are / Yes, there re. 4 Does / Yes, she does. 5 Is / No, she isn t. 6 Are / Yes, they re. 7 Do / Yes, they do. 8 Hve / No, they hven t. Check individul nswers. How re you? 4 I m fine, thnks. Jck, this is my friend Tin. 4 Nice to meet you, Tin. 4 Mum, this is my science techer, Mr Gry. How do you, do, Mr Gry? How do you do? 5 No Yes 4 Yes 5 No 6 Yes 7 Yes TAPESCRIPT KELLY: Ntlie, who s tht guy over there? NATALIE: Oh, he s my cousin. Come nd meet him Adm, this is my friend Kelly. Kelly, this is Adm. ADAM: Hello, Kelly. Nice to meet you. KELLY: Hi, Adm. You re Ntlie s cousin, right? ADAM: Yes, tht s right. KELLY: Do you live round here? ADAM: No, I don t. I live in Bristol. KELLY: Oh. So wht re you doing in London? ADAM: Well, I ve got holidy jo here, so I m stying with my uncle nd unt t the moment. KELLY: Oh, right. ADAM: Wht out you? Do you live here in London? KELLY: Yes, I do. I ws orn in Irelnd ut my fmily moved here four yers go. ADAM: And do you know Ntlie well? KELLY: Oh yeh. We re in the sme clss t school nd we re relly good friends Check individul nswers. 6 STEP STEP STEP Jpn French 4 Austrlin 5 Polnd 6 Americn 7 Itlin 8 Cnd 9 Spnish 0 Argentin lives in wlks to hs lunch likes rt Pris school t home Alice Louise Christine Nme of the girl in the photo: Louise lives work 4 isn t, go 5 doesn t ply/ loves (or) likes 4 my e in ny order. In picture A Peter nd Helen re plying chess, ut in picture B they re plying crds. In picture A Helen s wering glsses, ut in picture B she isn t wering glsses. In picture A Reecc s reding mgzine, ut in picture B she s looking t photos. In picture A it s rining, ut in picture B it isn t rining. In picture A the dog s eting, ut in picture B it s drinking. 5 re plying ets 4 isn t winning 5 s feeling 6 isn t wtching 7 doesn t like 8 wnts 9 s looking 6 Check individul nswers. technology, Erth ech other French-speking 4 over 5 Erth 6 technology 7 connect 8 communicte 9 worldwide 0 like Check individul nswers. Nivojski Pst pouk events Across Down 4 rgued cught 6 ought egn 8Nme rn wrote Tin Zlr 9Address went 5 stopped Ljuljnsk, Mrior 0Ntionlity left 7 tried Slovenin Age sw 9 ws 4 4Foreign sold lnguges took English, Germn 5Pen roke friends were from the UK, Austrli, Jpn, Spin Fvourite didn t sellsinger didn t Shkir tke 4 didn t go / wsn t 5 Fvourite didn t see film / didn t ctch Titnic6 didn t uy / weren t Hoies/sports volleyll, pinting 0 Workook key nd tpescripts